Moon Guard Horde Guild Listings


((Horde guilds from the other thread will be brought here.))

If you wish your guild listed, simply post the following information:
Guild Name:
Officers: (Recruitment officers can be identified, too)
Affiliation: (Horde or Alliance -- or Neutral? :O )
PvP: (Heavy, medium or light - do you have an RBG team that needs someone?)
PvE: (Heavy, medium or light - do you have a raid team that needs someone?)
RP: (Heavy, medium or light?)
Guild Site:
Synopsis: (Please write a brief summary of your guild)
Currently: (A brief snippet of what you're currently involved in to get people's attention)

NOTE: If you would like to make changes at any given point, please feel free to message me in-game via whispers or mail and I will happily update the information for you so we aren't cluttering this with frequent updates. I will add the date it was updated so you know how current the information is. If your guild disbands, please also notify me so I can take it down. We don't want people flailing about looking for a guild that no longer exists.
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Guild Name: Undercity Nexus
GM: Banshih
Officers: Silaine, Vaebaen
Affiliation: Horde, Forsaken
PvP: Light, will engage in rp-pvp. Food and flasks are provided for guild rp-pvp events.
PvE: Medium, casual content such as heroics, lfr, and old world raid nights for rp gear and achievements. We do run guild raids at least once a week, and heroics daily. Food and flasks are provided for guild raiding.
RP: Heavy, we consider ourselves an rp guild first and foremost.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Underground network of Forsaken from various background who actively engage in defense of the various Forsaken interests. Members range from former Dalaran scholars, to Deathstalkers and Lightslayers hell bent on exterminating foes of the Dark Lady. Motto: Reduce, reuse, reanimate.
Currently: Recruiting! If you want to learn more, please visit our site! Our site is a screenshot blog of recent rp, stories, and events. We are very active.

Guild Name: Verendus
GM: Nisim
Officers: Torukk, Rinx.
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium. In-guild arena teams.
PvE: Heavy. Primarily a raiding guild.
RP: Light. All RP is done outside of guild.
Guild Site: -None-
Synopsis: Verendus has returned from WOTLK to finish off the MoP expansion with a bang. Most of our old members are still present from years past, and we are always looking for people to accompany us through current raid content.
Currently: Working on Heroic kills!

Guild name: The Oathsworn Vigil
GM: Jazmmine & Ferathir
(Recruitment) Kezona & Xiyi
(PvE) Tahune, Lobuz, & Wrebel
(RP) Evisaria
Affiliation: Horde, neutral-bent
PvP: None
PvE: Medium
RP: Light to medium - Looking to start RP
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Oathsworn Vigil is a guild with a relatively laid back PvE focus, looking to start guild RP again. In character, tOV is a Horde group made up of members of all races whose goal is to tackle Azeroth's larger threats, rather than battle in petty racial wars. Always looking for skilled players for the current raid content, as well as RPers who want to enjoy RP with the guild. The guild currently is made up of a lovely group of friendly people. We like to make our guild environment friendly and accepting, like a WoW family.
Currently: Looking for new RPers to join us so we may start up more structured or at least regular RP. Current RP will entail regrouping and gathering of forces until we have the numbers to return to the various fronts Azeroth has to offer. Our raid team runs casual BRF on Wednesdays and a progression team doing Normal/Heroic HFC on Thursday and Sunday nights.

Guild Name: Longwalker Lodge
GM: Yertle
Officers: Latsiv, Eltrey, Illeryo, Mooqorro, Akug, Macmacs
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium
PvE: This is the primary focus of this guild.
RP: Light
Guild Site: - N/A at this time
Synopsis: Our ultimate goal is to gather together a core group of people to progress through PvE raid content in Warlords of Draenor and beyond.
Currently the guild is in the very early recruiting stages. As of 7/16 the guild has reached level 10.

Guild Name: Catchphrase
GM: Aethiala
Officers: Hozwozroz, Insightout, Deathberri
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light to None
PvE: Medium/Heavy
RP: Light to None
Synopsis: Catchphrase is a newer guild made by old friends who want to raid in Legion, we intend on seeing all the content on Heroic at the very least, pushing into Mythic when people are willing and able.
Currently: Currently we're looking for Caster DPS and Healers (Paladin/Druid) to fill out our group so we can head straight into Emerald nightmare on Tuesday.

