More eye color options for death knights please

Cool. Good to know the entire WoW player base is full of a bunch of bullies who go out of their way to nonstop bully and pick on one person.

Not the entire player base. I said they should wear helmets, but no one listens to me :stuck_out_tongue:

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And yet Arthas was active and still making Death Knights through the events of Wrath of the Lich King. Wrath of The Lich King came AFTER TBC, which proves me right once again.

See I actually know my lore 100% and do my research, the vast majority of those who argue with me are making posts along the line of what you just did. You said “In Theory” and “I think”. And I also proved you wrong anyhow even if you were stating it as fact.

Go play WC2 and see how you can actually play as a red eyed Death Knight. Read the little booklet that comes with the game and see how it explains the lore of those Death Knights and makes zero mention of Arthas. Arthas was not even created in any existing Blizzard lore when the original Death Knights came out. He was created 2002. Death Knights were created 1995. The 1995 version had red eyed Death Knights… once again further proof that me saying the red eyed DKs existed in lore long before Arthas is FACT.

Arthas was made into a Death Knight in Warcraft III - additional Death Knights are in the Warcraft 3 multiplayer and I believe there is lore to say that some Death Knights were made prior to BC by Arthas - Naxx 40 Death Knights come to mind.

You’re argument was that all Death Knights made after Arthas had the blue eyes… correct?

Anyways, green eyes for unholy, red for blood, purple for shadow and ember for Bolivar of broken dreams.

No glow options and regular race eyes options.

Hope to see it all for DKs since they’re ridiculously limited for no actual reason.


The playable DK is third generation, which is yes DKs raised by Arthas. Panda and allied race DKs are fourth generation, raised by Bolvar.

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Well, to play devil’s advocate there is a reason. It’s this reason from the Wrath cinematic:

It’s the color of magic we were raised with.

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Yeah but since it’s a dumb and entirely arbitrary no longer important reason, I’ve elected to ignore it.

(this is a joke.)


No. They don’t. You’ve been proven wrong on this already.

Where were you called names? And yes, you’re going to get insulted when you keep trying to shut down discussions and tell people to go somewhere else.

Yes you should.



No one cares what two unofficial places say.


Your headcanon isn’t factual lore.


You don’t have any facts. You’ve posted ZERO sources. I posted one, though. You ignored it.

Who cares? That doesn’t mean people can’t ask. This was a poor attempt.

Yes you should.

No you aren’t. Because you’ve given ZERO SOURCES.

NPCs do.

Night Elf DKs would like to say hello.

Arthas raised those elves.


You don’t get to play victim here.

Post your actual source that says DKs can never have a different eye color, after NPCs do and Nelfs do, or else you ARE wrong.

That’s not proof of anything, since the Quel’dorei that have red eyes WERE RAISED BY ARTHAS.

You either post official sources (not some YouTube bs) from Blizz that says they only will ever have blue eyes or you don’t have an argument here.

You have zero proof given.

You’re the one demanding people.stop posting and yelling at them while proof. You don’t get to play victim.

Blood Elf DK trainer in Acherus.

Learn what bullying is. Pushing back against your attitude isn’t bullying. Go read back over how you demanded people not post here and maybe understand.

The cinematic shows his power flowing through the Scourge, sure. But doesn’t mean all DKs can only have blue eyes. I can find no factual lore stated that says DKs must only ever have blue eyes. Especially when we can make Nelf DKs with black eyes and there’s a Belf DK trainer with red eyes.

And the only thing the lore says about eyes is this:

Most death knights resemble their living selves, though pale and with an unholy light that illuminates their eyes. Others may lack the eye illumination and have tattoos decorating their faces.

Honestly, I’d just be fine if I had the choice to not have blue flames. :woman_shrugging:t4:


Our new eyes are so potent it goes past post helmets.

Demon hunters can’t because they don’t have eyes. Death knights however CAN.

Says the person who is trying to deny new customization options on flimsy lore w f.hile posting on a blue eye’d blood elf.

How is there a red eye’d blood elf and night elf death knight if all the OG death knights were orcs? Arthas became a death knight during the third war and raised others as some appeared in vanilla with red or dull eyes. Who raised the red eye’d blood elf dk trainer? How were they created before arthas?

Yes please.


When arthas first became a DK his eye’s didn’t change. It didn’t change until he put on the helmet.

Back before we got increased customisation it sorta made sense. But DKs should’ve gotten some love.

And some of the DKs logically raised by arthas have red eyes and dull eyes.

That’s the OG reason but no reason to keep it that way.

Even if this was a thing (It’s not) this would be one of the smallest retcons blizzard has done in the name of rule of cool. Blood elves getting blue eyes back was a retcon. Playable Draenei as eredar was a MASSIVE retcon. The lore doesn’t really matter ultimately. It doesn’t stop a suggestion like this because it’s easy and minor to change.


Eh… I wouldn’t go that far. But there’s no reason we can’t have eye color options when we’ve got Nelf DKs with black eyes.

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No they weren’t.

With that said I do support green and red as an option.

Yes. More options please.


More eye colors should be available for death knights. It lets the player plug into various fantasies, customize their look to suit their preferences, is available on NPCs and therefore lore friendly… and looks good.

Cult of the damned tattoo options would also be welcomed.


nah its not against the eula
thats not proof this is proof

Nightborne hand glow.
/mic drop


Uh… yes they were. That was the entire reason we got these new stupid flaming eyes.

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The helm is broken now so no argument matters anymore.

That said… we have flaming eye options now?

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No. It literally represents the power he uses to raise undead as seen in the xpac’s cinematic.


Guys … I did it … I gave my Death Knight green eyes …
Through the unholy transmog power of Maldraxxus …

Now if only I could keep them when I take off my helmet …