Moon Guard Horde Guild Listings

Antu Bloodguard has been disbanded.

Not helpful having it at the very top of the list.
Removed at your convenience. :)
Guild name: Fortitude of the Horde
***(Not recruiting at this time but may down the road)***
Guild name: Sublime Intervention

Gm: Daxtor
Gm assist: Hadarac, Zyshaia
Officer: Skrax, Ellypsis, Ravenast
Affiliation: Horde

PVP: Light (looking to increase interest)

PVE: Medium to heavy

Raiding: 10-man core, Flex forming

RP: Light to none but not discouraged

Guild site:

Synopsis: Formed in November of 2008, Sublime Intervention has prided itself on maintaining a drama-free, casual game environment with a moderate to serious approach to current raid content. Currently accepting new candidates of all playstyles to join. Our only requirements being to treat others with respect and dignity and have fun.

Currently doing: Heroic Scenarios often. Challenge Modes. Core 10-man ToT/SoO/Flex
Guild Name: Hand of Setesh
GM: Razorgrin
Officers: Darurai
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light-Med
PvE: Heavy
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:
Synopsis: The premise is a treasure hunting guild with a slightly martial twist. We have assassins and accept mercenaries to protect diggers just in case we dig up one of those pesky old god relics that usually end up killing people. Also the member base is made up of quite a few artists.
Currently: In RP, stationing members at their dig sites and getting to know one another. In Raids, we are doing lots of old content for cosmetic items/mounts/achievements.
Guild Name: Bladebane Mercenaries
GM: Gijei
Co-GM: Abaddon
Officers: Slipgear, Raemos, Rosdower, Limus, Nibiru, Meldir, Slanzle, Oswalin, Abaddon
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: None.
PvE: Working on setting up a small core group of raiders. Must be willing to be flexible as we establish times and a group.
RP: Heavy, We work with other guilds to collaberate in large events as well as smaller ones too! We're friendly and happy to work with others especially if you need the roguish touch of charm that comes from dealing with Mercs.
Guild Site: WIP.
Synopsis: Bladebane Mercenaries was founded by Gigi Bladebane to start a protection racket that spans from Org, as far north as Bilgewater and south into Ratchet on one continent alone. Currently we're expanding forward into Undercity with new contacts as well as Silvermoon looking for fresh prospects to hunt down for coin. We are not always working in groups but when we do we look after each other's backs and frown upon showboating so that way everyone has a fair opportunity to role play.
Guild Name: Juggernauts
GM: Nashorn
Officers: Ailiera, Xemnass, Trquen
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: None
PvE: Heavy, raiding
RP: None
Guild Site: N/A
Synopsis: Reviving since 5.4 release, need people who actually want to raid
Currently: We are attempting to progress in SoO, so we need people who want to raid and would be willing to raid 7-10ST Fridays and Saturdays every week.
Guild Name: Kingdom of Shadows
GM: Mikulordron
Officers: Davldbanner, Charneldeath
Affiliation: Horde for life!

PvP: Light, but hope to soon grow to Medium.
PvE: Also light, but hope to soon grow to Medium.
RP: None presently, but I would welcome avid roleplayers to develop this aspect of our guild.
Guild Site:

Synopsis: Moon Guard has dozens of really great guilds represent by many great players, but most every guild that is actively raiding, pursuing PvP and offering organized RP schedules activities to begin in the early evening and end before midnight, leaving late-night gamers little more than perks. The Kingdom of Shadows is one of Moon Guard's newest guilds, specifically founded to create a home for Warcraft enthusiasts who game primarily after 12am server time.

Currently: Founded on October 23rd, the Kingdom of Shadows is off to a great start. We have only just started guild dungeon runs, but it is our goal to organize and maintain two raid teams, two battleground teams, multiple arena teams and an active RP effort. All of our efforts will be exclusive unto themselves, so each player will be welcome to join and participate in the aspects of guilding that appeals to him or her without any obligation to participate in the aspects that do not. IM or mail our officers in-game with your interest or join any one of our in-game recruitment events!
Guild Name: Thraze Rokh
Officers: Darkran, Zulmaji, Zilduj
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Medium. Working and progressing forwards to get larger groups acquainted in pvp.
PvE: Light
RP: Heavy-Medium
Guild Site: Under construction
Synopsis: A gathering of trolls under the single banner; council members of all tribes to decide the fate of their progression and the support of the wars they partake in. Slowly growing and developing into what they could call an entire tribe of different races with the intent of the Zandalari's false messages to become a reality.
Currently: Constructing and setting up among the Hinterlands. Offering other trolls a place to rest away from fear.
Guild name: Fortitude of the Horde
Server: Moonguard
Affiliation: Horde

Level: 25 with all guild perks & pants.

