Moon Guard Horde Guild Listings

I know this isn't where you post, but does anyone know if the guild "Hand of Setesh" is still running?
Guild Name: Longwalker Lodge

GM: Akug
Officers: Sixtyseven, Saylyn, Obarra, Macmacs
Affiliation: Horde

PvP: Medium - Most of this would be freewheeling Random BG's and world PvP. Could potentially create an RBG team if enough interest generated.

PvE: The guilds focus is primarily directed at Normal/Heroic raiding at this point.

RP: Light/None - I'm not as a guild going to mandate any lore or RP requirements, but would support any player wanting to run any events.

Guild Site: -

Synopsis: This is a brand new guild created on 6/25/2014 by myself and some real life friends. We're looking to meet new people on Moon Guard of any level who have an interest in questing, dungeons, and raid content and generally having a good time in Guild Chat.

Our goal is to gather together a core group of people to progress through PvE raid content in Warlords of Draenor and beyond.

Currently the guild is in the recruiting stages for Warlords, looking for motivated and active members that are willing to raid and do other group content between 7-12 PM (EST) during the week.
Guild Name: <My Eyes Are Up Here>
GMs: Evalinia, Leblanca

Officers: Aldabërn, Milkshaké

Other recruiters: Any of the raiders/members/initiates just send em a whisper

Affiliation: Horde, but we don't hate the Alliance, a lot of us have ally toons. :P

PvP: Light PvP, like really light (for now :D)

PvE: Heavy, We have a raid group, we may need a more variety of DPS though (LOTS of DKs, locks and priests, oh and hunters too xD)

RP: Some of us RP, some of us don't.

Guild Site: N/a

Synopsis: Fun guild full of fun people, experience RL (Yours truly ;D). On tuesdays we do old raids so people who don't have max level toons can get in on the fun and sometimes even achieve runs. (we did the firelands achieve recently, but we're always willing to go back for guildies and friends of guildies :3) We respect each player and help people who are new to the game if they need help. We have a guild vent which is free to use for guildies and friends of guildies.

Currently: Progressing through Norm 10m SoO. Still in need of a healer and a few DPS

Edit: added in an officer
Guild Name: <House Firesong>
GM: Entilzhá (alt+0225)

Officers: Salandrà, Valeria, Israai

Other recruiters: Anyone not of OOC rank should be able to point you in the right direction, or send Entilzhá in game mail.

Affiliation: Quel'Thalas: House Firesong is concerned only with the restoration of the elven homeland to it's pre-scourge invasion state, and the well-being of the children of Silvermoon, and remains neutral in the horde-alliance conflict. We accept only Sin'dorei into our ranks, with varying degrees of trust or mistrust of horde and alliance races.

PvP: Light - PvP at the moment, RP is our focus but we're working on getting a PVP squad together. Will also unite and engage anytime there are PVP attacks in Silvermoon or elsewhere in Quel'Thalas.

PvE: Medium - We run a lot of older raid content as well as current dungeons/scenarios. Close to having a group ready to begin running current raid content. Plan to have a flex/reg raiding team for WOD.

RP: Heavy - Our primary focus, with major ongoing story arcs related to reclaiming and restoring to any degree possible our former seat in southern Quel'Thalas, with the ultimate goal of bringing more Sin'dorei around to focus on restoring their homeland and creating a Quel'Thalas as it was before the invasion versus allegiance to the horde. We only speak Thalassian at functions, though a retainer will provide translation as needed in other tongues.

Typically 2-3 planned, D20 events per week, with random RP of some sort pretty much every day.

Guild Site:

Synopsis:Fun, friendly, highly lore and RP knowledgeable core group of people willing to help new RPers provided you're willing to put in the time and effort it takes to learn, and veterans are of course needed to build upon our core. Nobility themed, based on an ancient line which was nearly wiped out in the invasion seeking to reclaim our seat and standing, but our overwhelming concern is for Quel'Thalas as a whole. Chill OOC community, but we have high standards for RP and will work with people who can use improvement.

Currently: Proceeding through our story arc related to our Southern Quel'Thalas (Ghostlands, but we refer to it as Southern Quel'Thalas), as well as character-based storylines and other offshoots. Recent events have included establishing a foothold at the Sanctum of the Moon and the mines to the south. We're currently conducting anti-scoruge operations in the region as often neglected by Silvermoon, we require a safe place from which to operate in the South. Story arc will later proceed to IC reconstruction efforts, as well as alliances with users of druidic and shaman magics to attempt to even slightly reduce the taint left by the scourge, dreaming of the day our home will be the "Ghostlands" no longer but simply Quel'Thalas as it was.

