More eye color options for death knights please

Yes. Because it’s literally the same freaking glow of the Lich King’s.

Death Knights received revamped eye glowsquite recently in Patch 8.3, to look closer to the Lich King’s eyes.

What a silly thing to argue.


No. Blue eyes are a specific part of our lore, and that shouldn’t be changed without additional lore reasons for other things to exist. As of right now, Night Warrior eyes are the only lore exception.

And there’s only a single confirmed Death Knight NPC in game with alternate eye colors, but it’s a Night Elf with their racial eye glow (on the Broken Shore). So that’s very easy to see as a simple oversight. No other confirmed Death Knight examples exist. Lady Allithra isn’t a valid example until we find out if she’s an actual Death Knight, as we have literally zero lore on her, and her eyes are only shared with Dark Rangers. The Death Knight NPCs who have no eye glow are a result of older system limitations that prevented the tattooed faces from having eye glows for whatever reason; these NPCs (Whitemane, Thassarian, etc.) do have their blue eye glow in official artwork.

Every justification for this request is heavily rooted in misconceptions, and ignores the lore already in place.


Yes it is silly to argue.

Why do you think they needed a revamp to look closer to the Lich King’s eyes 3 patches in at the end of the xpac? Player qq to “look more like LK”.

The quote was

It’s to emulate the power, not his eyes. Was Sindragosa’s eyes, limbs, wings, body meant to emulate the LK’s eyes? That icy blue is in the mouths and chests of those undead after Sindy does her fly by.

If they were meant to look like the LK’s it wouldn’t have took 3 patches and major qq to make it happen. The intent was to show the “death magic” in the new hero class. The eyes were the easiest placement on all races.

They didn’t “need” it. People asked for it as an option, because they wanted to look like Arthas. There were topics about it from time to time of people asking for it. Just like these topics.

Blizz had to completely revamp the graphics for ALL glowing eyes to get this done.

… so now you’re going to argue semantics? Really? :roll_eyes::woman_facepalming:t4:

Yeah, I’m so done with this nonsense.



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I know I’m a rebel for saying this but I think ALL races/classes/genders should have the same eye colors, hair colors, and skin colors available. Maybe even the same hairstyles too! Why not?

Honestly the nightborn… glow up ha-ha… okay sorry anyways the nightborn second pass made me wanna go back to nightborn on Vel here but I resisted temptation cuz Vulpera are just too adorable.

So happy y’all got your squinty eyes and hand glow!

Ooo I need to work on revendreth so I can get some red eyes (hopefully). I am VAMPIRE!

I kind of disagree just because I like that this is a side effect of becoming a death knight.

There’s no choice in the matter, just like there’s no choice when you are raised by the Lich King.

Most of the time I’m pro customisation but in this case not so much. Same with the Forasken eye colour change.

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There are literally 2 or 3 from wrath with red eyes and countless from vanilla and a handful from wrath with pale/glowless eyes.

She wears death knight armor and has the death knight voice and trains death knights.

No reason to limit us.

Lore can be changed this is some of the weakest and flimsiest lore excuse against new customization. There is nothing explicitly in game that says “death knights can only have blue eyes ever”. Your “lore” is mostly assumptions. And weak and flimsy lore can easily be changed in the name of rule of cool. I am 105% sure that blizzard isn’t against this addition for lore reasons. You care more about lore than blizzard does. Every expansion tends to radically retcon past expansions. This is such a minor tiny thing. Such a small hill to die on.

The blue is just the power. But the whispy “leaking” effect is directly based off the helm of dominion effect.


Except not all Death Knights have them. There’s one with red eyes and others with no glow.

There’s nothing that says you couldn’t still feel that way. Your raising created the blue flaming eyes. Maybe my character’s raising caused blue with no flames and someone else was like the Blood Elf NPC who was raised and has red eyes.

Night Elf DKs with black eyes would like to say hello. :wink:


Where does that link confirm that she’s a Death Knight? At best, you could misread the sentence that says she’s a “Death Knight trainer;” aka she trains Death Knights, not that she is a Death Knight and a trainer. We’ve had Amal’thuzad the lich as our Frost trainer just as long as Alistra, making the point that she doesn’t have to be a Death Knight to train us.

Then cite these other red eyed Death Knights, please.

Vanilla mobs are generally going to fall outside the bounds of this discussion because they aren’t Gen III Death Knights like the player, and they are early concepts compared to what the player characters and Death Knights eventually became (no hints of our specs or anything). Vanilla Naxx had Death Knights using sword and board, yet that’s distinctly not a feature of the class, etc.

Go ahead and cite the pale eyes as well, please. The ones without glow have already been addressed as the tattooed face limitation who have the glow in official artwork.

The saronite armor is worn by more than just Death Knights, and as I already pointed out above, she doesn’t need to be a Death Knight herself in order to train us.

Customizations need to fit within the lore of the world, or else the fantasy part of the world may as well not exist. :man_shrugging:

You never assume something can’t be done just because the story doesn’t explicitly tell you can’t happen. That’s the dumbest way to justify almost anything.

“The lore hasn’t explicitly told us that I can’t fly purely through the power of farts, therefore I demand this be added as a customizable mount!”

“The lore hasn’t explicitly said that I can’t reverse gravity if I just snap my fingers and clap my hands to the tune of Never Gonna Let You Down, so it must be possible!”

No, what you actually do is take the rules of the world that the story does tell you, and you either confirm, or make educated guesses at what can be done within those rules. Magic has rules in this world, and our Death Knights’ eyes are one of the representations of that. Lightforged Draenei and Dark Iron don’t get other eye glows either outside of Death Knights - it’s literally linked to their origins and who they are. Death Knights are no different.

What assumptions have I made?

Who said anything about dying on this hill? And here I thought I was the one who was supposedly making assumptions.

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I don’t play DK the class fantasy doesn’t really… appeal to me, but my friends who do have long held that they should have dif colors specifically citing class trainers w dif color eyes… so idk why they shouldn’t get those options

Also didn’t DKs lose visual uniqueness w their exclusive hair colors being shared? As a BE fan I get losing visual uniqueness and its important to people, so giving some added options to offset that would be imo appreciated I am sure.

Was green one of the requests for DK? I know iirc my friends who play DK have said red is one some of the trainers, blue obviously already the default

I always envied the DK eye glow though

Side note but also the AR DKs don’t have access to the undead skin tones for (?) I have no idea why, only VE DKs benefitting from the sharing they got from BEs seem to also have the full array of undead options, LF Draenei for example only have 7 options for DK just like if you chose Paladin but no added undead ones


Then it might as well not exist because blizzard has very very little interest in the integrity of their own lore. But this “change” will hardly damage the lore considering you made it up

You ever play monkl? You 100% CAN fly through the power of farts.

Thanks for the bumpbs I guess.

Arthas raised people before World of Warcraft existed.

She was still raised by Arthas.

And this does fit to have non-flaming blue eyes and red eyes and green eyes. When Night Elf DKs can have black eyes, every argument falls apart. When Maldraxxus exists, it also again falls apart.

And you never assume something can’t be done just because you think it can’t. That’s also a dumb way to justify things.

And people raised by Arthas don’t all have blue flaming eyes.

And nowhere in the story does it tell us that DKs absolutely 100% must have flaming blue eyes.

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This legit caused me pain to read.


I don’t mind more eye colors. Shoot, give me pink eyes, to match my pink hair :heartpulse:


Ooo undead can have pink eyes, why not dks?


I LOVE the pink eyes


New item for Jewellers: Contact Lens.
Requires a gem the same colour as you want your eyes.