Here we go again!

These changes are all knee jerk and not at all targeted at the right abilities.

They can’t stand to let Arcane shine for once and if I see them mess with the baseline damage of Living Bomb one more time I am gonna lose it because that is not the solution that will fix Fire! How many times are they gonna do it before they figure that out? Ugh… /smh

It looks fine.


This is only a 1.8% ST nerf for Arcane. The way Arcane it is now it won’t feel it at all.

And what do you mean they can’t stand to let Arcane shine for once? Did you miss the part that Arcane is literally the go to spec when it comes to Riading since DF S1?


it’s just the right push for my fire build. not complaining as my meters show those numbers make me even more in line with the rest of the dps.

i was about 40k behind an unholy dk same ilvl. these would’ve put me 10k above him

Not a single buff to spellslinger still. Still forced on that awful Sunfury.


Just because they’re incompetent and aren’t nerfing the right things doesn’t mean they haven’t put a bullseye on Arcane, which is for once one of the top performing specs, and aren’t getting the nerf bat ready for strike two. So the time to raise the alarm is now. Because once they nerf something they won’t revert the nerf even if it is warranted to do so because it would mean admitting they were wrong. I’ve seen this movie way too many times before not to be alarmed.

Also the currently available live data is completely skewed because the sample size is way too small and almost entirely made up of top end players who are the only ones pushing endgame content on week one. Most people haven’t even set foot in normal yet let alone heroic. If this is what they’re basing the nerfs on it’s entirely misguided because ordinary players can never produce those kinds of numbers.

They won’t do any drastic changes till 0.5 since the world first race is starting next week.
Spellslinger frost is prime example for this.
That would be a total idiocy from their part to kill arcane or any other (too) well performing classes, when some guilds could have spent some fortunes building certain characters up. This would undermine the integrity of the race.

And no? I am like a casual/semi-hardcore mythic raider and entered normal, and only could do 2 bosses on hc. Why, would any casual guild not go into the normal raid? I am pretty sure everyone who raids are doing normal currently.


This is a guild I usually help out when I am free. They are super casual, usually having trouble clearing HC with their full roster and they are raiding. And they are also raiding.

Where Spellslinger buffs? Even with the Sunfury nerfs Spellslinger is still significantly behind. What’s the point of hero talents if they aren’t even balanced? It’s not even a case of 1 being better in 1 type of content and the other in something else. Sunfury is just better overall at everything.

Come on man, that’s not fair. This is what I was referring to when mages can’t unite and instead pick on each other’s specs.

Why not ask Spellslinger to be brought up without putting down Sunfury. I personally love Sunfury, because Kael’thas was one of my favorite characters from the Warcraft universe.

Personally, arcane is so good with cool downs, but outside of that, have fun casting 1.2 to 1.4 second arcane blasts that hit for 250k. I’ve gone 8 casts without a single clearcasting proc.

Long story short, we mages just need to hug it out.


I love Kael’thas.

I am VERY BITTER that they took our far better Felo’melorn revolving spellspheres which looked amazing for these awful static ones that aren’t even properly anchored to your character and lag behind as you move.

But what really chaffs my behind is that it was complains about Spellslinger being ahead of Sunfury that saw it gutted and Sunfury shot way past it just before release.

They ruined my preferred aesthetic.

If it were a 5% difference, I can live with it, even though 5% still feels too big. But come on man, 15-20% is just not an option any more and I want my arcane mage to look arcane, more purples and magentas and violets and less fire spells and colors.

Sunfury is both too elf and too fire themed for my liking.


i dont get what the obsession with living bomb is. Either reduce Combustion to 1.5min or just buff Pyro by another 10%. at the moment with 588ilevel, my max dmg of PB is around 600k which is pitiful while ice lance does 700k.
Funny PB is our strongest ST spell and only does real dmg during combustion which is a 2min CD (1.5 with crit reduction) FoF ice lance procs almost every 2 sec.

I hope so but with them you never know, they’ve done it before precisely because they wanted to influence their silly world race.

I meant they haven’t yet. Most people would have slowly geared up to around 590 during the week with M0 and delves and will likely hit normal over the weekend when they have more time. They could have at least waited for a full reset worth of data instead of rushing it after only 2-3 days.

I don’t remember them ever doing it. Can you give me an exact example with a blue post, where they did something sort of where they took a good performing class and nerfed it into the ground just before the race?

I am pretty sure that’s not the case. Even your guild did the first 3 bosses on normal as I checked it yday. Sure there are some guilds that only raid weekends so they going to do it today/tomorrow, but most guilds first raid day is either Wednesday or Thursday. There is no benefit waiting a full reset, lol. We have already guides and such on youtube on the bosses, and waiting a week would be just waisting a full week where you could have killed first 4 boss and get some normal raid loot + Great Vault slots. YOu can go to woprogress then look at the % of boss kills. The first HC boss stands on 44%, and if you go back to older raids, like Amildrassil, the first HC boss is there 60%~, before that is also around 60%. So yeah, most of the people who raid are… actually raiding. The better ones are already doing HC, while the more causals are probably progressing the latter half of Normal right now.

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