More Entropic Embrace skins

No, I think they meant for it to be used for high elf customization. I think a lot of what both sides have inferred off of that is still conjecture, but I do think that was at least part of the idea.

You have a separate axe to grind all together. I know you want to play a high elf Paladin on the Alliance, and it really sucks the way Alliance high elves have been implemented makes that a bit more challenging, but I do hope you get to play that someday.

Of course. You’re a rational person.

It’s obviously meant to appease High Elf fans and to not incite anger among Blood Elf players.

Again, where is there mention of alliance high elves being playable through void elf character creation? These are void elf customisations. You can say they’re high elf skins until you’re blue (pun) in the fact but the fact is we have ZERO knowledge and this is not a fact until blizzard outright says “These are high elf skins”.

Like I said dude, you can RP whatever you want. I’m not gonna police people’s imaginations.

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I’m not projecting, I’m just making the point that for the people that want to hide the entropic embrace effect, in lore terms, it should be entirely possible.

I personally don’t want to hide it, but I understand those that do.

Again, where is the mention of it not? It’s not outside the realm of possibility.

Nah, my gf wants to play the VE themes on the alliance, and you guys trying to change that grinds my gears. But that is a good assumption. :stuck_out_tongue:

As long as they do it away that doesn’t change the racial (say a glyph). I don’t really have an issue with it.

I’m just hesitant on anything that moves the void elf racials away from void. Even a little bit at this point.

Can only go off your posts about the Army of the Light high elf paladins.

No, they represent Void elves, and the possibility of High elves who’ve become Void elves. The focus behind new customizations should always revolve around enhancing and playing on the defining themes to a race, rather than options that involve removing, or working against them to cater to one group.

This is exactly what people mean when they say things like “Give them a little…” by the way.


There hasn’t been. That’s my point. Nobody knows. So would you be open to the possibility that these changes have nothing to do with high elves, whatsoever? Because until blizzard says something (and right now they havent), none of us have any idea what we’re talking about.

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I personally think the army of the light needs diversity. High elves in is just one option.

Just like those same customizations are about high elves who’ve become blood elves.

Don’t give me that crap about a void elves genome being changed. I’d love to see the RNA analysis on that.

Well I mean, we’ll have High elf paladins, and priests pretty soon. :innocent:

Through void elves I am gonna a say no. It would retcon what pallies are.

Ah! I see what you did there! xD

I am open to whatever may come. It’s just that all visible evidence says otherwise.

To be fair, same. if they came out tomorrow and said that the void elves where being retconned into full non corrupted high elves, I’d be disappointed, but It’s what ever.

Can I keep the tentacle dreads?

I think the evidence points to high elves been rpable on both sides, but I don’t think that there is any evidence that makes me believe that blizzard is going to write them into the blood elf or high elves (like they did with wildhammer dwarves and highborne) on an official level.

The tenticles are with you always!

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Why? Are we going back to Dalaran in Wrath?

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I feel like i’m missing something here then. Could you explain what the visible evidence is? Honest question because I just don’t see any connection at all except for the fact that high elves have blue eyes. Well I guess void elves already have blue eyes right now, they’re just kinda white-ish blue.