Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium

I’ve been looking into this since it first showed it’s ugly face. I’ve been hit particularly bad, occasionally going upwards of 20 minutes with constant disconnects on login. I’ll list what I’ve found below, though I doubt it’s anything that you guys don’t already know.

For the disconnects that occur shortly after loading into the world, I can confirm the following:

  • Before loading into the world, the player either, loses connection to, or completely fails to connect to the realm (home) server, and the home server latency as returned by GetNetStats() will return 0ms. After about 5-10 seconds, the player will be kicked to the login screen.
    • Given that it was my addon reading this, and that the latency values only refresh every 30 seconds tells you that by the time the addon is loaded and runs for the first time, connection has already been lost to the realm/home server.
    • As a result of the above lack of connection, the in-game chat will not work and guild information won’t load, though you will still be able to see players moving around, since that’s handled by the World server (their names will all be “Unknown” though).
    • The incoming/outbound bandwidth (also returned by GetNetStats()) remain healthy.
    • I was able to semi-consistently reproduce the disconnect by reloading ~1-2 seconds (not immediately) after initially loading into the world, and anecdotally, it seems to occur more frequently if you transition zones or subzones immediately after loading in, then reload your UI.
    • This one is pure speculation, but from what I’ve seen, as a result of the lack of connection to the Home server, the function RequestGuildPartyState() seems to hang and prevent the rest of the code after it from executing, causing the little instance difficulty/guild group banner thing on the minimap to break completely. I’ve used this is a de-facto indicator for when I login in a botched state.
      • I say this is speculation because I can’t effectively test it to see where it’s breaking, and it’s most likely (at least I hope not) the actual cause of the issue. I have no idea what event RequestGuildPartyState() fires, but even when it’s working properly, listening to the events registered in FrameXML/InstanceDifficulty.lua yields nothing helpful. So in this case, I can’t say if it’s the fault of the function, or if the associated event is just never fired due to the lack of home server connection
      • also this function is only used in that one file and no one actually knows what it does, pls explain for the wiki. :slight_smile:

If it helps at all (I doubt it will), these are all the scenarios in which I, personally, have experienced disconnects.

  • Just after loading into the world for the first time (as in, I just turned on my PC and opened the game for the first time) - as such, the below scenarios may just fall under this one
    • Switching characters quickly after loading into the game
    • Reloading quickly after loading into the game
    • Transitioning zones/subzones quickly after loading into the game
  • Moving after being AFK for more than 10 minutes
  • Merely existing in the middle of a raid encounter
  • Logging out to character select
  • Logging in to character select

I’ve also heard, anecdotally, that these disconnects also occur in combat, though personally I’ve only experienced a DC in combat like, twice, compared to like, probably almost a hundred out of combat. Might be a clue there.

I can probably, in my far-from-expert opinion, say that the disconnects that occur just after logging in, are likely caused by your client losing connection/being yeeted from the home/realm server sometime between the initial realm list and character list being received, and the loading screen appearing after picking a character.

Alright, I’m done rambling now. Whether this info helps or not, I just want to see this problem fixed as it’s genuinely one of the worst issues I’ve encountered in this game in a long time.

plsfix <3

[Main Thread] Frostmourne World Server Constantly Dying - April 2023 - Support / Technical Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Hi… Thanks for neglecting any posts relating to OCEANIC… What you have referenced is all we get from In Game Support Tickets… stop repeating yourselves and look @ your end given its quite obvious these repeated steps you guys continue to preach are not doing ANYTHING.

[Main Thread] Frostmourne World Server Constantly Dying - April 2023 - Support / Technical Support - World of Warcraft Forums (

Hi… Thanks for neglecting any posts relating to OCEANIC… What you have referenced is all we get from In Game Support Tickets… stop repeating yourselves and look @ your end given its quite obvious these repeated steps you guys continue to preach are not doing ANYTHING.

You’re welcome.

On a side note/update, I’m on day two with no real issues after I rescanned the files and did the tiny update. If any haven’t tried this, give it a shot. It may work, or it may not but trying won’t hurt. Then again, I can revert back to the dc’s today. Who knows? :smile:

Piping in as another person with this issue. While it does not seem to effect me much once I’m in game other than a couple of random dcs.
However, more often than not, as soon as I go to log out back to the character screen none of my characters load and it boots me to ‘please log back in’ this also happens when I am able to see my characters and am just looking at my list, and a few times while I’ve been in character creation. Oddly it also happens when I go to change realms, going between moon guard and wyrmrest accord.
I have tried multiple fixes, and for awhile just thought there was hiccups on my end till someone in a community discord pointed me to this thread, thank you for making it.