Formal events are held at suitable location in Quel'Thalas with a proper banquet table, and we have small holdings on Quel'danas and in Eversong, but our focus lies to the South.
Guild Information
Name: Fist of Iron.
Level: 1.
Theater of Operations: Blasted Lands/Draenor/Northern and Southern Barrens.
Base(s): Dreadmaul Hold, Desolation Hold.
GM: Korzarak
- Garok [Co-GM]
Recruitment: Open. (Orcs and Goblins)
Allegiance: Iron Horde / Garrosh Loyalists.
Alignment: Chaotic / Neutral Evil.
Roleplay: Heavy Roleplay. (Events/Storyline)
Player vs. Player: Casual.
Player vs. Environment: Casual.
Updating this as well as a purge. Please wait.

As I stated to the Alliance: Synopses are brief snippets on your guild. Save the details for your individual recruitment threads. This is a compiled listing for those who don't want to scroll through 6-12 pages of threads to find them. Make sure the information is pertinent and up-to-date as much as possible.
In addition to taking down guilds that no longer exist in the purge, I am also taking down guild recruitments where the GM is no longer the same name. So, if you don't see your guild listed here, please have the GM post with the update in their name and that they request the listing.
How is Warforged not on this list -_-

Guild Name: Warforged
GM: Ralgore

Officers: Kiralae(Raid Lead). Cyrath(Heals), Minywheats(DKP, Attendance), Taskie(Recruitment)
Affiliation: Horde

PvP: Medium, We have plenty of arena teams in our guild.

PvE: Heavy, Always recruiting the best of Moon Guard.

RP: Light, there are a few members who RP with other guilds

Guild Site:

Synopsis: Our guild was founded in 2010 by two players who had a desire to push heroic progression, and to do so in good company. We've grown in leaps and bounds ever since, developing into a wonderful and diverse group with a laid-back attitude and no tolerance for drama and trolling. With more than a decade of experience leading raids since the days of Everquest, our raid leader is knowledgeable and driven to lead his group to success. But there's more to us than just raiding! A healthy lust for PvP is a definite plus as many of our members have made an endeavor out of rated battlegrounds and arena teams. And if you crave a lively guild, you'll love our active and sociable roster - there's always someone to talk to, and it's common to see fun events on the calendar like alt raids, old-world raids or even trivia nights!

Currently: Warforged is gearing up for WoD and selling Heroic Garrosh kills for Moon Guard members who are unable to see the content otherwise. Check us out :)
Guild Name: Legion Of Blades
GM: Mogrok
Active recruitment officers: Kaydeena, occasionally Loktog, or you can ask some certain members such as Fastr. Or send me mail, I will reply IC to see if you are fit for combat or whatever you want to be part of here.

Affiliation: We seek to make a new Horde.

PvP: We have no immediate plans but maybe if we get people who want to PvP a lot.
PvE: You can ask for a run through something if you want to, we encourage getting a group of players around the same level and leveling there, we do do some PvE in RP though.
RP: Heavy, military style

Guild Site: None at the time, I'm looking for a way I might be able to get one.
Synopsis: We seek to make a new Horde, one run by the many races so that decisions are put through and are beneficial to all, we prefer to do this peacefully, but we do see a lot of action, we also are tasked with eliminating all threats to the new Horde early.

Currently: Working to gain the backing of all the races before we form the New Horde, we are also finishing up on destroying the Burning Blade so the closest threat to our capital will be gone, and to prevent the re-summoning of many demons with the power to take all of Kalimdor.
Guild Name: Dawnhaven
GM: Lithwyn
Officers: Selebil, Elieta and Leareth
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light. We do random BG's, but no formal rated events at the moment
PvE: Medium. We do instances, scenarios, and LFR and considerable amounts of old content for tmog, achievements and mounts.
RP: Medium-Heavy
Guild Site:

Synopsis: Our central theme is the struggles and adventures of the mercenary company Dawnhaven and friends against a potential goblin cartel forming, with mysterious and malicious plans afoot and rising tide of the Iron Horde. We like to think of ourselves as closer to a very colorful Azerothian A-Team as opposed to being the Expendables.

Currently: Dawnhaven as a guild is made up of friendly, social, and humorous players. Ranging from very new to very veteran Warcraft players with an equally wide range of rp backgrounds. Hit up our site or say hi! in-game if interested!
Guild Name: Thalassian Guardians

GMs: Vynlarion, Arrodis

Affiliations: Sin'dorei, Horde

PvP: Medium

PvE: Light

RP: Heavy

Guild Site:

Synopsis: Failures of prior military regiments have led to the creation of a proper elven military centred around the destruction of the Iron Horde, the claiming of any valuables beyond the Red Portal, and the neutralising of any other threats. Led by Quel'Thalas' most decorated aristocrat and the Blood Knight's premier Knight-Lord, the Thalassian Guardians will seek out any foe that seeks to do the High Home harm, be it interior or exterior.

