More Demon Hunter Races Please

Yeah well who or what was it in that quote there?

Unfortunately it’s as easy as saying “they did it” it terms of explaining how they got their demonic essence… since that’s exactly what it is in that quote.

The essence did not come from Illidan. Fel is a primal power of the universe. Like the light, void, life, death, and order.

You’re putting restrictions on ONE class and not applying it to others for absolutely no reason.

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Yeah so again… where did they get it?

This is how you get the current story and antagonist we have today, and we see where that got us.

Instead let’s find a source new DH of all races can tap.

I don’t know, so let’s find one.

Well if the devs didn’t need one then, why would they need one now?

There has been.

That’s what we should avoid, the “cool rule”, discarding lore logic creation in favor of whatever suits the narrative. Let’s create something cool, but also fits the lore.

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Well first I want to clarify that I also am not against what you’re saying. It WOULD be nice if there was a specific lore-cohesive way that these things were explained. But as I said it’s as simple as “they did it” specifically because the magic is just out there, like Gwyzlin said. So whoever is in question of having the magic, they just open their mind and tap into the fel energies of the cosmos

Either that or pull some random “fel artifact” out of nowhere and say that that’s where everyone is getting their fel power… (AU skull of Gul’dan works fine for all it matters at this point)

The ultimate manifestation of the demonic arcane on Azeroth is fel (aka fel energy or fel magic). This energy , which most commonly manifests itself as ghastly, green-yellow flame, is arcane magic at its most corrupt, for it employs the blood of demons

I think there’s already more than enough of that fail class around. No need for more. Would prefer less.

I think DH’s should have a finite lifespan because of their exposure to fel. Illidan survived because he was a boss and had the Skull. Everyone after was a wannabe. They should eventually burn up.

Then you have to create a new one if you want one. Hah.

So there is the lore basis for fel magic. Now what?

Honestly I’d like to dismiss that as being the official definition of fel magic, since it’s basically saying that fel magic IS arcane magic, which uh… kinda goes against their whole “6 opposing forms of magic” thing. But again, it’s entirely up to the whims of the developers, obviously not me, so whatever they want to do with it.

This would be ideal if WoW were like some mmo’s that came and went that took character age, real time, cause and effect in to consideration. But that isn’t a system within WoW. So we have to keep the conceptualization within the parameters of WoW.

Only if your green cousins can be them as well.

Demon hunters
Demon hunters, disciples of Illidan Stormrage, uphold a dark legacy, one that frightens their allies and enemies alike. The Illidari embrace fel and chaotic magics—energies that have long threatened the world of Azeroth—believing them necessary to challenge the Burning Legion. Wielding the powers of demons they’ve slain, they develop demonic features that incite revulsion and dread in fellow elves.[41] Demon hunters mark their bodies with arcane runes to keep their fel forces in check.[42]

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Demonic essence is not a reference to power given by Illidan, but to the Demon Hunter hopeful binding the soul of a demon inside of themselves to gain their powers. Most often this was the demon that wronged them in their previous lives. The magical tattoos then in turn are etched into them to help control said demon, and they gouge their eyes out during the rituals to gain spectral sight and because of the pain etc.

Technically it could be taught by the upper level demon hunters, it is just a ritual by all means, and we have recovered more Legion and demonic knowledge than ever. Fel-Orcs and Draenei (Man’ari) would be likely candidates but accepting them into the factions would be a different hurdle. Though I suppose they would probably get the equivalent treatment that the allied race DKs get, a quick welcome on the Fel Hammer, some glaives, and a boot out the door.


Right, and in practical application, with the absence of demons now that the Legion has been defeated, there is a distinct shortage of anything other than lesser demons with which to infuse the dh candidate. So… we need to identify a new source.

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What I’m getting at is this:

Imagine a retconned WoWWiki page for demonhunters. Now, how would it describe the creation of new dh’s?

We have an entire period of time in which demons ran absolutely rampant across Azeroth, the answer to who would still be interested in going through the process, and then all those demons scattered to the wind after Sargeras’ defeat. Fel is still a cosmic force and since we’re as embroiled in the cosmic disco war as ever I’d suspect the answer is in the same vein as remnants of commanders still wanting their pounds of flesh.

Demon Hunters are basically demon bounty hunters at this point, if you consider the spread of demons.