Moon Guard Horde Guild Listings

Guild Name: Sunlight Hearts
GM: Medria
Officers: None yet
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Medium
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: None yet
Synopsis: A charity-based guild that primarily supports military groups, though the events are open to the public. Fresh meals and therapy sessions are the main services they offer, and they have a guard unit to protect the non-combatants at events or to offer to other groups to provide extra security at public events.
Currently: Recruiting cooks and therapists mainly, seeking military guilds to support.
Guild Name: Knights of May
GM: Carmille
Officers: None yet
Affiliation: Silvermoon City
PvP: If you really want to, no objections.
PvE: Possible dungeon / old raid groups.
RP: Medium-casual
Guild Site: N/A
Synopsis: The Oaksworn family kept tradition alive by training their women to be great fighters like the Kal'dorei. When the scourge attacked, all but one of them survived. "General Beatrix" wishes to train a new generation of Knights to serve the city. (Female Blood Elf only.)
Currently: Still in recruiting process. Highest recruiter of the week gets a battle pet package including rare and expensive battle pets. Planning an IC rp event once we hit 15 members!
Guild Name: Aquilonis Coterie
GM: Aibion, Mohzok
Officers: Fookibear, Sharpshank, Jazzlex, Nichont
Affiliation: Neutral
PvP: Medium
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a mercenary guild looking to uncover the secrets untold in history. We also lend our strength to others for payment in order to fund our excursions. We are headquartered currently at Agram's Hammer in Dragonblight. ((Our goal is to give our members and allies a better understanding of lore through events which take place back in time with the help ICly from the Bronze Dragonflight.))
Currently: We are in the recruitment stage but still doing events while recruiting. We are beginning a weekly series of RP events that run every Wednesday night at 8PM server time. The next series begins on January 8th which is a series to better understand the story of one of the greatest characters in lore history: Arthas Menethil. It is a 12-part event which takes us from the discovery of the plague to his downfall.
In addition to that series of events, we are also holding social gatherings and balls every few weeks to strengthen bonds with our allies as well as try to create new bonds with new allies.
Guild Name: Magocracy of Silvermoon
GM: Dianell
Officers: Tiravel
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: None at the moment
Synopsis: We are a Magister and Sunreaver guild made for Blood Elves and non-Elven casters. We are aiming at bringing Quel'thalas and the Horde together, and reclaiming the sacred lands of both. For Rommath!
Currently: Recruiting, although we have an RP event against the Amani in the process!
Working on updating this for you guys. :)
Guild Name:<Honor of the Ancestors>

GM: Jimlok.

Officers: Bragorim.

Affiliation: Focused on Orcs as a whole, but sides with Horde during conflicts.

PvP: We don't have an OOC team for RBG yet, but will form one if the want is high enough.

PvE: We don't have an OOC team for Raids yet, but will form one if the want is high enough.

RP: Heavy, focused primarily on Orcish lore.

Guild Site: None at this time.

Synopsis: <Honor of the Ancestors> Is basically the Orcish version of the Scryers, Church of the Holy Light, Earthen Ring and Explorer's League combined. We wish to relearn all forgotten and lost lore and traditions of the Orcs and teach it to all that are willing to listen. Due to the state of the Orcs after the Siege of Orgrimmar. Now lacking a racial leader and are no longer the top race within the Horde, we seek to offer guidance to those who are lost, get them in touch with their heritage and aid them in by offering the wisdom of the ancestors. We promote unity for the Orc people, but also support diversity enough to prevent conformity.

Currently: Gathering like minded Orcs from all backgrounds that wish to gather lost lore and information of the Orcs from before the Burning Legion. Accepting lore keepers to aid in educating and spreading what we learn and warriors to protect our collected knowledge and lore keepers.
Guild Name: The Eclipsed sun
GM: Istrianth
Officers: Leyindrasong
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium (Looking for 3's healer)
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: WIP
Synopsis: A holy cult with a insane charismatic leader who claims to be the Light first son and its prophet. Anti undead extremists who wish to see all undead slain and enslaved by the living. Roman styled military with Scarlet styled clergy who worship and teach the text known as "The Prophet's Word."
Currently: Looking for officers and recruits, our story has just started and we want people make our lore with us. Ritual's held weekly and sanitation marches (undead killing's !@# style) held every three days.
Guild Name: Verendus
GM: Nisim
Officers: Torukk, Rinx.
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium. In-guild arena teams.
PvE: Heavy. Primarily a raiding guild.
RP: Light. All RP is done outside of guild.
Guild Site: -None-
Synopsis: Verendus has returned from WOTLK to finish off the MoP expansion with a bang. Most of our old members are still present from years past, and we are always looking for people to accompany us through current raid content.
Currently: Working on Heroic kills!
Updated as requested.
Guild Name: Magocracy of Silvermoon
GM: Kalegor
Officers: None, currently recruiting
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Medium/Heavy
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Magocracy of Silvermoon was founded after Lady Jaina Proudmoore banished the Sunreavers from the Kirin Tor and imprisoned many of its members within the Violet Hold. Angered at her decision to side Dalaran with the Alliance, the Magocracy was formed to service Blood Elves and Casters alike, in the wake of Garrosh's betrayal, and the Kirin Tor's abandonment. Apart from this important task, it's goal is to wipe clean the stain left behind by those that sided with Garrosh and helped destroy Theramore, though for now the great tension between the Kirin Tor and the Magocracy of Silvermoon undeniably holds strong.