Currently: The current focus of the Guardians is to continue recruiting quality members. Those who are interested must fill out the application under 'Recruitment' on the aforementioned guild website. Furthermore we are readying for the Warlords of Draenor launch with preluding events.
Doing some updates on this. Be patient. :)
Guild Name: Mystic Titans
GM: Tranzcended
Officers: Apollise, Rezzmir
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: (light - do you have an RBG team that needs someone? not currently)
PvE: (medium - do you have a raid team that needs someone? Yes)
RP: Not currently
Guild Site: join us online say a few words
Synopsis: Our guild is based mostly around raiding making money chilling having a good time and relaxing after a days work. I personally would like to delve deeper into RP but haven't gotten around to it just yet perhaps you have some pointers or tips to share
Currently: Me and a few friends are working to get to lvl 100 fill the guild coffers and start raiding we are short some heads though, and we need you to help us get through this seasons raid content. So drop a line join our TS server and chat us up.
Guild Name: The Iron Blade
GM: Sylnah
Officers: Arandur, Cessilee, Odakotah, Sevilince, Alecta, Velnnah
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Very light
PvE: Main focus (heavy)
RP: Medium, about two guild events per month. Many role players in the guild.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We like to have fun. We are family friendly guild that understands that real life comes first. We help each other, get rowdy in G chat, goof off alot but when its all said and done we are a family.
Currently: Currently working as a team to get everyone to level, get geared for raids, work on skills needed for Highmaul when it releases, and working together as a guild to get everyone's professions up to 700.
Guild Name:Drakon
Officers: Ishboo, JoshSquatch
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Heavy, looking for more people to join with us to get a full Battleground as a guild
PvE:Looking to start a Raid team need open raiders As soon as possible, will help you gear if you need it.
RP: Light, We have a couple people looking for more people to join in
Synopsis: Very Fun laid back environment, we joke around and have fun. Would love to have members join our ranks and help us build
Currently: We currently running Arena's and would like to get a battleground group going and a raid group going.
Guild Name: Gunmetal Mercenaries
GM: Ryaxus
Officers: Asaerin, Azarriah, Bliss, Aisha, Illena
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light, but we plan to do more in the future
PvE: Medium, very casual at the moment.
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: now that Horde and Alliance efforts are focused on Draenor, things have become a little more hectic back here on Azeroth. Problems are arising, and criminal groups are rearing their heads once again. More and more mercenaries are taking advantage of this turmoil and lending their aid for the right price.
Currently: gathering recruits and completing jobs.
Guild Name: Emporium of Magic
GM: Kylani
Officers: Kalnithicus, Physius, Xenor

PvE: Heavy - Recruiting for Norm and Heroic raid progression
RP/PvP - None

Synopsis - Newly formed guild focusing on raiding and getting into Heroic progression while still maintaining a fun friendly environment to all. Our Goal is to at clear all normal and Heroic Raids this expansion but with a laid back attitude.

Raid times 9-12pm ST Tues-Thurs with optional Sunday depending on how schedules are looking. Interested applicants can find our thread in about the first 2 pages on server forums to see what exactly we're currently looking for.
Guild Name: Morrg's Murderdolls
GM: Morrgara
Officers: Lynesstra, Thuzzak, Kahlamaki
Affiliation: Neutral
PvP: Medium
PvE: Medium
RP: Medium
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a mercanary guild that does missions for the highest bidder and we get side tracked with our own internal drama
Currently: Recently our GM, me, was possessed by a warlock we pissed off on a mission and after weeks I am back to my old self.
Guild Name: Dawn Legion
GM: Solvirithas
Officers: Daevarius, Valdariel, Valyris
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Heavy
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: None, as of now.
Synopsis: <Dawn Legion> is a newly-formed RP-PvP guild based on Horde diplomacy and military. The lore behind the guild is a prideful Sin'dorei house that abandoned its traditions to serve Vol'jin in his rebellion, in order to bring peace. After setting aside their glory as a wealthy family, they renamed themselves Dawn Legion, and instead became a Horde military regiment open to all races and members of the Horde.
Dawn Legion and its officers have taken up residency in Orgrimmar, to show that they have truly set aside what they once were. Dawn Legion is not partial towards elves and will not be prejudice towards any other race of the Horde. It is not more than an honorable Horde organization directed towards agreement within the Horde and diplomacy with the Alliance.
Currently: Firstly, I am wanting to recruit all willing members of the Horde whose character's values to not conflict with the guild's. I want some of every race within my guild, to show that it is not some Sin'dorei elitist group.
Second, I want to actually recruit some Blood Elf characters to act as members or associates of House Dawnstorm. I would like to have some characters in the guild to have memories of its origins as an elven family. This doesn't necessarily have to be characters with the last name Dawnstorm, however. They could be servants of the house, or bannermen, or guards. Perhaps they could simply have been friends with the house, or even rivals.
Lastly, but still very important, I am looking for people to be officers and take up eadership positions in my guild. Because my guild is new, I feel as though I have a huge recruitment disadvantage. It has proven difficult to start a new roleplaying guild when all the others have been around for years. I do intend to create an awesome contributing guild for the Moon Guard roleplaying community, but I do not want to do it alone.