Moon Guard Horde Guild Listings

Guild Name: Burning Tusk Tribe
GM: Pip
Officers: Kruega, Solaith
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Little
PvE: Heavy
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a Horde Heavy RP Guild that participates in a little bit of everything in game to maximize our fun and enhance our rp experience! We are a tribe and family focused guild, we run anything from IC horrible movie nights using stream and chat, OOC card game nights with cards against humanity to DND type nights with dice using roll20! We have been around for almost 8 years, so you know we are not going anywhere any time soon. Come join today!
Currently: We are on a big recruitment drive and heavily focus on RP with new people.
Guild Name: Emberaxe Tribe
GM: Simari
Officers: Zulfifon, Zálzak, Mohavii
Affiliation: Neutral (Slightly Horde leaning)
PvP: Light
PvE: Medium
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: A mostly Troll RP guild based out of Zul'gurub for the past three years. We tend to focus on day-to-day village living RP with bigger story arcs to tie us into the current events. We are a tribe of trolls of mixed origins who left their birth tribes for whatever reasons. This is a great opportunity if you wish to RP a troll sub-race not commonly found in the Horde. Fill out an application to join. We also do raids and dungeons and other such things to help characters get RP and Transmog items.
Currently: Have a party in Draenor to prevent what happened to our tribe during the Darkspear rebellion from happening again.
Guild Name: Iridium
GM: Efie
Officers: Battlescarbp, Chikatree, Riykku
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Heavy
RP: Light
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a friendly guild with a dedicated core raid team whose goal is casual but progressive raiding. What does that mean exactly? It means that we like to efficiently progress through current raid content while having fun with good friends, and without the pressures and stresses of being in a hardcore raiding guild. Our plans are to progress through mythic raiding, and we raid Saturday evening from 6pm-10pm server/CST time and Sunday evenings from 6pm-9pm server/CST time. Please check out our website for more info and to apply if interested!
Guild Name: Azerothian Mercantile Co. (AMCo)
GM: Talanedra (Co-GM Arabesque)
Officers: Billnye
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Light
RP: Medium (Some events, Some spontaneous.)
Guild Site:

Synopsis: Azerothian Mercantile Company is a casual-friendly guild for people who like to dabble in a little bit of everything, while having a good time with friends in a supportive environment. Our RP premise is a mercantile guild that does a lot of exploring, adventuring, crafting, trading, and sometimes drinking. We want to build a group that interacts with WoW as a living world, and for that we're seeking people who want active, open RP in cities and around Draenor. An average day can involve anything from guild dungeon runs, to rare-hunting, group fishing trips, RP events in various flavors (adventure, espionage, diplomacy, social, exploration, puzzle, combat), Battlegrounds for Fun and Profit, or participating in holidays and world events.

Currently: Active event lines in progress, using current content. Which is tl;dr for, we're currently running an RP arc of establishing trade with the Arakkoa Outcasts and plan on running various other arcs involving various locales of Draenor in the future.
Guild Name: Casually Addicted
GM: Jørdan, Linanus, Vallice, Zolle
Officers: Noctes, Koboi
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Very light PvP
PvE: Medium. We are casually when it comes to raiding, but we do take it serious
RP: None
Synopsis: We're a really friendly guild looking for people who are serious about raiding, but they like to do it casually. We might not progress the best, but we're a fun group. We make raiding fun.
Currently: We're currently 6/7 normal looking to do better in BRF. We need a new healer (holy priest would be great), a melee DPS with a tank off spec, and ranged DPS
Guild Name: CabaI (with a capital i instead of an L, mind you)
GM: Nazgroth
Officers: Zorgul, Buroxxarg, Moldrathar, Katobu
Affiliation: Shadow Council/Burning Legion
PvP: Light
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy (Main focus)
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Cabal is an elite sect of the Shadow Council running operations on Draenor. Headed by Naz'groth, a lieutenant of Gul'dan, they seek to bring forth the Burning Legion's omnipotent hand so that it may wreak its grasp over all worlds alike, and are willing to unite with any who would further their cause and destroy any who would oppose it.
Currently: Wrapping up our first campaign, the Tribulation of Talador, with a battle in Shattrath City. Moving into our next campaign, Through Fel and Highmaul.
I dont think she updates this anymore
Guild Name: Dances With Worgs
GM: Rinnok
Officers: Drakazon (All members are able to recruit and invite other players)
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium
PvE: Heavy
RP: Medium/light
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The main goal of this guild is support. We want to be a resource for each other no matter what your need is.

