More Changes Due to Lawsuit

Undead are the manifestation of hate, they want to genocide everything, Orcs are hostile invaders who colonized land that wasn’t theirs, Blood Elves may as well be goose stepping, trolls are just savages, dwarves aren’t bad but they don’t respect boundaries and will invade in search of knowledge, NE are xenophobic hippies, humans are as corrupt as they are good etc etc.

Only Tauren are actually good guys, they’re only in the conflict because humans attacked them instead of talking to them.

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They became friends with Orcs first before Humans did.

I would still play a new wow game over this.

World of Cohabitation and Understanding

Lol people look @ generalizations like x race generally has x traits and then try to universalize that idea and that’s where they go wrong.

When you look to individual characters in the game you see where their ethics and personalities lie and it’s usually somewhere outside the general center of the way the game communicates the total culture to you… just like in real life.

Generalizations are fine, for trying to understand population level trends quickly… but when you’re dealing with an individual you need to zoom in. IRL or in-game.

Also RACISM is a form of emotionally driven bigotry, that may EXIST in the story but that doesn’t mean the whole game is based on it, obviously.

I get the Simpson’s reference. I don’t get what it has to do with white supremacy?

What’s a Simp son? A guy that brings shame to his dad?

I hope it made them feel better.

Lol what in the world? Pretty sure none of that is even on the table. They were obviously referring to references to Afrasiabi specifically


There’s been no confirmation that Acti’s doing such massive changes. I think there’s just a large block of jackasses looking for something to be righteously outraged over.

Half of them are using the sexual harassment case for virtue signalling. The other half are chomping at the bit for an excuse to roast them for political correctness or cancel culture or whatever.

Meanwhile, the rest of us are either apathetic, jaded, or are content to calmly watch as this works its way through the courts.

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Thank goodness there is private servers that will keep game as is.

Yes. They’re going to replace the Afrasaibi NPC with a female NPC named Stonebridge.

Because “Stonewall” was too obvious. I guarantee you, that’s the kind of discussion that happened in the meeting room. But that and Brack’s dropping Gloria Steinem’s name just continue to show how easily they believe their audience may be pandered to.

I mean, is Brack completely unaware of the Land’s End controversy involving Steinem?

And, lest anyone forget, “The boys are with Bernie.”

Then again, maybe he only really wants to appeal to one particular spectrum of the public.


I actually want them to go nuts and try to cater to the mentally ill and go full sjw to the max. I want them to make changes to cater to all the groups of constantly “oppressed” idiots, the game will burn and crash marvelously, and we’ll have one more example of what happens when you cater to woke idiots.

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They’re just going to remove all the Afrasiabi references.

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  1. Women are harassed.
  2. Women file complaints.
  3. State conducts a two year investigation.
  4. State concludes a lawsuit is warranted.
  5. State files lawsuit.
  6. Every incel on the planet has a meltdown.

Actually, the same groups of mentally ill, cancel culture virtue-signaling sjw’s are having a meltdown. The rest of us continue to say what intelligent people say: innocent until proven guilty and let justice take its course.

Hey, know what, I bet Orange man is behind this!


Actually, that’s not what you’re saying at all. Otherwise, you would have said THAT instead of frothing at the mouth about mentally ill sjw’s and woke idiots blah, blah, blah. You’ve all but said women and minorities can’t be competent employees.

“Innocent until proven guilty” applies to a court of law not personal opinions. You’re upset because people believe the women and say they believe the women. Too bad.

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eventually, they may require men and women work in separate facilities. this will not work as many companies wont be able to afford it. its all melting down.


Blizzard needs to see this.

Stop trying to change game features because a few weirdos get triggered by cartoon female skin and work on your REAL LIFE Behaviour with REAL FEMALES.

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In the land of the free, burkas are promoted over casual dressing… and god forbid you show some flesh unless you murder it first :smirk:

Female bears are now required to wear pants

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Or, you know, people could behave themselves and act decently. I’m sure there’s plenty of men capable of that. The ones that aren’t can take up garbage collecting or something else that doesn’t require them to interact with others.