Guild Name: Eviscero
GM: Skullz (Wulfmachina)
Officers: Hastur (Myself, Co-GM), Dime, JAWS
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Currently Medium, recruiting to get more organized, Skullz leads our PvP efforts.
PvE: Currently Medium, recruiting to get more organized, Hastur leads our PvE efforts.
RP: Currently Very Light, JAWS leads RP interest, would like to make it a staple part of our group for those interested.
Synopsis: Eviscero is a small, close-knit social group of players from varying backgrounds ranging from Vanilla and Hardcore Raiding members to newer and more casual players. All players are welcome, all we ask is that you are either adult in age, or at least able to act it. We're from all over the US and Canada, but we tend to be most active evenings 8p-1a EST. If this sounds like a good fit for you and you're ready to move into organized raiding and/or PvP, come join our family and help take the guild to the next level!
Guild Name: Syndicate of the Legion
GM: Hexai (me)
Officers: Drimuri, Thiola
Affiliation: Affiliated with neither the horde or the alliance. We're more directed towards the Burning Legion and their aims, although we do not have IC contact with them. (Meaning we're essentially a group of fanatics)
PvP: None.
PvE: Would like to start up a raid team but it's unorganized at the moment
RP: Heavy - RP is our main OOC perogative
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Syndicate of the Legion is a heavy RP guild that is dedicated to serving the aims of the Burning Legion. In essence, they're a group of radicals. Our RP is on the whole, rather morally ambiguous or inept altogether so keep that in mind
Currently: Attempting to siphon power from sites that hold significance to the Old Gods. Our plotline (once it goes back into action) will center around searching for relics of the Old Ones and sites that they have had influence upon.

Guild Name: Warforged
GM: Ralgore
Officers: Kiralae(Raid Lead). Cyrath(Heals), Minywheats(DKP, Attendance), Taskie(Recruitment)
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium, We have plenty of arena teams in our guild.
PvE: Heavy, Always recruiting the best of Moon Guard.
RP: Light, there are a few members who RP with other guilds
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Our guild was founded in 2010 by two players who had a desire to push heroic progression, and to do so in good company. With more than a decade of experience leading raids since the days of Everquest, our raid leader is knowledgeable and driven to lead his group to success. But there's more to us than just raiding! A healthy lust for PvP is a definite plus as many of our members have made an endeavor out of rated battlegrounds and arena teams.
Currently: Warforged is gearing up for WoD and selling Heroic Garrosh kills for Moon Guard members who are unable to see the content otherwise. Check us out :)

Guild Name: Chaosbreaker Company
GM: OOC: Dirtydunkins IC: Darlyth Lanethil
Officers: Kaelinari, Krokthar
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: We are brand new with intentions of pursuing medium PVP as more members join.
PvE: PVE will be as requested based on member activity.
RP: Medium-Heavy RP Very active organized RP.
Synopsis: <Chaosbreaker Company> is a newly formed guild looking for active roleplayers on horde side to join us in our mercenary style roleplay. Our goal end game is to grow in popularity as a private military force and achieve a place within the Horde as a special operations sort of force.
Currently: Currently we are setting up camp in the hills of Stonetalon attempting to train and ready our new members for whatever contracts may fall into our laps

Guild Name: The Darkwater Exchange
GM: Melari, Nessina
Officers: Skyskip
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Little to None - Personal preference
PvE: Light - Personal Preferance
RP: Medium to Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: <The Darkwater Exchange> are sellers of exotic and rare goods as well as professional retrieval experts and bodyguards able and willing to go where only the insane and the immortal dare to tread! Our logo is: No job too big, no job too small, we can do it all!
Currently: Recruiting. Visit our website at, send an in-game mail, or send us a tell for more info!
Guild Name: Strength in Numbers
GM: Milfiras
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Raiders went on a break but we are reforming and starting to tear down the walls of tot
RP: light
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Strength in numbers is one of the oldest guilds on moon guard we are a relaxed pve guild looking for more people to join the ranks
Currently: We are currently doing heroic dungeons and sceanrios and are reforming to jump into tot 10 man we also do classic dungeons/raids and some rbg's

Guild Name: Burning Tusk Tribe
GM: Pip
Officers: Kruega, Solaith
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Little
PvE: Heavy
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a Horde Heavy RP Guild that participates in a little bit of everything in game to maximize our fun and enhance our rp experience! We are a tribe and family focused guild, we run anything from IC horrible movie nights using stream and chat, OOC card game nights with cards against humanity to DND type nights with dice using roll20! We have been around for almost 8 years, so you know we are not going anywhere any time soon. Come join today!
Currently: We are on a big recruitment drive and heavily focus on RP with new people.

