Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium

Also haven’t been booted since I started playing last night.

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Tried to connect to it to test but seems like that’s the case. Thanks a ton for all the work you put in diagnosing the issue, feels like they weren’t gonna get it solved on their own.


Thank you as well Vindagor, as well as all of the others who helped by kicking in data, and of course the teams who had an active hand in the mitigation(s?). I’m just happy that the connection stability seems to be back again. And hey, now we can say that we had a hand in getting a server knocked offline, which is cool.

Marking thread as resolved as most responses seem to be positive.


Have you had any disconnects on/after 6/23?

Things definitely seem more stable. No disconnects for me, and I haven’t seen guildies disconnecting constantly either.

Thanks again for your detective work on this!


No disconnects all day! Thank you for finding and fixing the issue!

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THANK YOU SO MUCH! You guys are a blessing! I knew it had nothing to do with my ISP and I have been Disconnection Free since!

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The issue seems to have disappeared for me too! thank you!

Posting on main because eh.

All of the data in this thread is now obsolete as on Tuesday, Moon Guard transitioned to at least two new IP addresses (observed and and appear to have been entirely removed/unweighted.

Separately, also on Tuesday, a major change was made to the way the game’s networking functions (applying to all servers, not just MG). The effects of this will mostly show up on loading screens.


I’m very happy for you Moon Guardians. However having the same issue on Burning Blade. Not sure if I should be posting this here, but at least this thread got some attention. Was so bad tonight, couldn’t stay connected for longer than 10-20 minutes and finally had to stop playing. Blizz, please look at Burning Blade as well.

I cant even log into Moon Guard, all other servers work. However, when i try to load into MG i get stuck on Logging into game server.

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now its a multi server issue and worse than ever thanks blizz

alright listen, you can’t blame this one on moon guard

you can blame a lot on moon guard but we didn’t do this one


I’m certainly not blaming Moon Guard. Just thought that since this thread was getting attention, that maybe the powers that be would come to realize it’s not JUST Moon Guard that’s having problems. Hoping anyway. Hope Moon Guard has been better for you guys since they gave you new IPs! :slight_smile:

It’s unlikely that you’ll get much traction by piggybacking on another thread, hence why this thread exists in the first place. If you believe an infrastructure issue is the cause of your disconnects, other people on your server will be experiencing similar issues. The quickest way to get a resolution would start at identifying that trend.

You may have some difficulties gathering trend data currently. I don’t think that Tuesday change is going very well.

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