More eye color options for death knights please

It’s not lore breaking… elves have been shown to have magic affecting their eyes.

The lich king’s helmet is now shattered. Forever.

There’s more reasons now than ever to give DKs eye color options. No, it wouldn’t be lorebreaking.

You’re a blood elf with blue eyes. They said the eyes would ‘never change’. Well, you’re proof of that being wrong.

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red glow for death knights. green, orange.


so you’re a troll, good to know.


That’s mutated troll to you! (agreed)


The Dks still have blue eyes according to lore because the same exact power that Arhas used to reanimate the Death Knights that gave them their blue eyes is still there even with his defeat. That is a lore fact. Look it up.

Not a troll just because I say something you dont like.

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Guess we all collectively dreamed an NPC that exists in game.


^ My reaction when people don’t realize the helm has literally shattered in Shadowlands, and different magics can change eye color, and lore is constantly evolving, so we could easily have more eye colors on DKs.

And that there’s literally non-lichfire-DK eyes already. In lore. Already. Right there. :upside_down_face:

Single-eye-color nonsense is over. DKs need more eye colors.

Edit: She even existed in WRATH… soooo.


how do you get your pretty glasses?

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They’re a really really really rare drop as a cata recipe x.x

I bought mine off of the AH a while ago because it’s so incredibly rare. They are now actual transmog though ^^ So only need to buy once for the entire account.


How?!?! there are literal death knight npcs with red eyes and glowless eyes. Don’t think any with green or purple eyes but that’s hardly a stretch.


Those with the red eyes are from before Arthas in lore.

Every DK since Arthas and even after his death all have blue eyes.

There are currently DK NPCs with the non-flaming blue eyes and red eyes.

Well that’s false. Arthas is the one who raised the Scourge elves.


I’d prefer it if DKs could have eyes that didn’t have a blue aura emanating out of them. I wish the regular icy blue eyes DKs used to have could return to us.


So you’re resorting to making up lore?

Got a source for this ‘claim’ or are you spitting out nonsense? I’m going to go with the latter.

The energy of your post:


no its not against the lore there are the npcs that have colored dk eyes


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lol you are a troll

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There are also NPCs that have multiple specs mixed into one being. Like how Anduin is able to cast priest and paladin spells, has a 2h wep, wears cloth sometimes and plate other times. Just because an NPC can do it, doesn’t mean that a player can.

Those are NPCs now arrent they. You cant have everything the NPCs have and saying you should have something just because an NPC has it is not a good example.

Yep. 100% a troll.

More eye colors for DKs!

Also, hopefully Blizzard doesn’t listen to nonsense non-DK players trolling what DKs actually want.

Not even addressing blatantly getting lore wrong, either. Absolutely glorious own.

Some of us aren’t utterly obsessed with blue eyes like some players. Crazy, I know.


Yea everytime you hear something you dont like it is automatically a troll. Okay then.

this is irrelevant . Nice grasp at straws you cant even make a good comparison for your argument just stop .