MOP Remix Restore did not work

I created a restore from the self service web site for my character. It seemed to have gone fine during the automated process, but I never received my items and it created a a support ticket that was left as an open issue (normally on my other characters, it creates a ticket, deposits my items in my mail, then closes automatically). My ticket was answered with a boilerplate generic response from CS saying I should use the automated restore feature. But, I did. That’s exactly what I did first, it generated the support ticket and then locked me out for a week for doing a restore on that character. There is no option to respond to the generic CS response, I can only mark as resolved. Can I get some help here?

It’s a known issue being looked into. There isn’t an ETA on it.


I’m afraid there isn’t anything that Customer Support can do here. The overall issue is being looked into, but as Zenjy mentioned, we do not have an ETA on when it can be resolved.


How will we know when the issue is resolved? Is there a thread of known bugs? I have been dealing with this issue for about two week waiting for a fix

It should be mentioned in the list of fixes in the Hotfix blog post. That is usually posted on Tuesdays, in the News. Wowhead lists it as a Blue post and regular news.