More Arcane Nerfs

Sure, but if we’re going to keep a straight face the melee are crushing casters on logs outside affliction locks, ele shaman, and arcane mage.

One of the casters sitting alongside the S tier for the effort it takes receiving more nerfs than the braindead fury warrior or ret paladin is absolutely nonsensical.

At the very least they can contain the nerfs to Sunfury.

Again, this is elitism and doesn’t matter.

Rotationally speaking, this game is ridiculously easy, for every class.

BM hunters are easy to play, so are mages, BM’s just easier.

Ironically, I think it’s bordering on elitism to state the game is ridiculously easy for every class. Invalidates a lot of more casual players that might have a hard time multi classing. Lol.

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Yeah, no, I bet you the delta between an arcane mage or destro lock is far worse than a delta for hunters or warriors in terms of player performance.

Classes with significantly more effort shouldn’t be significantly ahead of others, but at the very least they should not be under easier classes.

If a BM hunter is consistently topping meters we have bad game balance.

BM hunter should always be lower, not because it’s rotationally easy, but because it’s the only spec in the game that can do it’s entire rotation from range while moving.

It’s literally a range melee.

I do think hunters deserve actual raid utility and certain improvements, but BM doing more DPS than casters is not OK.

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This is fair. I worded it poorly.

The main takeaway was meant to be “ease of play does not warrant a lack of throughput.”

It’s important for the game to have classes and specs that are simpler, whether that be for newer players, or just playstyle preferences.

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This is false. Sunfury Arcane might have been plenty ahead of other Mage specs, but definitely not ahead of other classes.

Arcane Mage is consistently in the top 3 specs on the aggregate raid data no matter which percentile you select. What do you mean by this??? Am I missing something?

Are you trying to tell me it’s 20% ahead of other classes? Because it isn’t.

Did you actually look at the outlier points on the graph? They needed to dial the knob back on those top classes and Arcane Mage was included.

I’m not arguing against that. I specifically quoted someone mentioning it was 20% ahead of other classes, which it isn’t, not even close to that.

It’s honestly depressing at this point. And they’re not even touching the other mage specs/ hero talents to compensate so we have something else to fall back on.

I don’t know. Maybe they napkin math-ed a random number. That’s not really important to me.

And your first reply didn’t specify that you were disputing the 20% number they used.

This part was the issue I took with your wording.

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It is literally on my first reply though.

Just read the whole sentence. And that is while quoting the 20% bit.

I disagree that you were initially quoting and specifying the 20% value used. You would have specified that. You pulled back and changed your “meaning” when I asked you about what you meant.

Doesn’t matter anyway because now we all know what you meant. So all’s fair.


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And since Preheat doesn’t give a damn about Spellslinger you can bet there’s gonna be no streamer attention to make Spellslinger anything but a steaming pile of garbage.

It’s pretty much on his stream that the nerfs are fine.

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Meanwhile those meteors are still worthless and hasn’t been fixed since Beta of TWW.

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There has always been outlier specs, that’s why there’s a meta god comp every season.

Why couldn’t arcane keep its place for a season of m+?

we were passed over for keys for the last two expansions because we weren’t fire or frost. I can’t even count how many people kicked me from groups before a key started once they saw I was arcane. Even when I had a 3k io and a high ilvl. It was annoying af. I dealt with it because sometimes life isn’t fair.

Finally thought we’d have a chance to eat at the big kid table, but they won’t stop until we’re middle of the pack.

We did good single target, but with all the trash in m+ it was always a tight race for overall damage when you were playing with equally geared fury, ret, heck I was even losing to affliction locks in aoe.

Now with the continued nerfs we will lose our single target dominance and be pushed even further to the middle of the pack thanks to our lackluster aoe.

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