Same thing as yesterday - suddenly DCed, now DCing as I log back in
Perhaps a coincidence, but started precisely at 18:00 server time
Same thing as yesterday - suddenly DCed, now DCing as I log back in
Perhaps a coincidence, but started precisely at 18:00 server time
Kelthuzad is doing the same. Happened last night as well. Really annoying as it happens during prime raid time.
Think this just also happened with Wyrmrest Accord, too – I was about to engage the first boss of a Mana Tombs run when all of a sudden everyone in my TW dungeon group d/c’ed simultaneously.
I am getting huge lag spikes and dcing over and over in Wintergrasp. Now I can’t even get back in.
Area-52 doing the same. Stuck at retrieving realm list again.
just experienced the same issue on KT.
Same for Blackwater Raiders.
Was in the middle of a raid fight.
Mannoroth as well
It’s like last night all over again. D/C, “Retrieving realm list”, “Retrieving character list”, hang.
It is the EXACT same time as last night.
DC’d on Stormrage, checking in.
It’s multiple servers, we were all in disc when we all dc’ed. Now it’s at the retrieving character list for all of us.
Cenarion Circle too
Sargeras checking in here. Stuck retrieving realm list then shows none of my characters.
I believe the. Blues have gone home for the night but im sure the server techs are on it.
Lost 200 CR in Blitz to this yesterday. Now I have lost another 200 CR in Blitz to this today. This is honestly just really pathetic and extremely aggravating. Blitz has already been a nightmare of an experience and having to deal with this in addition is unreal. What a great roll out of a new PVP game mode Blizzard.
Middle of a raid pull. Everyone else can get back in but me… RIP
I blame Beledar’s spawn. In our greed it has cursed us all. ( ._.)
Can concur, on Blackwater Raiders connected realm to Cenarion Circle.
Same thing on Zul’jin and it happened at the same time yesterday as well