More Customization!

LMFAO you wouldn’t have your poor son carry a name like that surely lol.

I would totally uphold my end of the bargain, but Blizzard doesn’t want to do more customization lol

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Then lets make it our mission then!

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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We will always be getting content. Always.

It’s not like adding more customization will hurt the content in any way, shape or form.


Pretty rough for me. You finally get close to playing an Alliance High Elf with the customization option, but you’re left with a single high elf hair color and like three hair options that don’t have tentacles.

I’m honestly about done.


You’re one of the most fervent posters advocating character customization.

I would hate to see you leave. I feel like the community would lose something good. But if you go, we’ll pick up the slack, and we’ll try to welcome you back to player customization that’s at least on par with modern games.


Yeah! Her devotion inspired me to make my own thread. She also gave me a place to hide when certain people were being huge phallic devices. She’s been a great friend and supporter.


I was so excited when they first released customizations. I hopped onto every single one of my alts and got them to the barber shop. So I have seen almost all of the races, at least the female side. The imbalance of what we got from race to race, and even gender on the same race was a bit disappointing. Only a few female races even got the option of scars, and I’m sure most of the male did. My draenei is as much of a fighter as a male draenei, why don’t I get to have scars to show it. But ultimately I realized it was just the first set of customization options, more are sure to come over time, and thats what they appeared to say themselves. Then I hear them pretty certain and concretely “No more customizations.” That immediately ticked me off. And saying they’re satisfied with what they provided? Bull–, obviously its not otherwise why would we all be here complaining? I RP and my draenei hunter is supposed to have a scar across her face, its a pretty big part of her appearance and backstory. Even if the scars available aren’t exactly what I have written (over one eye, across her face, and ending just off the corner of her mouth) at least having a scar would help with my character’s identity. But no, female draenei get no scar options at all. I am seriously upset and disappointed tbh


Very much support OP.

Blizzard is, in my opinion, making a huge mistake.


We need to speak up on that matter, especially for races like nightborne that have barely any selection to begin with

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To me it’s just beyond baffling. You as a company depend on people staying subscribed to your game in order to continue to make money. Happy players= paying customers= more money for your company. If you can make a lot of players happy by something as simple as giving X race more hair colors/styles/skin tones/easy things like jewelry, scars, tattoos etc (that already exist as art assets but just need to be tweaked or enabled for certain races), it’s frankly a bit stupid to not do it.

As Balesong mentioned, undead skin tones and red eyes (as one example) already can be applied to blood elves, they just need to enable them for players instead of NPC only.



It’s one thing to not want to create new assets, but it’s quite another to not utilize assets that are already there. Especially when players are able to do this and whip up very impressive models.


I’m with you on this one. I’ve seen people posting that Blizzard is more concerned with Time played metrics and things like that but customizations are something that directly impact that. People play to collect those customizations and be able to use them. I don’t work for loot because of the numbers, sure to a degree I do, but the main reason is because of the appearances. I’m still running Nathria mainly because I wanna get the full suit of transmog. There’s pretty much no reason for me to run it otherwise. I don’t play with many others so just do LFR and my gear is already equal or above what drops. I do enjoy running the raid, but I’m sure there’s other things I could be doing.

I’ve made a number of various allied race characters and even other characters specifically due to the character customizations , this means more characters I’m playing. Reasons to log in and such.

I’d love to be able to make or change my characters into various races that are not yet available, I’d imagine others feel the same way. News like this is basically just telling us that it’s unlikely. They rework systems, say it’s easier than ever, ask for feedback, and then just ignore us. There’s very little communication at all on the forums from Blizzard. No one helping develop ideas or say if they’re looking into something or even to tell us we are wasting our time.

I even feel like the covenant cosmetic set for the necrolords is a bit of a low blow. People have been asking for a necromancer class for many years. I’d quite like one myself. Shadowlands comes out and would make a great place to add on as it matches the themes…nope. They say no class made sense to be added. Then they have necromancers throughout the story and give us a little outfit based off their appearance. I’d much rather have classes and customization than things like soulbinds. They’re not interesting at all. I plop a orb in the thing and don’t touch it again. What made legion weapons great was leveling up your weapon as you do and getting cool appearances and a neat ability. That whole skill tree thing? Could have all been passive and not even something we interacted with. Same for the Heart of Azeroth and Soulbinds. Only thing is with those last two there’s no cool customization.

It’s quite demoralizing. The forums are full of what players would like to see yet they keep making these systems we don’t want. There’s a lot of feedback about that as well.

The Maw? It’s been alright. I’ve not spent a whole lot of time there.
Torghast is pretty neat but severly lacking on a reason to do it. It needs more rewards. Doing it for a single currency that has a single purpose feels bad. Should be able to get anima and gear and especially customizations. The armor visuals that the mawsworn enemies are made from would have made for great transmog sets to earn there.



Especially for torghast.

They could have increased their time played metrics a hundred fold with ideas like this:

Want blue glowy eyes for any race?

Its now a 1/50 Chance to drop from the spectral steed rare in torghast which is likely but not 100% chance to spawn in skoldus halls - Torghast. Bop, account wide. Level 8.

Green necromancer eyes from mortregar, cult of the damned skins etc.

Would effectively be like farming a mount but the time required to make simple eye color skins is infinitely less than a new mount.


Wait in line like everyone else? There is an entire class spanning both alliance and horde (that includes every race in the game) that can’t even use weapon illusions because of *reasons.*Trying to play nice, but with the utter failure for BM, constant nerfs to MM this expansion, the least they could do is let us use the the illusions we’ve collected over the years. You know, instead of making us switch characters to see what it even looks like? JUST SAYING IT WOULD BE NICE. (Capitals for emphasis)

Stuff like that as rewards would have been great.

I know it’d make me want to do more content!

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I would hate the hell out of that idea.

Customization should just be given.

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Arcane vines could be given to night elves instead, we already have vines, and to represent the highborne living among night elf society this could be nice. Nightborne should have mana hair like their NPCs have.


Would be nice, but doesn’t look like it’s gonna happen.
We have to work for every other form of customization.
It’d be an incentive to do the content that has little incentive already.