Are you ok on your own but want people to socialize with on your adventures? We're here for you.
Are you a new player who needs some guidance or a returning player shaking the dust off? We'll steer you in the right direction.
Are you a player who enjoys casually raiding with a group you can depend on? We will have scheduled raids and a pool of guildmates to go with you on non-scheduled raids.
Are you a player looking for a guild to do achievements, raids, dungeons, mount and battle pet hunting, PvP, questing and other scheduled events with? Dances With Worgs is what you're looking for.

We are small right now but one day we will be mighty! Come grow with us?

Currently: Right now we are new and are still stretching our wings. We're doing small events together as a group and frequently go on mount and pet hunts in old and newer content. I'm also planning to have a night every week where we go hunting for mounts. (through dungeons, raids, achievements, quests, etc.)

We're a fun group who likes to help each other, if you're in need of a group to chat with and enjoy exploring this strange world we play in please join us! ^_^

*No one is required to do anything, other than be respectful to your fellow guild members, if you can't raid on a schedule or if you can't make every single event, or any of them events, we'll still love you.

Every member in the guild can recruit if they want to and can invite anyone they want in the guild. New members stay in trial rank status for 7 days to discourage guild bank looting.
Guild Name: <The Stonewind Tribe>
GM: Paukala
Officers: Kohatan, Ikita, positions are open here. We’ve got a definitely OOC officer-ish in Plainsthorn.
Affiliation: Horde, Neutral bent
PvP: Not just yet, however I’d love to start.
PvE: Not as often as I’d like.
RP: Medium to Heavy, on the heavier side.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Born of wind and stone, the Stonewind come from the Stonetalon mountains. Built to withstand the greatest storms, they have come upon hard times with the loss of more than half their Tribe, and their long-time leader. Led by the headstrong and determined Paukala Cloverstride they seek to protect the Earthmothers people, and reclaim land that is theirs and the Shu’halos.
Currently: A weekly storytelling event in TB is in the works. The fight against the Venture Co. is the first hurdle we must leap over!
Guild Name: Blood Skulls
GM: Groshdaka
Officers: Slixxie
Affiliation: Neutral
PvP: Light
PvE: Medium
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a biker gang themed mercenary guild. Our interests involve making gold and having fun.
Currently: we have RP events every week, as well as general ongoing RP, and we are currently getting a raid team together for gear, transmogs, and achievements.
Guild Name: Syndicate of the Legion
GM: Hexai (me)
Officers: Drimuri, Thiola
Affiliation: Affiliated with neither the horde or the alliance. We're more directed towards the Burning Legion and their aims, although we do not have IC contact with them. (Meaning we're essentially a group of fanatics)
PvP: None.
PvE: Would like to start up a raid team but it's unorganized at the moment
RP: Heavy - RP is our main OOC perogative
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Syndicate of the Legion is a heavy RP guild that is dedicated to serving the aims of the Burning Legion. In essence, they're a group of radicals. Our RP is on the whole, rather morally ambiguous or inept altogether so keep that in mind
Currently: Attempting to siphon power from sites that hold significance to the Old Gods. Our plotline (once it goes back into action) will center around searching for relics of the Old Ones and sites that they have had influence upon.
Guild Name: Mercenaries of Durotar

GM: Nhol

Officers: Bramblemane

Affiliation: Neutral...sort of...

PvP: None. I won't stop you from starting a PvP team for our guild, but this isn't really a PvP guild.

PvE: Light

RP: Medium to Heavy RP

Guild Site: None yet

Synopsis: Basically we are a Crime Syndicate RP guild who sells mercenary and assasination services to the highest bidder. We're looking for people to join as members of the Family, however we also need employers/targets. If you're interested in any of said positions, send me a tell or a letter in-game.

