MoP Remix complainers

The recolors? Nah. Dont care for them. I have the ones purchasable from bronze. Any that are drops, they aren’t important to me.

The XP isn’t mailed to you. Blue gear is relevant. And that’s fair about the daily bonus. But if you go into a group… let the group keep up.

The problem is what happens when a majority of the raid or all if it shares your attitude of it’s ok to afk and let everyone else do the heavy lifting? Lazy people deserve NOTHING, no rewards, nothing at all. It’s not everyone get’s something in a participation award ceremony, people actually HAVE TO PARTICIPATE to be successful. This is why so many low quality people exist and they are poor, they have no integrity and no purpose and they just want to be a parasite off of everyone else’s work.

I guess the main difference between now and then is that most people weren’t one shotting rares faster than one could blink, so even when they did spawn and you were in range for an attack, you were usually able to get a tag in before they died.

I don’t understand how players are complaining about this. It has been a lot more fun than what blunderstorm was.

This really depends on the class. With my little warlock her haste is so low she is still casting and the mob is dead with how fast things die. It is even worst with high mobility classes that leave you in the dust and kills things before you have the last boss looted. My hunter on the hand can pull her weight, move and can still shoot.

Well, I waited for you to respond to anyone since I said that, and you still haven’t. You just made your remark at me and then disappeared again XD

I never did the plunderstorm. But then again i never really cared for its battle royale feel. I don’t play battle royales.

And it has been fun going back to MoP for a time. I just don’t find people complaining about how some are nuking raid bosses that fun to deal with. Especially when they cry out to kick the people who aren’t “pulling their weight” in an LFR or Normal

The only real “problem” scaling is completely borked for levels 60-70, and even at 70 until you do a few gear upgrades. But it’s a minor quibble.

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They’re the same people who probably want a heroic dungeon take 30m

Oh yeah, i feel that. I get my alts I’m using to get the quick bronze from leveling to that 60-70 range, and suddenly mobs are EATING my health and taking forever to kill.

I don’t doubt that. I am someone who more cares for story and enjoying my time, so i may just not understand the, quote unquote, “hardcore” grinders

It is mailed to you?

Not anymore. It used to be. The past three bosses I got locked out of in the past few days did not. Same with my guildies who experienced similar.

I assume to combat the people who AFK at the door and wait for mail on alts.

Could be fixed, haven’t seen anything about hotfix. Last week it worked, but stopped playing since then.

I also found out rares got nerfed. Warscouts only drop three threads now. Warbringers drop none. Regular rares are down to three now, too.

Lots of things not in hotfix notes.

I took it slow, but those 100 or so random hidden weapon appearances that are obtainable only from random LFR drops are holding me back

I want those two recolours of the floaty spear so I’ve been throwing survival hunters at scenario after scenario. Besides, not like anyone’s gonna be running the scenarios on live, so may as well get what unique loot I can from them while there’s actually people running them

Why would they butcher this mode even further lol


I don’t even know. :expressionless:

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People see it is futile to try and keep up and don’t want dungeon deserter or whatever. How are people supposed to play the game when frogger/griefers are doing it for them, even if they never asked to be carried and WANT to do the game mechanics. It is not fun and ruins the game for the people stuck in a dungeon or raid with people who are too inconsiderate to wait for everyone to be there before pulling a boss.

I did all the story quests and leveled a couple alts to buy cosmetics I wanted, but other than that I’m done with remix.

I was really looking forward to messing around with OP chars,
but I just can’t be bothered to grind gear upgrades. I do that in retail. I don’t want to do it in the mode that is supposed to be “silly and fun and OP”