You’re a troll because you blatantly make false claims about lore, then refuse to back them up, then say "JUST CASE NPCS HAVE IT DOESN’T MEAN YOU SHOULD’ nonsense.
You shouldn’t speak for anyone, especially Death Knight players who want customization.
Otherwise, they should take away your blue eyes given Blood Elf eyes only recently changed.
Wouldn’t you know it but lore evolves.
So you’re wrong by all accounts and yeah, trolling at this point, because everything you spout out is utter nonsense. Objectively.
No one asked for everything. And there’s nothing lore breaking about the colors.
You have yet to give any source for this:
And guess what? I did look it up. This is all it says about eye color:
Most death knights resemble their living selves, though pale and with an unholy light that illuminates their eyes. Others may lack the eye illumination and have tattoos decorating their faces.
Then tell me when in the lore that DKs have red eyes in World of Warcraft lore, that is a genral DK, cannon lore and something that a player could actually be. Where. Probably because you are all Sylvanas fans and want red eyes just like here.
Make a suggestion to Blizzard about this, make a YT vid about this… if not… kinda goes to show that you actually do not want this… also never seen any of you posting on the Alpha and Beta threads about this topic… you know, the one place where blues actually read and engage with us and a change actually could be made.
lol no i want red eyes , green eyes , white eyes , pink eyes , purple eyes because it would make most sense . it has nothing to do with sylvanas at all LOL
also the before arthas you were referring to was
The original death knights were created for Orgrim Doomhammer by Gul’dan as powerful soldiers of the Horde. These death knights were created by placing the souls of the slain warlocks of the Shadow Council into the corpses of fallen Stormwind knights , the first of whom was Teron Gorefiend. Unlike modern death knights of the Scourge, these ghoulish fiends were not battle-hardened warriors; they were insidious necromancers who possessed superior intellect and tremendous magical power.
there for necromancers and magic it make sense to have colored eyes for said magic .
No. I said that there are none that players can be. I already said more than once that NPCs can do it. Then gave an example of how just because an NPC can do it, does not mean that a player can or should even if they can.
That point is 100% valid. You and I both know that there is a near 0% chance that ANY blue or ANY single person who works with Blizzard is ever going to see this thread.
You are wasting your time here by posting about a topic that has been brought up countless times with zero hint of a change, then go around calling me a troll simply because I am not going to agree with what you say.
I do not agree with you. I never will. Nothing that you can do or say will ever make me agree with you.
And also back at you with this one…
Because this very same exact topic has been brought up multiple times before and shut down every time. You think you’re the first player who has asked for this? Blizzard has shown ZERO interest in making this happen. I have never even seen a single blue mention anything about changes to DKs eyes even when being asked for well over a decade now. They obviously don’t want to do it, so let it go.
Edit: And here. I saw you typing but you stopped. As I said before, you and I both know you will never ever have a chance of a blue seeing this thread here. No one who works for Blizzard is ever going to see this thread.
You would be posting right there right now about this very topic if you truly wanted this.
Willing to bet you will not, which is actual proof that you do not want this and are just posting here to make a scene.
K ignoring this thread. You actually want this… you’ll be posting it in the PTR where an actual blue and possibly some content creators can see the post and get the idea spread for an actual change. No one who can do anything about it is ever going to come here and view this thread. You know that which is why you are here. PTR is there for a reason. Utilize it.
Nope. Not letting it go. Agreeing to disagree that your ‘points’ are garbage.
More eye colors for DKs for the players!
More topics people said would never happen but happened:
Vanilla WoW!
More class/Race combinations!
Playable dragons!
More Death Knights (Allied Races)!
Topics talked about on GD that actually happened!
High elf customization!
Roleplay barrier potions!
Cross faction play!
More customization pushback after they said ‘no’!
Straight back orcs!
I honestly don’t care what you have to say anymore because everything you spout is utter nonsense! Welcome to the ignore list with the other toxic trolls!
You can’t be serious. You need to be in Alpha and Beta for forum access, genius.
How’d that turn out for SL?
You have absolutely no argument here.
So backpedaling and proving they exist. How much further into this hole going to bury yourself?
You absolutely are. Stop caring if someone posts an idea here. Mute it if you don’t like it.