Currently: Just hiring right now. Nothing interesting yet but once we get more members, we'll start RPing which'll be a barrel of laughs...and gunpowder...but mostly laughs...
Guild name: The Oathsworn Vigil
GM: Jazmmine
(GMs) Ferathir & Jazmmine
(Recruitment) Kezona & Xiyi
(PvE) Tahune, Lobuz, & Wrebel
(RP) Evisaria

Affiliation: Horde, neutral-bent
PvP: none
PvE: medium
RP: Light to medium - Looking to start RP

Guild Site:

Synopsis: The Oathsworn Vigil is a guild with a relatively laid back PvE focus, looking to start guild RP again. In character, tOV is a Horde group made up of members of all races whose goal is to tackle Azeroth's larger threats, rather than battle in petty racial wars. Always looking for skilled players for the current raid content, as well as RPers who want to enjoy RP with the guild. The guild currently is made up of a lovely group of friendly people. We like to make our guild environment friendly and accepting, like a WoW family.

Currently: Looking for new RPers to join us so we may start up more structured or at least regular RP. Current RP will entail regrouping and gathering of forces until we have the numbers to return to the various fronts Azeroth has to offer. Our raid team runs casual BRF on Wednesdays and a progression team doing Normal/Heroic HFC on Thursday and Sunday nights.
Updates will be coming soon. Having to purge some defunct guilds.
As of today, this thread has been updated.
Guild Name: Rocketshiv Cartel
GM: Svarya
Officers: Verex, Nandori
Affiliation: Horde/Neutral
PvP: Light
PvE: Medium. Hope to start raiding after the launch of Legion.
RP: Medium to Heavy.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Rocketshiv Cartel is a goblin-run mercenary group dedicated to selling their talents for killing to the highest bidder. Whether they're Horde, Alliance, or unaffiliated to those two major factions, no one's money is too good for Rocketshiv Cartel.
Currently: Brand new guild with longtime players, hoping to establish a dedicated RP environment and potentially branch out into raiding.
I'd like to correct a post here that was made about Unitology with accurate information. I'm the guild leader.

Guild name: Unitology
GM: Utopian
Officers: Tylonious, Fistwolf, Dyse, Siñ, Snapchat, Nikoilea, Skelly, Modêst, Fataclysm, Rorita, Kyüe
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Casually / 1 RBG event per week
PvE: Casually / 2 Raid events per week
RP: None
Guild Website: (A work in progress)
Synopsis: <Unitology> is primarily a social guild, with a focus on casual PvP and PvE. We're about having fun with a bit of a vulgar sense of humor. Our events are to encourage people to have fun and interact with one another, and we currently have 570+ members in our ranks.
Currently: Looking for people who are interested in joining and having fun. We don't have a set raid team whatsoever, and attending events is not required, but we're always looking for a good warlock to join our regular raids.
Guild Name: The Spirit Wolf Tribe
GM: Wajinae
Officers: Unnä (alt + 0228)
Affiliation: Neutral/Horde.
PvP: Medium. Will be planning arena teams and rbg teams once we get enough members and interest.
PvE: Light/Casual. Please join others to queue for dungeons or LFRs. If we get someone interested in setting up a raid group and enough members interested, great!
RP: Heavy.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: A Spiritualistic Tribal Shu'halo guild. We wish to bring Shu'halo back to their roots and focus on the tenets of the Shu'halo ways. Heavy focus on family and belonging. Mainly focused on recruiting Tauren players, we will be opening recruitment on a case by case basis to Orcs and Trolls.
Currently: The Tribe is based currently is Ghost Walker Post in Desolace. Our main focus is recruiting Shu'halo with like minded interests to join. Once we get to a respectable size we will return to nomadic ways moving about Kalimdor. We aim to push back the centaur blight. Once we have wrestled control of Desolace from the Centaur and hostile Alliance, we will move south into Feralas. After the Centaur and Alliance are dealt with, the Tribe will send those willing on wards to Draenor to fight the Iron Horde and stop the invasion of Azeroth.