More Demon Hunter Races Please

I think it’s time we open Demon Hunter up to other races.

I think it would be cool to have a title/useless passive that says Illidan’s Chosen (or something) for those who play Blood and Night Elf.

I really want to play as a melee fel based Orc.


Draenei Demon hunters

They could be red and have fel scars


This is something I support, I’ve posted about this before a while ago and it didn’t receive much traction then, hopefully they change things now that time has passed since Legion. In the original canon, both Humans and Orcs were also Demon Hunters following the Third War, and Illidan was actually considered… Non-traditional for a Demon Hunter. Obviously the lore around him changed, as did the lore in BC which stated Blood Elves could never be DHs because the process drives them insane. I would see no issue expanding to the other Elven races, like Void Elves and Nightborne, I’d also like to see Humans and Orcs take on the role. Voidcaller had a great suggestion with Draenei. Also letting Trolls, close relations of the Elves take the class would expand it more evenly. That’s a good place to start tbh. Obviously this is all just a suggestion, and the earliest Bliz could even implement such a change is next expansion, and tbh, three expansions and several years removed from Legion, there’s really no reason not to.


People are going to think I’m joking but I’ve seen Gnomest and he is so adorable and I need that :smiley:

Gnome DH!!!


Gnome and Goblin def have the be the next DH races.


This was heavily suggested in my original thread as well and tbh was far more popular than I expected. Given how few people actually play Gnomes.


Void Elves should have access to demon hunter


That would be cool, but I also want a Eredar allied race!


No. More Paladin races or some other class.

Undead demon hunters

That’d be the edgiest of edgelords.

Undead Paladins first please.


Paladins already have plenty of races to choose from.

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Xul’horac says not a good idea. :+1:

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How? Nothing about that creature contradicts anything.

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Yes it does.

From developer’s notes:

A lot of our boss concepts for Hellfire Citadel began by imagining what would happen if we added fel energy to different parts of the Draenor ecology. What would a fel variant of one of the void revenants we saw a glimpse of in Shadowmoon Burial Grounds look like? Xhul’horac answers that question

And what happens when we don’t kill him in time and he becomes fully infused? He e x p l o d e s.

Fel and Void aren’t opposites, but they don’t mix. They’re volatile when infused together.

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Yeah I’m with Lore, why would Void Elves not be able to channel the void? In fact, Xul’Huroc’s very existence proves it’s possible to corrupt even a mighty Void Lord with Fel energy, why not a lesser Void touched entity as well?

Please see above.

He’s a Void Lord who has been overfed the Fel, Void Elves are different in their scale of power by several orders of magnitude. Also, that’s a boss fight mechanic, not established fact in the lore as far as we know?

I’d love Orc DHs, even if the dream would be a Feltotem-style Tauren DH (never ever going to happen). I enjoy the gameplay loop and flavor of the class, but I hate Blood Elves and my friends don’t play Alliance so…

Here we are.


It’s absolutely established lore.

And magnitude means nothing. You’re infusing a Void infused being with Fel. It’s volatile.

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