Moonrunner US DCing again

Stormrage - same thing. havent gotten to log back in, but a bunch of my friends have no issue

Reboot your battle net now, then you can get in.

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The solution appears to be take a break from PvP around 9PM EDT.

You are under no obligation to deal with anything Blizzard does. You are choosing to be here. Full stop.

We prepay for a service with a reasonable expectation that it will function.

When it doesnt function as advertised telling people to run through 18 hoops to check their own configuration and then their router and then their ISP and then the peering connections, so if we were to extrapolate every customer doing this versus perhaps them saying 'we have an issue come back tomorrow or the day after" a lot of needless pissing around could be avoided.

Last post from blizzardCS on twitter appears to be from 2022.

Yeah it must be all our fault for assuming they act in good faith to deliver service and tell us when they might be having problems

Literal tumbleweeds flying by , but no
‘hey guys , something isnt right but please bear with us as we are trying to fix it’ as that might be construed as them failing to deliver what we paid for, nice to see your like it or lump it approach, maybe you should get a job ignoring customers there.

The pinned post from CS in this forum :

★ Please visit our Support site [here ] for the latest, up to date information on the current known issues

The actual link to goes nowhere so if someone if trying to find the CURRENT KNOWN ISSUES it blackholes you.


Then I suggest you read the blizzard EULA, the following section is particularly relevant here:

“Except as otherwise set forth herein, Blizzard does not guarantee that any particular Platform, Game, or Account, or any particular features or components thereof, will be available at all times, at any given time, or in all countries and/or geographic locations, or that Blizzard will continue to offer the Platform, Game, or Account, or all features or components thereof, for any particular length of time. Availability is subject to change at any time, although we will endeavor to use reasonable commercial efforts to provide you prior notice, unless the discontinuance arises from a matter that is beyond Blizzard’s control or causes the provision of such advance notice not to be possible or feasible.”

This is just a lie, they have posts from yesterday up.


I am not logging into that dumpsterfire, but if i browse to x dot com
slash BlizzardCS I see nothing newer than 2022

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I mean, twitter limits what people logged out can see, to encourage you to sign up for an account to allow them to sell your data to advertisers.

But here you go:


It’s not about their legal terms and conditions or the EULA.

For someone to jump in lawyer mode about the time players are wasting here for no good reason then i suggest you dont get the context of my post.

It’s about lack of respect for the playerbase and wasting our time needlessly , if they know they have an issue.


Congratulations on letting us know we have free will.

Are you implying that Blizzard is doing it intentionally?

Yes, certain realms appear to have stability issues overnight. As players we have no way of knowing if the cause is the same every time (although it is likely).

The forums aren’t manned overnight so there isn’t anyone in the office to post about it. The ones who are working on it don’t have accounts to post on as it’s not part of their job description. All an SFA would be able to say is “They are working on it.”