Guild Name: Clan Wanderhoof
GM: Bethra
Officers: Torgaar
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light (enjoy BG's, we've just never been terribly good at it, heh)
PvE: Heavy
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: As of now, through in-game features, forums, or Discord, but Enjin guild site can be reactivated if there is a large influx of members and the need presents itself.
Synopsis: <Clan Wanderhoof> was founded back in BC as a semi-Tauren-centric but completely race open RP/PvE guild balanced between mature members and staying 'family friendly-ish'. Keeping in mind work, family and other irl obligations, plus, previously having had some members who lived in Asia, Europe, and the Americas, we sought to be open and flexible in our schedule in helping members new and old
Currently: Trying to rebuild active membership to be able to schedule weekly RP and PvE (dungeons and, hopefully before next xpac, raids) guild events. Alt's, mains, low level characters, high level characters, new players, veteran players, and anyone with a friendly, helpful, and fun outlook welcome. As we are rebuilding, yes, there is a need for players who aspire to be guild officers, too.

Guild Name: Ai Akaan
GM: Teo'stra (TeostrÄ) Ä = alt 654
Officers: GlavnÉnus and Ziataja (zia has an alt letter but idk it)
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Med-Heavy
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site: none
Synopsis: Zandalari Came to Kalimdor over the years ever since they first because friends with the horde to defeat the Blood god (vanilla ZG) and to put down the rabid Drakkari ( quest hub in Wrath) Since the Cataclysm, Zandalar has been shattered and slowly crumbling more and more. We have Two options. Leave and find a new home? Or stay and rebuild.
Currently: Building numbers currently. Has many allies in other guilds. Planning to make large scale RP and RP/PVP events in the upcoming BfA expac. Already has plans for events before Expac.
Horde Guilds (Part 9)
Guild Name: Morrg's Murderdolls
GM: Morrgara
Officers: Lynesstra, Thuzzak, Kahlamaki
Affiliation: Neutral
PvP: Medium
PvE: Medium
RP: Medium
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a mercanary guild that does missions for the highest bidder and we get side tracked with our own internal drama
Currently: Recently our GM, me, was possessed by a warlock we pissed off on a mission and after weeks I am back to my old self.
Reserved 10
Go ahead and post now. As I said: The Horde guilds that posted on the other thread have been moved here.
Up Horde. Even though you keep killing the NPCs in my Barrens Camping Trip RP.
Just so I can be sure it's posted in this thread:

Guild Name: The Hawktotem Tribe
GM: Naharak
Officers: Bohanu, Bithip
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium
PvE: Little-to-none
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The Hawktotem Tribe is a generations old Tauren-only Tribe that is dedicated to the defense of the Shu'halo. Loyal only to High Chieftain Baine.
Currently: Making home in Hunter's Hill.
Horde guilds updated. Please request for sticky. :)
Guild Name: Einherjar
GM: Vigvatr Ymer, Majinka,
Officers: Kwandarosman, Ymer, Majinka, Bear, Leung, Ashandarei
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Heavy
RP: Light
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We currently have 2 raid teams and also raid old world stuff on offnights
Bumpin' this one up for my Horde brothers, and remember to vote for sticky.
I would love to hear about it if there are any Horde RP guilds that are not RP-PVP and/or exclusive to blood elves. I have a troll who needs a home, but <The Antu Bloodguard> isn't quite the right IC fit for the character. Are there other options?
So far, these are the ones who have chosen to post. I know in-game there might be some troll-centric guilds, but they are often small and don't frequent the forums.
Guild Name: Thori'Anore
GM: Karisse
Officers: Nelloran
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: We are a Heavy Sin'dorei Role Play Guild. With roleplay and events centered around Sin'dorei Culture. Heavy Lore based. As well as handle all Politics of the Sin'dorei life.
Currently: We are holding a week long Supply Drive. Right now, we are working on recruitment and growing together to bring around more events.
Sending this back to the top so more can add.
Daily reminder to request sticky.
I requested a sticky for this. The Alliance list is lonely at the top of the page. :(
Sticky requested, please try to help out guys so we can get it up there and not be neglected on pages.