MoP Remix complainers

Honestly, once you get to the endgame mill of remix, it does get really old really fast.

I’ve gotten my main to ilvl 385 and I’m already just kind of over the upgrade grind. Doing dungeons with people who just oneshot the dungeon for you isn’t fun, whether they’re someone with 7mil hp or they’re a level 20 priest. Doing the large, tedious, boring raids is well, boring. I do not want to do them daily.

I enjoyed MOP remix more when I got to relive Pandaria and its stories. That was fun for the first few weeks. Now I’m just kinda over it.

this is just the first iteration, so maybe in the next remix they can iron out some issues. Kind of resentful though, that MOP was the testing ground for this. Should’ve been WoD. MOP deserves better.

My only complaint with this is rares. Blizz has the capability to have a damage reduction shield on rares so that everyone can tag it before it’s one-shot. Because right now, even an instant cast going off the moment the rares become targetable doesn’t get you credit.

I noped out of Timeless Isle completely because of it.

I love being OP. But give everyone a chance at tagging the darn rares, at least.

I love it when people want all maxed ilvl or nearly maxed ilvl toons for their raid runs, but once you get into raid, stuff dies so fast, there are people afking anyway.

Groups who won’t take a few undergeared folks when half or more of their comp is filled with high geared folks is kind of silly.

If people are so worried about “afkers” they might as well just do MSV/HOF with 3 people, TOES with 4 people and ToT with 5 people.

So far the only in game complaints I’ve seen have been about rares. Someone will call out a rare and then seconds later someone comes up and just starts combat and blowing all their cooldowns. I like how they do Timeless Isles where they spawn and are gold and un-attackable for a bit. They should do that everywhere and make them gold a bit longer maybe.

I’ve not done raids yet except LFR, and I’ve done heroic dungeons and scenarios. And so long as stuff dies I have NEVER seen anyone complain about people not pulling their weight. Most of the time we’re all rushing to try and catch up to some crazy powerful lvl 70 who just rushes the whole thing in less than 5 minutes. I often struggle to keep up depending on which character I am playing, but so long as I can loot the boss as I run past to keep up I’m fine. More than once the over-geared 70 kills everything and dips before I even get to the final boss to loot lol. I actually had an epic run last night, an over-geared warlock stayed in the same group and we did like 10 heroics in a row. I got my ring achievement and got from like 30 to 60 in less than an hour. It was awesome.

The only trouble I had was when I got into a heroic with 4 other characters in the 60s. For some reason power really seems to tank after 60 and even at 70 I feel so weak until I can upgrade gear. And we level 60s were really really struggling with that heroic and it ended up falling apart and we left. No one was a jerk about it though. We tried like 5 times to down the boss and then just decided to leave. But chances are like me everyone had been on a crazy leveling spree and hadn’t taken the time to swap into new gear and gems and stuff.

ive had a few people complain that i finished their dungeon run in 2 mins.

ima be running alts until my sub runs out, then I’m done until prepatch.

Got the mounts/sets I wanted, picked up every exclusive, only thing I’m missing is the Mannoroth shoulders and I just can’t be bothered.

I don’t mind the people who want to one-shot stuff as we go… but at least let the group catch up. Gate of the Setting Sun locks you out of being able to loot one of the bosses and you don’t get half the stuff from the boss drops in the mail.

I’m fine with the hilarity of OPness. I’m not fine with people joining queues just to solo the place, ignore everyone else, leave trash up half the time and lock people out of bosses.

You wanna solo it? You can do that without us. You wanna let people catch up? Then cool, we’ll watch ya happily one-shot it— but at least we were there for it and not five states away.

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People like to complain, they’ll find the tiniest most inconsequential thing to moan about. I periodically just shut down whatever channel I’m getting that noise from.

Reject their reality and embrace your own.

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Now that everyone started proving OP wrong, they disappeared lol.

Hey Fleabag, its called i have a life. I had to sleep, and i don’t spend my every waking moment on the forums

Mop Remix complaints to me are kinda silly because the only real bad part is the 65-70 power gap, its not like theres content you need to be turbo juiced for.

Yes but they sometimes act surprise when they see someone who is 476 and blazing through the instance in a game mode advertised in fine print to them that players will get overpowered.

I’m fine with them adding a teleport to the boss if the boss got pulled if you are still behind and having an invulnerability period + Health increase for rares when they spawn so people get the chance to hit them.

The game is not fun when a griefing frogger denies you of all loot from a dungeon by getting you stuck behind a locked door. I did not wait 20 mins for a dungeon just to be s**t on by a frogger.

There are some weapon transmogs that only drop in raids and out in the world. You may not have all of the transmogs. I ended up downloading Treasure Tove or something like that to keep up with it.

I want the bosses dead in 8 seconds, not 9!


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I mean i had all the mop world boss mounts and raid mounts except the thundering onyx, which is the hardest mount of out all of them since all the other mounts have 15 min spawn cd and and raid mounts you can just run them, the onyx had a 45 - 1 hour spawn timer, so if you have like 25 alts imagine the time you have to spend each week, but i got it, i didnt even have to do anything to get it since blizz gave eveyone free 40k lol

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I did a Stormstout Brewery where the top DPS was just annihilating mobs and bosses. I spent more time looking for quest objectives only to catch up to mobs melting

No one said a word. It feels like typical leveling dungeons just 5x faster. Definitely not classic dungeons. Nothing has changed

:ocean: :crab: :ocean: :crab:

I used to joke that if Blizz kept caving to those who wanted more reward for less effort, eventually we’d reach a point of log in, collect reward, and log out again. Then Remix came and that’s exactly how many (most?) of us treat it. I log over to a remix toon, run daily travesties of instances (they used to be legitimate instances, but now the mobs - including raid bosses - are all just cardboard props that fall over from the breeze as I speed by), buy 4 new mounts, and log back to retail.

Not complaining, but I will eyeroll anyone who takes laughable content seriously.

It’s the Pirate Code!
“Any man who falls behind is left behind.”
~ Captain Jack Sparrow

you dont get the daily bonus which is the whole point if you just zone in solo.

Also point of those dungeon is exp and i guess threads too which is from completion and mailed to you if you dont loot. green and blue gear is irrelevant.