More eye color options for death knights please

Those aren’t eyes hon. Those are empty sockets infused with fel.

If it’s a known fact should be easy to source.

Yep. It does.

Nope. They exist and even Bolvar is proof that the power doesn’t always have to affect eye color.

If we can have NPCs already without flaming blue, and Nelfs with black eyes (because there’s zero story about why DKs can have them), then we can have characters with non flaming blue, red or green.

It all comes down to this: you want to die on your hill, we want to die on our hill, so we’re at an impasse. :kissing_heart:

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There is no explicit lore but the implicit lore is that the night warrior reitual and elunes people is so immense that it can override death knight transformations. But it clearly doesn’t take away or change their abilities at all. It also seems it cannot repair the missing eyes of demon hunters however.

Death knight eye glow currently clips through most helms.

cries meanie

I just made an unholy dk and am pretty bummed I can’t have green eyes. Just WHY? Red would be awesome, too. And they just gave a ton of races the blind options. Why are DKs still left with no options for eyes? My undead can’t even have hollow sockets which would have looked AWESOME for an undead unholy DK. Super disappointed.

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I thought if your toon was an Elf you could change your eye color to Dark Ranger glowing red eyes. Can you apply this effect if you are an Elf Death Knight? I only have Dwarf and Gnome Death Knights because they’re so cute!

No we can’t . That’s why I made a thread for it a few days ago

I’m sorry I am not subscribed to your channel.

What ? I’m saying I made a post in the forums about this a few days ago .

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