We are a social friendly guild looking to revamp our guild and become more active. We are trying to recruit for occasional 10 man progression raid starting with MSV. We are hoping to do occasional raiding within the guild. This is a casual guild so raids will not be everyday maybe once or twice a week to start when we get the people. After we get enough people we'll probably do more. Its a laid back friendly and casual environment where we play when we want,whatever we want without the pressure.

Pvp: Right now we do the occasional bg but have a few members that have expressed intrest in friendly guild arenas plus run bgs. At the moment it's a once a week deal but when we get more interested parties will do more.

Heroics/dungeons: At the moment it's a once or twice a week thing and hope to pick up after we get more people.

RP: Social/friendly guild is open to role play. No experience required it's light at this point.
(No erp).

At the moment trying to rebuild the guild & revamp it. WE are a friendly bunch. Nothing is mandatory ever and play however you feel. Some of us have social anxiety including myself so this is a haven to get away from the pressures out there. WE wont belittle anyone for gear or pressure anyone into anything they are not comfortable with. This is a casual guild so if you are expecting hard core raiding or pvp then this probably isn't the guild for you. THe guild will take some time but we can all have fun ,play with others without the judgement and try to do stuff to progress. We also enjoy doing old content as well from time to time.

We also hold a guild party once a month and a guild meeting every other month and suggestions are always welcomed. If you need a run through something or help just ask. Plus feel free to suggest or add guild activities.

GM: Zebrafinch, Binkers, Moodini,Hiccupz, Clipclops and Annaca (all of my toons). If you need to get a hold of me: zebrafinch#1882. My alliance toon on MG is Varyian.

GM assist: Runey,Hrunky, Happypanda.

or type in /who Fortitude of the horde and someone will invite.

The guild is active in the evenings and most events range from 8-10 pm Moonguard server time.
Guild name Judgement
GM: Turok
Affiliation: Horde
Officers: None currently.
PvP: Light but can become Medium in time.
PvE: Light but plans to be Medium in time.
Rp: Still in the works but plans for it to be ready before WoD
Guild Site: None currently.

Currently: Just founded and begin to recruit. Mainly looking for friendly positive people.

Notes: Will gladly answer and questions if asked.
Updates have been made and new additions added.
Guild Name: Aere Perennius
GM: Illiyana and Helal
Officers: Cpike, Yazzie, Gomaz, Lane
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: Light PvP
PvE: Heavy PvE ranging from simple instances, heroics, and raiding.
RP: Heavy
Guild Site:

Synopsis: We are Horde, arising from the recent chaos to start anew. The time to reflect upon what it truly means to be Horde is now! With all of the uncertainty of what the future holds, threats do not cease to exist and we must arise quicker than ever to defend our people under the new warchief. We are family, we are defenders of the Horde. Let us rebuild together and last longer than even bronze.

Currently: We are a newly formed guild with a balanced focus on both end game content and immersive Rp. If you are interested in joining us but not into PvE, contribute to RP is all that we ask. We have plans for future RP events and much more. Aere Perennius is run by two GM's, who both have a long history of RP and raiding. We also accept new roleplayers and PvE'ers. We also welcome those who are interested in PvP but please take note that for now we are primarily focused on rp-pve. For more information contact any of the officers or GMs listed above as well as the website. We hope you decide to grow with us!
Guild Name: <Warband>
GM: Bargrun
Officers: Saruu, Tekona, Rage (funky 'a' and 'e')
Affiliation: Horde
PvP: None at the moment. Looking forward to doing it in the future!
PvE: Not progressing at the moment. Again, looking forward to it though.
RP: Med-Heavy. Our main focus.
Guild Site:
Synopsis: Warband is a clan themed guild that's looking to return to it's roots. We are seeking to rekindle the trust and allegiances of the main Horde races. No Blood Elves or Forsaken for the time being.
Currently: We're getting ready to make our move to Northrend where we'll be setting up a base to call home.
I request the removal of Bladebane, as we have merged with Megabucks. :)