More eye color options for death knights please

I was curious (and went to Acherus: The Ebon Hold) and noticed she’s the Unholy DK Trainer (at the time), yet her eyes are red.

The one who taught Blood, had gray eyes, but they look like normal eyes compared to Lady Alistra.

So you can’t make the point, and just throw out a quip instead. Got it.

You missed the last half of that sentence, and the one that followed it. It was all one point.

So were the San’layn, and Dark Rangers, but they don’t have a blue eye glow. Being raised by Arthas does not alone = blue eyes. It’s just a specific trait that all Death Knights have.

It doesn’t, until there are major lore events like the Night Warrior. Nothing else makes sense until then.

Except for the fact that zero lore Death Knights deviate from this, and there’s a lone, un-addressed example in the entire game. That’s implied storytelling. You don’t keep that kind of consistency if there’s six variants, and just never mention them.

Source hunty?

I would say pot, kettle, but you’re just refusing the obvious in front of you like it’s a valid tactic and not making you look ridiculous.

There’s not a single citation for this. No Death Knight in lore has even been noted in any way as having a different color, and in the entire game there’s a single exception to this who has their racial eye glow instead. As I’ve already said, that kind of consistency isn’t an accident.

If there was actually a line, or citation on that page that confirmed she was a Death Knight all you would have to do is point it out instead of making these little digs. But it’s not there. It’s a fan page that calls her a Death Knight trainer, and misreading that line is the best you have.

You got proof for that?


This guy. Horsemen are explicitly death knights. Green eyes.

Also Alistra uses the death knight click voices. Name one single npc wearing the DK armor AND having DK voice lines who is explicitly in the lore not a death knight. You cannot deny her existence as a death knight. And as a death knight with red eyes she is an example of lore in noted of death knights with different e ye colours.

As is the horseman. As is the many, MANY with the dull eye options. And you have no evidence that the lack of glow is an engine limitation rather than a design choice.

` this guy has his racial yellow eyes. He is wearing death knight exclusive armor and uses the death knight voice clicks.

` explicitly a death knight with NO eyes at all.

` an ORC death knight with the dull eyes. He does not have the tattoos that the others have. So why is his eyes dull? Because death knights can have dull eyes. He too is wearing DK armor and speaks with dk voice lines.

All of those from the briefest of tours of archeus. I’m still waiting for your proof which you haven’t given.

Which means you’ve lost this debate. I have given hard evidence of death knights with variant eyes. You’ve given nothing stating they can’t. By the rules of debate I win.


You have been proven wrong, multiple times, and conversely, have failed to proved to provide any strict utterance that Death Knights cannot have non-blue eyes.

“That may be pointing at soemthing that looks like a baseball field but you didn’t specifically point out a very particular blade of grass, therefore your argument is invalidated. Checkmate.”

rubs temples

What do you gain from any of this, aside from contempt and mockery?

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Not all Desth Knights.

There doesn’t need to be a major lore event for eye colors. Especially when NPCs exist. Especially when Maldraxxus exists.

You’re making up rules that don’t exist off of “implied?” :face_with_raised_eyebrow: Sure. Whatever.

Exactly. There isn’t a single citation for DKs 100% having blue flaming eyes.

For years we didn’t have flames and now we do. And now we have black eyes. If they can suddenly turn flaming and we can suddenly have black eyes, there’s no argument to be had here against it.

No. It’s a cited and referenced page.

We don’t actually see this character’s eyes, so it’s arguable that that’s helm glow. He’s also a Dark Rider, and not a Horseman in the way that you’re referring to him (i.e. The Four Horsemen). Whether or not Dark Riders are Death Knights is unclear, given that they live separately in the Realm of Shadows, which is in the Veil between reality and the Shadowlands. We don’t have much information on them.

This isn’t about me providing another example. You want to make the claim that she is a Death Knight, but we have zero lore or confirmation of that. Generic voice lines are not lore. I can, and will continue to deny that she is a valid example until such proof exists.

This was a known limitation. And it doesn’t hold up that it would be a specific design intention for them to not have eye glows, as that’s been directly contradicted by official artwork of these characters that would have been produced at more or less the same time.

Whitemane’s Hearthstone card:

Cover art from Thassarian’s graphic novel:

Thassarian has an eye glow throughout his entire graphic novel once he becomes a Death Knight.

He also uses Undead Male sound files. An unconfirmed case, at best. This NPC could certainly go either way, either an oversight like Eran Droll, or an intentional Forsaken placement given that Acherus is full of various undead, and he’s placed right along side an abomination, zombie (only EPL), and ghoul vendors. Personally I lean towards the latter.

I thought this discussion was about alternate eye glows, not the fact that your eyes obviously can’t glow if you don’t have any. What an odd tanget.