Then go stomp your feet somewhere else. You’re done here with nothing else to add.
By pretentious posters like you, not by Blizzard. There’s nothing wrong with this thread. You don’t get to decide who posts what threads and try to force people to not post them.
More condescending dismissal.
A PTR forum is for PTR testing. Not customization option ideas. Maybe read what that forum is for before you try to throw people somewhere they shouldn’t be.
This isn’t about something on PTR, genius.
To test the PTR, not post random wants. My god, I can’t believe you’re acting this obtuse.
I think they actually support us but pretending to be contrarian in order to get it to stay at the top and more likely get dev attention. Or maybe I am utterly convinced of people’s better nature.
Didn’t bliz explicitly say no about blue eye’d blood elves and “natural” skins for void elves? thats a bit ironic for you to be saying any of this. Thanks for bumping I guess.
Because in actual cannon lore, the Death Knights all have blue eyes as it is the power given directly to them from Arthas by the Lich. The blue eyes are from that power source and cannot be removed or changed according to lore. You people keep insulting me and calling me names, yet you cant even get the most basic of lore. The new Death Knights are also under a Lich King named Bolvar and he also gives them all blue eyes by e the power of The Frozen Throne as he is now the new Lich King. I am so sorry that none of you are capable of actually finding this out for yourselves or how none of you were able to get that Blizzard actually has a solid lore reason for having Death Knight eyes stay blue but that is what it is. if you cant handle it… no one makes you play a Death Knight. Cant handle the blue eyes? Make something else.
Now. Go learn lore. Blizzard has said why they have blue eyes, the ingame lore stats it, Youtube content creators have stated why, Google has said why, WoW devs have said why, forum posters have said why, Blizzard books have stated why. Not my fault none of you know the lore.
Im not a troll just because I am stating an irrefutable fact.
And then this
That is an absolute FACT. Not a troll simply for stating a fact that you do not like. There have been ZERO statements from Blizzard stating that they are thinking about changing the Death Knights eye colors. Like I said before, LEARN THE LORE. None of you know it which is why threads like these keep getting made. Less than a dozen people even posted on this thread in support of this… shows how much… the masses actually want this.
Bolvar is much weaker than Arthas and does not have the power to change the free will and eye color of any of the new Death Knight and so they retain the eye color from the Frozen Thorne with zero of Bolvars influence other than his guidance.
I am stating a FACT. You think I am wrong and that Death Knights CAN have other eye colors now currently? Then go make one that doesnt have those eyes and show me.
And also again at this…
Kit saying I am a troll simply because I said Death Knights with red eyes came before Arthas in the lore…um… go play Warcraft 2 on a Death Knight… then come back to me.
I am doubting that you know this, but WC2 took place before Arthas was ever a Death Knight. Those Death Knights were created by Gul Dan and the Shadow Council. They had the red eyes as they were the energy and mixed souls from the red eyed Necolytes.
They were then brought back into battle as red eyed Death Knights, those from BEFORE ARTHAS as I have already said had red eyes. The Death Knights created by Gul’dan all had red eyes. Every Death Knight created After does not and cannot according to the lore.
And again. not my fault that none of you posters here know the lore. All you can do instead is resort to name calling me and calling me a troll simply because the truth I stated is not the truth you wanted to hear.
Im right, your wrong. Go learn lore. And read this entire post to LEARN some actual lore
Calling me a troll for saying that the Death Knights with red eyes came from before Arthas… Which is now against the new EULA calling someone that just for the sake of doing so.
Oh didnt I mention about Gul’Dan and the Death Knights and how the first ones had red eyes because they got their power from a different source?
Just a click away on the internet to prove me right yet again and to prove you wrong once more. The first Death Knights who were created by Gul’dan had the red eyes because they had the souls of the red eyed Necrolytes put into the bodies of fallen soldiers of Stormwind.
100% of everything that I have said here cam be verified. Odd how you and other harass me non stop and call me a troll only for stating pre established lore from Blizzard that you chose not to agree with because that is what best fits your agenda.
You all ganged up on me simply because I stated the truth about the lore and you did not agree with it.
In theory - Teron Gorefiend who remade himself into a Warcraft 2 Death Knight in the Burning Crusade came after Arthas - but I think he’s the only one.