Moonrunner US DCing again

Same thing as yesterday - suddenly DCed, now DCing as I log back in

Perhaps a coincidence, but started precisely at 18:00 server time


Kelthuzad is doing the same. Happened last night as well. Really annoying as it happens during prime raid time.

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Think this just also happened with Wyrmrest Accord, too – I was about to engage the first boss of a Mana Tombs run when all of a sudden everyone in my TW dungeon group d/c’ed simultaneously.

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I am getting huge lag spikes and dcing over and over in Wintergrasp. Now I can’t even get back in.


Area-52 doing the same. Stuck at retrieving realm list again.


just experienced the same issue on KT.

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Same for Blackwater Raiders.

Was in the middle of a raid fight.

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Mannoroth as well

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It’s like last night all over again. D/C, “Retrieving realm list”, “Retrieving character list”, hang.

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It is the EXACT same time as last night.


DC’d on Stormrage, checking in.

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It’s multiple servers, we were all in disc when we all dc’ed. Now it’s at the retrieving character list for all of us.


Cenarion Circle too

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Sargeras checking in here. Stuck retrieving realm list then shows none of my characters.

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I believe the. Blues have gone home for the night but im sure the server techs are on it.

Lost 200 CR in Blitz to this yesterday. Now I have lost another 200 CR in Blitz to this today. This is honestly just really pathetic and extremely aggravating. Blitz has already been a nightmare of an experience and having to deal with this in addition is unreal. What a great roll out of a new PVP game mode Blizzard.


Middle of a raid pull. Everyone else can get back in but me… RIP

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I blame Beledar’s spawn. In our greed it has cursed us all. ( ._.)

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Can concur, on Blackwater Raiders connected realm to Cenarion Circle.

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Same thing on Zul’jin and it happened at the same time yesterday as well

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