I’m sure there are plenty like me who just haven’t thought to, or bothered to, report the issue. So the “low numbers” may just be due to people not wanting to mess with the process of reporting it or just ‘waiting it out’

DCs on log out, character select screen, character creation screen, realm change. Happening on both Moonguard and Wyrmrest Accord the past couple weeks.

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I just wanted to chime in because I’ve been noticing this issue for at least a week, probably two. It’s been a very noticeable big increase in DC’s, but because I only play on MG I will have to report back later if it is happening elsewhere.

I was running a dungeon last night, and DC’d in the middle of it and told my group how sorry I was. They told me not to worry and that they have been having the same issue as well. A few of them were Moon Guard players, too.

So this issue is widespread, and sure enough I asked trade chat (scary, I know) and I got the same response. Many, MANY people are having this issue and it’s unclear why.

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I’m almost 100% guaranteed to DC about 20 seconds after logging in. It’s so reliable I don’t even try to do anything after logging in, I wait for the disconnect and log back in.

After that I seem to get random DCs after about an hour, but thankfully nowhere near as bad as others in this thread.

Really silly and frustrating.

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This morning I noticed serious lag when looting mobs or fishing. Then freezing randomly for a few seconds. And now I’m disconnecting pretty frequently.

You know what, this worked for me for about a day but then it started up again and got progressively worse. But now, I’m confident I found my issue! I use BitDefender for my antivirus. I turned off game mode and voila. Not a single problem since I did that 2 days ago. Game is overall faster, which had been an issue for me for months. Everything now loads fast, no DC’s, no black screens. I’m actually able to do dungeons now. Maybe give it a try, turning off game mode in your anti-virus software, if you use it.

So very glad I got to the bottom of this finally! Good luck to all!

Out of curiosity, which OS are you using, macOS or Windows or another entirely?

No luck here on the rescan I’m afraid, which I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical of - connections to the address still drop out, while connections to remain good. I do still think root cause here still sits at the server (more likely) or network (less likely) level.

Since Tuesday maintenance I was able to play my main level 70 Druid without DCs so I thought the issue was fixed. I logged over to my level 62 paladin for some leveling and the issues resurfaced right away. I am DCing on character screen and every 10-15 seconds upon logging in. After relogging several times I’m finally able to stay logged in. As suggested I did a WinMTR (

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I’ve been having this issue for weeks. Completely random DCs and entirely unrelated to internet connection.

Heya Pussum,

Your WinMTR test has been added to the index in post 1. Looks squeaky clean, thank you!

Appreciate you being willing to send along this info. Although it may seem useless for what’s seemingly not a client-side issue, it also helps the folks who are in a better position to see/resolve confirm how widespread the issue is. Without data like this, it’s hard to tell if everyone’s experiencing the same issue.


I’ve been having issues out of Moon Guard in particular. I’m not DC’ing from my other character on other Servers like Wyrmrest Accord. The problem seems to just be related to Moon Guard.

Hey there folks,

Thanks for all of the information you’ve been posting about this problem. We’ve made some changes on our end which should have improved things. If you continue to have issues on Moon Guard specifically, we’d recommend trying standard troubleshooting.

If it doesn’t help, please reply back with the following information.


Just wanna say my hubs got a queue to get into the bnet launcher last night (6-22-23) and I was shocked…I have NEVER seen a BNET queue in 15 years of playing…never seen a queue unless it is a server queue (Mmmmm Draaeeeennnoooorrrrr)–This issue is absolutely STILL persistent. Yes, we are both on MG, but he hadnt booted up WoW in 10 days and had only been playing OG Starcraft >.> It also started for us around the time D4 began launching-we even went through our PCs and all of our connections bc it was happening to both of us in the same house, but then guildies started asking about it.

Heya Drakuloth,

I believe the change that was made was unweighting or removing

Staying connected with no issues on my end, but looking forward to hearing from others about effects as well.

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I just played all evening with no disconnects on Moon Guard for the first night in many.

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I just came back to this thread as I noticed I hadn’t disconnected at all the last couple times I’ve logged in, and wondered if others here were experiencing the same. Glad to see it! Will report back if it happens more

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