MoP Remix complainers

I honestly don’t understand why people are complaining so hard in the Remix. I’m finding people complaining about stuff dying too fast, complaining about one or two people afking, complaining about half the group not putting in as much effort as everyone else… all during raid runs. Like, why are you taking the raids so seriously? It’s Remix, where you can make your character as stupid broken as you can with gear and gems, so there are gonna be people who just nuke the raids with just a few button presses. A lot of others realize this and are just coasting along for the ride, but they still put in some work if the group has no “nukers”… I don’t understand the complaining about an event that should just be looked at for fun and not taken so seriously


Are people really criticizing this? The only complaints I’ve seen is how rares get nuked instantly, which is a valid criticism because it was an actual problem in real Mists, especially on the Timeless Isle where you had 60 seconds to get to a rare.


yes, i have had some people complaining about how quickly raids go or people not “helping” in the raids, when stuff is just getting nuked. bosses don’t even last 10-20 seconds

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I have no idea what kind of raids you are running, but I have leveled 11 alts to 70 so far and have not seen a single person complain about someone’s lack of performance. The only situation I could see that being a thing is running Heroics/Mythic SoO, which would actually warrant complaining because it is content that actually requires some level of focus.

it’s mainly LFR and normal. which, to me, is just so dumb, especially complaining about it in LFR… like, people are running LFR with a max geared alt just cause they wanna.


I’ll go a step further and say that if you believed the forums, you would think dungeons were completely impossible to do without seeing level 20 boosters and that boosters were universally reviled

Meanwhile, I’ve boosted three 70s of my own and three for friends and never once did anyone do anything but ask to join

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Let me do that for you. I wish to complain at the hunter who sat at the entrance of Scholo waiting to be fed for doing zero. I reckon they need to create some sort of thingamabob that can tell if some player in a group sits there for the whole run then just collects the stuff and stops them from earning anything from dungeons for 24 hours!

I have to say, its tempting to pursuade everyone else to drop the group and let them get nothing. There are always alts to play, after all…

There ya go, a complaint!

People still not done with Remix???

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I’m just finishing remix up for the final exclusives. Kinda got sidetracked with the base game for a bit. I was queueing for raids on my priest to get xp gain threads, cause I’m spamming dungeons on her to stockpile the dropped xp from bosses before i used it all at around level 55-60 with about 200% xp gain to hit max level.

Are you sure you’re even trying to understand their perspectives?

Opening a new thread looking for validation of your disagreement with a straw man amalgamation of what you’ve read across many threads seems like a poor method of engaging with people and gaining an understanding of their point of view.


Thats how I took it to be, though I think they went a little nuts with the exponential power thing. Just asking for problems and complaints.
But we all likely had different ideas about how this would end up looking and you cant have everyone thinking different things and not end up with some complaints.
I mean, end of day, my complaint is the exact same thing as always…player behavior is horrible, just the same as retail.
If that werent a thing in WoW, a LOT of the other complaints wouldnt exist because they wouldnt need to exist.

Most people that post here aren’t looking for an honest discussion.


I am and glad. I enjoyed doing the quests and such. The speed runners locking people out of dungeons, not so much.

All the mounts, class sets and transmog obtained. Dgaf about the heroic/mythic or even normal raids.

Definitely. I have yet to have touched a single frog in remix but if I use the gear I used my bronze to upgrade to help my dungeon dps I get called ”frogger” or told to quit the game, so I minimize my dps on my main toon there to as low as I can to not anger the team. I honestly should have just bought mounts with the bronze from the start

People are taking remix very seriously for some weird reason :dracthyr_nervous_animated:

It will take me roughly another 50 days to achieve my goals.

Admittedly, I haven’t been min-maxing my progress, but I have been putting in a good chunk of time each day.

Oh, I’m going to be playing this right up to the end. I’m having a blast.

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My main complaints have been Blizzard lying about things like Mythic giving more Bronze than the other raids, them basically calling players ‘exploiters’ for doing what they did in Retail, and the wack scaling.

I did the ‘hoard the XP tokens’ thing, messed up and only got to 67. I went ahead and upgraded my gear, and kept getting one shot in dungeons. I legit had to hang back and let a 70 healer tank because I couldnt.

I dont understand why people are complaining about the complainers.


We still have around 70 days left, so yeah. I’m not done.

Yes. People even mald about LFD in remix.

Only complain i have now is rhe gear uppgrade reduced costs arent account wide. Im not going gear another character after this ill just stick to the main remix character and do my farming there. Which seems counter to wows “alr friendly” mentality.