More LGBT content please

I will just boil it down to 2 simple notes:.

  1. If they add your “representation”, then I surely expect them to add 100’s of others from all across the world.
  2. If they actually decide to add that, I will blame you guys for taking dev team’s time and resources away from adding actually needed content to the game. While you can create your own stories and have guilds w/e it is you do, the vast majority of players want things to do. And we can’t create new raid.

People need to stop asking these things. Do you see players asking Blizzard to add heterosexual love stories/quest-lines in-game? Or the dungeon fight of Milhouse and his wife? That fight came out because blizz wanted to. The story telling should go in a way that makes sense.

I’m black and I’m not asking blizz to add more black characters in-game to feel some sort of inclusion.

We should ask for class balance, fun abilities and fun content.

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Your legal rights don’t oblige anyone to increase your “representation” in entertainment. I don’t want to see it. Most people don’t want to see it. You can call me whatever you want.

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Why would they be required to do do that after adding an female NPC with a wife but they aren’t already after adding everything the game already has? You’re setting LGBTQ up as somehow distinct and different but routinely failing to explain why.

EDIT: Reached my reply limit. This is what I get being sucked into forum drama when I’ve only been back in the game a week. Oh well. No one has given me an argument more elaborate then “Well I’m grossed out so everyone else must be too” so I think I’m done anyway.

Oh the privilege is strong with this one. The irony of someone telling others from a historically marginalized group to “sit down, shut up and go through life like the rest of us” when they ask to be recognized as human beings in all aspects of society is rich. You do realize what your suggesting has been the problem all along? Straight people have not had to “sit down and shut up” because their relationships and lives are represented EVERYWHERE and at all times. And I don’t even mind because they are the most numerous in our society. But, to tell LGBTQ+ people to “sit down and shut up” when we have literally been forced to do that since…well…forever is just…wow.


Very few. Wow isn’t a love story. Yes a few of the thousands of NPC’s over 17 years had a recognizable relationship. You see them everywhere, because every person on the planet (and Azeroth) have one thing in common. We all have one biological mother and father. Therefore it’s safe to assume that Anduin’s parents did the nasty at least once. Same for Thrall. Normal straight sex is implicitly referenced in every character we meet, but that’s just how the world is.

Great. The overall number doesn’t matter. If relationships exist in the game then I don’t see what’s wrong with requesting more than ONE for LGBTQ+ people. It is a very reasonable ask.

Because 99% of the world’s population are straight. Every person on the planet is the result of a normal sexual encounter. That’s how we reproduce.

Representing the reality that LGBTQ+ people and relationships exist somehow “destroys immersion” for you? Got it. Sounds like it’s actually YOUR issue and Blizzard doesn’t need to fix that for you.

I see what you did there. Disgusting. Why would anybody find the concept of ANYBODY burning in hell for eternity funny? Jesus certainly wouldn’t find that funny.

It isn’t unreasonable…

I’m super straight and my gender is one of the most discriminated against. I was born this way, yet many outside of the LGBTSS community can be quite brutal.

No no no

The person I was replying to has a history of making posts and will call anyone that doesn’t support what they say 100% a homophobe and has even done so to members of the LGBT community . They are either a troll trying to hurt the LGBT community or some one that demands that all must recognize them for being a member of the LGBT community.

You know what I want people to recognize me as ? It’s not for being a straight person but as a person . I am not special and don’t tell me I should recognize you just because you are x or y . The game is making strides in representation for that community and more will come in time . Trying to press the issue isn’t helping but actually hurting . You want me to recognize you then I will but only in the way I want to be recognized . Person to person .


I don’t care if gay people are in the game. I just don’t want them to add gay characters to the game just to point at them and say ‘Look, we added gay people’.

If they want to add gay characters to the game, all the power in the world to them. I just want them to be actual characters, rather than their entire character and personality being solely dependent on their sexuality.

And I raise this because I’ve seen plenty of characters in media who’s entire personality is “I’m gay!” or “I’m trans!” or “I’m minority!” without anything of substance there.

I want characters, not faux representation.

Why aren’t there duck mounts in wow?


LOL! As someone who is actually gay in real life this entire thread has been extremely entertaining so far. You guys all need to take a deep breath and chill. If its a Bait thread or what ever you call it thats kind of in poor taste. If its sincere great, it was a just a genuine question. Honestly i thought it was nice to see a gay couple portayed obviously but at the end of the day i personally couldnt give a rats butt if they added more lgbt characters or not. I play wow for enjoyment and the magic and fantasy themes to relax. Sure if they added more gay characters cool. No different to adding any other new character for whatever reason. At the end of the day its just gonna be some sort of quest line. Its not gonna affect any aspect of game play. And if they dont also cool. I dont get why its exploding into such a big deal. I see both sides of the arguement and both are valid. When all is said and done its just a game.


No an even better question .

Why are there not High Ducks (the Mallar’dorei) in WoW?



Because it is a political move. Simple as that. So that Buzzfeed college dropouts can start writing articles about it. I am not asking them for bears riding on unicycles or heavy german accept race that exert domination. Or a leader who is short with a hand tucked into his jacket around his chest.
I fail to understand you desire to be represented. While I specifically stated exactly why I don’t want this to be added in my comment above, and it has nothing to do with my personal believes, I simply cannot understand your desire to be present. You tell me WHY it is SOOOOOOOOOO crucial for a gay couple. Just why? And what about religions and cultures that don’t approve of such concept? Why does YOUR desire outweigh theirs. WoW is world-wide game with communities all around the globe. So, tell me why.

No…you don’t notice straight couples because it is so commonplace in our society. You do realize you are proposing the classical “slippery slope” strawman argument, don’t you? It’s cute you don’t even realize what an obvious trope it has become. First, Christianity and Autism are not good examples to be paired together in your argument. One is the majority of the population and the other is not. As such, one is overrepresented in society and the other is not. Should there be more representation of Autistic people in entertainment media in our society? Absolutely. Why? Because there is very, very little as it is. Should there be an Autistic character in ALL of entertainment media regardless of context? Of course not, that would be absurd. So you see, your assertion that representation of a minority group in some media means that it must be requested of ALL media, is equally absurd.

I think that is an honorable request. In my view, the recent addition to Shadowlands that the OP mentions does just that.

You are correct, legal rights don’t oblige anyone to increase our representation. But you know what they do accomplish? People like you can’t unjustly exclude us in many spheres of society either. :smile: You can’t make it so that I can’t marry the person I love or have me fired from my job for the same. I know it must just bug the s#$t out of you that you can’t continue to do those things. I would even venture to guess that Blizzard management can’t deliberately tell their gay developers and story writers to exclude gay representation from the game…unless they want to get sued and lose. Enjoy.