That is the old orc tattooed face. :man_facepalming:

Once again, you rely heavily on misreading. The following lines made that point clear. To reword it for you: there’s no one citation for it because there are no verified examples to the contrary. The evidence is the implied storytelling when dozens upon dozens of characters don’t deviate from the rule. Banking on just 2-3 unexplained NPCs who have zero lore attached to them makes for a very poor case.

I’ll go ahead and note here that you claimed there were “literally 2 or 3 from wrath with red eyes,” but couldn’t provide them when asked.

I haven’t. You’re just taking victory laps over things that are either disproven, or have dubious merit. Let’s just appreciate that at this point your entire argument hinges on two NPCs that have no lore or lore relevance with their racial eye glows, and one NPC with no lore that shares her specific eye glow exclusively with another type of undead.

My gain is hopefully you learning from this discussion, but you seem more inclined to just make snide remarks than actually discuss or read what is being written.

You analogy doesn’t even match what’s going on here. You linked a page and implied that proved your point. It doesn’t prove your point, and you’ve done nothing but make insults since that was made apparent. Like I said before, if there were an actual line or citation on the page making your point, you would have simply referenced it by now instead of making petty digs.

In short, neither you or the page have a real point.

Yes, a major lore event is necessary to explain why the power that was imparted to us when we were raised is suddenly changing. That’s not something that happens on a whim.

Can you explain why you keep saying Maldraxxus changes this?

Are you… actually trying to say that implied storytelling isn’t a thing?

That’s a game change, not a lore change.

That is not suddenly. :man_facepalming:

That happened as a direct result of a lore event. We didn’t just roll around to a Wednesday, and bam, black eyes with no explanation. There’s an entire storyline leading up to why we can have black eyes.

The wiki is a flexible, user-editable web-based database of information made up entirely of user contributions

It’s a user-editable wiki. That’s a fan page.

Regardless, the page is pointless and doesn’t help the cause being claimed. The only notable thing about her page is just how little there is. We know next to nothing about this character.

Hearthstone is not considered canon. Otherwise we’d have worgen with tails.

Source. What is causing the “limitation” with the orc without tattoos???

No he does not you’re thinking of another undead nearby who is wearing cloth armor.

This isn’t a player option however. I’d love a no eye options.

There is zero tattoos on that face. Only scars.

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Also, could we get more eye color options for Draenei, Lightforged Draenei, Dark Iron Dwarves & Nightborne, as well? These races only have one single eye color, and it’s not locked to a class. The only time Lightforged Draenei & Dark Iron Dwarves eye colors change is being a DK. There’s barely an eye color difference with Draenei & Nightborne.

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No. It isn’t.

Thanks for proving my point.

And when it’s cited and referenced with official Blizzard information, it’s factual lore.

LOL whatever.

There needs to be more eye options for DKs. Especially no flames. Because they’re stupid.

Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa…


It would be really cool if DK eye color matched their specialization.

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You have yet to disprove anything, so more projecting there.

Here’s the thing, that makes this whole thing silly and you look ridiculous, you don’t get to decide what’s lore and what’s not. You argument boils down to “Nuh-uh”.

Everyone: brings up multiple examples

You: I declare those non-Lore.

Everyone: … I don’t think you know what “Lore” means.

Learning a whole lot about what to avoid to not make a fool of myself, so there’s that.

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Jesus, this entire thread is like, yikes.

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You’re just saying that cause you got no eyes to make glowy. :stuck_out_tongue:

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gasp I have fel eyes, and I meant yikes because all the arguing. Unless that was for Xaku lel.

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It’s an unaltered version of the character. Worgen tails are a pretty poor comparison, given that there’s a single card with a tail out of 40 some odd cards.

There’s no Blizzard post to this. Just the fact that it was known that the facial tattoo models used by cultists were not able to also use additional eye glows. That orc is the corresponding cultist model, call it a scar if you want.

Yes he does. Both versions of Alchemist Karloff have Death Knight and Undead Male sound files.

It is a player option for Forsaken, but not Death Knights, unfortunately. I see no issue with expanding it to Death Knights, and any race at that.

That doesn’t prove you point at all. It was an aesthetic game change, and the lore wasn’t affected by the change. New colors would be a lore change.

Sure, if the citation is there, but that’s kinda the point I keep getting at about her page. There’s no reference or citation to the “she’s a Death Knight” claim, and there’s barely any citation at all. Her page has her quotes from EPL, her Gargoyle/Val’kyr swap dialogue, two patches noted when she was added to the Wrath and Legion files, and there’s a link to a quest where she has a single line of background dialogue. She doesn’t even have a reference section on her page, nor does she have a class listed in her bio, unlike most characters. Almost like the latter was left blank because it can’t be sourced, or proven.

That’s why the page is pointless. It’s provided literally nothing to the discussion.