More Customization!

Unhappy Birthday thread.

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Yes, I’d also love more Wildhammer style customisations, more feathers and braids in hair/moustache and beard… we need to stand out more!!


Blizzard is so lazy with this they can’t even copy the draenei options to the LF draenei. :man_shrugging::frowning::man_facepalming:


I don’t buy this “no financial incentive for them to do it” argument. I race-changed 5 toons from the first batch of customization options alone. I think they made a killing on them.


I’d still like to see some female kultiran options like this.
Even the body tweak is great.

Keyboardturn over on twitter even posted some tweaks to the male kultiran, that if you scaled it up (Flagon of Mead toy would be a great size) would make a great Vrykul. I’d love to play as a Vrykul.

Her whole thread is full of awesome.
The muscle maps for the draenei are pretty sweet.

Still don’t understand why undead don’t have the beard options they did in life. Those look great, as does the hair.

The more upright undead…same would be great for Worgen males too!

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I’d love to see fully skeletal Forsaken.

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That’d be great.
A skeletal forsaken mage would be pretty cool.

There’s a number of great suggestions for them. I saw some skin edits that looked like the skin was stitched together. I know the females have a face skin that looks that way. It also had different tones for the patches of skins in one of the options.
I still don’t understand why the exposed jaws are a completely different color compared to the body bones…I’d like to see them match, but you could also have both colors.

I’d also like to see some updated skeletal horse mounts for them. Could use the newer horse animations like the Sinrunner, but make some skeletal versions.


Agreed. I think you could leave just enough skin on them in certain places to allow for hair styles.

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worgens needs.

straight posture
war marks

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You should just switch to that other game… wink… bc they let you really customize your toon