More Changes Due to Lawsuit

It’s cute that you don’t know everything is political.


Blizzard goes into zero detail at all about an almost throwaway comment in a typical statement that says nothing, and you folks are all in a tizzy about “deh scurry sjws and femenenenists r comin fur da games!!$%!#$!”

Get some fresh air. Please.


The problem isn’t In-game. They need to fire all the people that harassed women and all the other BS.

I have no idea why everyone is trying to censor things inside a game because of real life sexual harassment etc.
If you give in to the politically correct BS than you might as well remove Princess from Maraudon for “Fat Shaming” since she’s … very overweight and wearing a Bikini.
I can list a ton of things in the game that would fall under such things, but doesn’t mean they should be removed.


No problem with that. Has been a sore spot for me because of how impractical it seemed to have female tanks in full armor be exposed to…well a lot more than the males were.

That all being said, I doubt this is going to cover things like Panda toes sticking out of boots.

Not sure if Blizzard’s special edition reworks are going to include furry feet.

So they sexually harass and mistreat women for 13 yrs and think by changing some pixels in a 15yr old game they have atoned for their sins? Might be time to stop playing Blizzard products. How about leave the game alone and compensate your victims if feeling guilty. People can always choose to stop playing if they are offended.


Who is everyone? All you have here is a few incels jumping at the chance to rage about how feminists have ruined their lives.


Why stop at 9 months?

You have the power to fix that any time you want.

I think the mental gymnasts call that empowering, and as such, it’s very chic.

What? Explain.

Blizzard please do something about the chat in your game. The karazhan chat in particular is out of control. The chat in your game is not family friendly in the slightest. Please also look at player names, again many not family friendly. Call me a prude or tyrant all you want. The language and behavior of many players is repulsive and something needs to be done.

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When I heard about this it never occurred to me that it would be anything other than removing/renaming the frankly absurd number of references to Alex Afrasiabi.

I really hope I’m not wrong.

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This is exactly what I said would happen, empty platitudes and virtue signaling without actually making real changes.

Honestly they need to get rid a lot of their staff but I foresee hiring people who with a little effort will find to be crazy sexists and bigots on twitter but it’s okay, they’re the right kind.

He was formerly Chuck in the original WoW beta, but Blizzard changed his name to appease white supremacists before release.

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Feminism benefits men more than it does women. More men need to celebrate it.


What they need to do is “change” the management, lol…


Everything it touches seems to become embroiled in strife and misery.

Why would they need to change scantily clad women in a fantasy game over this…?? What kind of one note thinking is that lol.

I think it’s bad for everyone, but it does “benefit” men who don’t have great long-term values. Once you’re like 30+ you can definitely get what you “want” from women more easily, if you’re shallow and don’t care about building anything meaningful.

Although when your culture is sick and there are less people in general worth building something with I guess I can see an issue there for both men and women.

Every movement has it’s price. We recently seen women get added to the Draft, bout time. They just need to make sure that there is no pregnancy exceptions or sexist talk of “hysteria” excluding women from the front line.

You have to look at the silver lining, if you’re a man you have women who more than ever open for anything, the Government gets more wage slaves to turn the gears of Capitalism and Colleges/Credit Card companies have endless debt to collect on more people.

Ignore the Karens and enjoy Feminism to the fullest.

No it literally isnt.

Welcome to the internet. If player chat bothers you then I suggest you stick to single player games.