More Arcane Nerfs

Well arcane got another nerf in addition the rest.

Arcane missiles by 8 percent and arcane blast damage reduced by 5 percent.

Probably because other mages calling for arcane nerfs instead of wanting to bring the others up!

This class has the worst in-fighting of any class.


Sunfury was an outlier, not just in regards to mages, but in regards to most other classes. It catching nerfs was inevitable.

Spellslinger getting caught in the crossfire is inexcusably bad on Blizzard’s part. There’s no point in hero talents even existing with how Blizzard has been balancing them.


They already nerfed the benefit of arcane blast to sunfury by 30%. Now, they nerfed the base spell affecting all arcane mages (slinger included) by five percent to blast and 8 percent to missiles.

Further exacerbating the shortcomings of slingers

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Even after those nerfs SF was still like 20% ahead of all other classes.


Where are you getting this from? I am not seeing anything. Not that I don’t believe you I just want to look at the blue post for myself. But nerfing AMs is just laughable at this point. Also I totally saw this coming and even made a post about it a few days ago. They never stop with just one nerf.

Edit: oh I see, they just tacked it on to the old post, so stealthy of them!

I wish I could post a pic but… wow logs are showing arcane mage average parses on Sikran 941k right below them are BM hunters at 914k… from there it’s enhanc shammies at 890k and it just goes down from there. Those parses for arcane are like 95% SF as well.

I’ve decided that I don’t like you. Not that would matter to you, why would it?

But your constant posting of crap-talking on Arcane and Sunfury is just so irritating. I want other specs to be brought up, you just like seeing nerfs to Sunfury and Arcane. I get enough of that from other classes, and I come to the mage forums to brainstorm, instead I am met with haters on the mage forums too.

That being said, I bid you farewell and wish you best. Good luck.

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Lmao no I really don’t. Youre taking this personally for w/e reason?

I’m just stating the facts. Games… especially MMOs need to be balanced for gameplay. SF is a massive outlier… i’m not talking smack i’m just stating a fact. A very well known fact by the community.

The reality that we are all discussing is that hero classes need specific tuning rather than aura nerfs to compensate for lazy dev development.

There is no real difference between bringing classes down or bringing them up. Balance is balance. If you cannot see that then you are a moron.

I personally don’t give a damn if you don’t like me. Your reasoning is… childish to say the least. Have a nice life boo boo.


Couldn’t agree more. They can’t do that anymore and we should tell them!

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Gonna need them to stop nerfing Arcane Missiles when it’s already optimal to clip it (and I refuse to).

Also why is Spellslinger catching strays? There better be massive compensation buffs for it next patch.


Sunfury 100% deserved this nerf. Too bad that SS Arcane got a punch into the gut with this. Anyways it’s a 6.1% nerf overall with the previous one, this one and the trinket nerfs. So Arcane is still on the top, but at least it’s not that far ahead anymore. Also this gives the other two specs, frost and fire, some chance to shine more and they might be picked more here and there.


I also refuse to clip AM even if it’s a dps loss lmao.


Don’t you love it when spellslinger, 20% behind is now thrown into the garbage bin of C tier specs just because they couldn’t bother with isolating nerfs to Sunfury?

And the fact Sunfury is eating nerfs on a lesser magnitude than Fury warriors and now Enhancement shamans is wild.

You have a spec that lives and dies by proper management of synced cooldowns that require stationary casting to maximize the stored damage in a tight window.

And they somehow want to make it do as much damage as far more braindead steady damage specs that don’t suffer anywhere near as much by mechanical disruptions or movement.

Arcana have big damage? So freking what? Arcane also has the most complicated rotation, probably in the game! We need to track mana/ap/clearcasting/harmony/burden of power/tier’s set proc, so of course this spec SHOULD have bigger payoff (dps) for torturing youself, playing it that the rest of the specs. It seems they what to go back to DF arcana, with no-one playing it aside from tryhards and streamer, because all this suffering just not worth marginally better dps gain over ez firespec.


Same! :raised_hands:

It’s also hilarious to me that they can’t see the very o(r)bvious way in which to nerf Sunfury without resorting to reducing base skill damage.

Or because it was solidly out damaging every other spec in the game, save for fury warriors on some fights (which were also nerfed).


(and nerfed by a lot less than arcane, despite being better than arcane overall already and way easier to play).


I wouldn’t say a lot less. I’d wager all ability damage by 3% comes close to a greater percentage of just two abilities, even if said two abilities are the main two.

Ease of play doesn’t matter. If the game was balanced around that, BM would always be dead last.

I’m talking about cumulative nerfs, not this one hotfix. Arcane has also already received aura nerfs.

And was still logging 1st or second on almost every fight.

“They’ve been nerfed before” isn’t a shield to not incur more if warranted.