Currently: Organizing the Order in the wake of the Purge of Dalaran.
Guild Name: Call of Cthulhu

GM: Tamino

Officers: Tamino, Cruror, Kaptcrunch, Niniava, Zelaren

Affiliation: Horde

PvP: Light
PvE: Heavy
RP: None

Guild Site:

Synopsis: Relaxed, mature guild that enjoys doing raids (including flex), dungeons, scenarios, and old world/transmog raids together

Currently: Working on heroic progression in SoO, and recruiting for those who want to level and raid with us in WoD.
Guild Name: Bittersweet Cadence
GM: Anareya
Officers: Gabbrialla, Alastren, Migisia, Andjela, Beddu
Affiliation: Horde, non-military though
PvP: None.
PvE: We're up for transmog runs, dungeons and leveling help, but it's not our big thing.
RP: Heavy RP, but very willing to help out well-meaning beginners.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Bittersweets are a group of performers serving Moon Guard's Horde. Available for hire for holiday events, parties and other affairs, the Bittersweet Cadence prides itself on conducting its business openly and fairly with the public. Basically, we run events big and small hoping to bring a little bit of less violent RP to the server. If World of Warcraft is a world, there's gotta be some entertainment between the warcrafting. We take pretty much any kind of act you can think of and creativity is highly valued. Examples of some of our performers include a sword swallower, a fortune teller, an animal tamer, a pole dancer and a singer. Aside from performers, we're also a pretty good place for giving your character a sidejob as a waiter, bartender, cook, pyrotechnics technician or any other service you think they can provide to people.
Currently: We just had our first show under this name recently and it was a pretty big hit, so we're planning another one coming up on April 26th!
Guild Name: Bloodsplatter Warband
GM: Drikdarok (OOC)
Officers: Rargran, Vokgora (IC War Matron/Chieftess)
Affiliation: Horde, Orc-only.
PvP: Medium.
PvE: Medium.
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Bloodsplatter Warband is a collection of Orc marauders who have banded together to face of the very real threats of Azeroth. Those--Alliance or otherwise--who would seek ill will upon their people, both in and out of the great warmachine that is the Horde, the Warband is a line of defense and offense. Mercenary and soldier alike, we ultimately have one common interest: Blood and Thunder.
Currently: We are currently making the change from a "Warband" to a "Clan," ICly. This by no means should imply that we're undergoing a change in infrastructure, but we are looking to create a tighter bond with those that belong to the Warband. If you have an interest in a guild that pays realistic attention to orcish clan RP, that's us.
The <Kingdom of Shadows> is no longer active.
This listing is going through a "search and purge" so I can make room. Thanks for keeping me updated! :)
Guild Name: Church of Avacyn
GM: Jisela
Officers: N/A
Affiliation: Neutral
PvP: Almost nonexistent
PvE: Medium, we like to do dungeons and raids whenever people feel like it.
RP: Medium, again, whatever people feel like.
Guild Site: None.
Synopsis: A casual guild for people who like MtG and WoW. No real RP in the guild chat, just chatting and helping each other out. Outside of the guild chat, the Guild was created by me as an attempt to spread the word of Avacyn to other worlds besides Innistrad after I was accidentally transported to Azeroth.
Currently: Nothing really. Again, the guild is kind of just based around friends chatting and helping each other out while having fun together. Nothing serious, just casual fun.

Feel free to contact me whenever I'm on to join up or even just to chat. ID is Xedric#1793
Guild Name: <Blood Affiliation>
GM: Critler
Officers: Luciferris
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Light
RP: Light
Guild Site: none at the moment
Synopsis: We are a friendly,helpful,social guild accepting all classes,races and levels. We have had some major losses to our roster and looking to rebuild our ranks in hopes of creating a close knit family that teams together often,be it PVE,PVP,or RP. Leave the drama at the door. it will not be tolerated. Come..laugh..make some new friends and make this a place to call home :)

Currently: awaiting the arrival of new members to wreak havoc with ;) Come play!
Guild Name: Seasons of Shadow
GM: Raithios
Officers: Yuwong , Saorei , Cloaks.

Affiliation: Horde

PvP : Medium-members are expected to have atleast full grievous gear or more then 2/3 of their set complete.

PvE : Medium heavy-All members are expected to have vent installed aswell if you want to be part of the norm raiding team to be 535 and pull the right amount of dps(or whatever role you wish.)

RP: Light-Medium- If you roleplay and wish to icly say you are part of the guild then wearing the guild emblem is highly recommended and mandatory for guild events.

Guild Site: inactive currently.

Synopsis: Seasons of Shadow (S.o.S) is a casual somewhat serious guild. We are a freelance guild working for the new horde to help build and strengthen any and all horde controlled territories where we are able aswell as battle alliance when threats are made by them.

Currently: We are working on building both a Raiding roster aswell as a RBG team.
Guild Name: Tian Monastery
GM: Baeliu
Officers: N/A at this time.
Affiliation: Horde/Neutral
PvP: Light
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: Under construction.

Synopsis: The Tian Monastery is seeking individuals to further it's growth as a monastery. We are looking primarily for Pandaren, though any race is welcome to join. We will host server-wide workshops on subjects regarding education, feasts, as well as day to day activities that will take effect soon. Run by Abbess Baeliu Stormsteel, the Monastery seems fine... But is it really?

Currently: Recruiting for all roles within the guild! Preparing to create laws and begin our storyline.