Moon Guard disconnection issues compendium

Another update. Hearing they did some changes this morning, I rescanned my files and installed a very small update. So far it’s been better but time will tell.

Not sure who you’re responding to but I am still having the same issues today. Doesn’t seem to be any change in my experience.

I like how I used a token to come back and try the new patch and I’ve been unable to stay logged in for more than 3 minutes for over a week. I hope they offer some sort of compensation after this.


yeah, that was probably the most vague way I could’ve possibly created that post

The quote was from a GM ticket that’s ongoing regarding the contents of this thread. It’s sounding like the change made today specifically may have been re-disabling sharding on RP realms.

Still unable to stay logged in for more than 30 seconds 90% of the time. Toggling on and off the Optimize Network option no longer works at all.

How come we’re not getting any response about this issue? It’s been going on for way too long and it’s impacting way too many players now.

As of right now, the game is completely unplayable on any characters on my account.


If you are experiencing consistent disconnects to the Moon Guard server, please try the following and report back your results:

  1. Connect to WoW, and stop at the character selection screen for Moon Guard. Wait 10 seconds.
  2. Open Command Prompt.
  3. Run the command:

netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”

  1. You’ll receive one of two outputs:

C:\Windows\System32> netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”

C:\Windows\System32> netstat -n | find " 137.221" | find “3724” | find “ESTABLISHED”

If you see “” in the indicated area, press the “Back” button in the bottom right, then press “Reconnect” at the WoW login screen. Wait ten seconds, then run the command that was demonstrated above once again. If you see “” again, keep hitting “Back” → “Reconnect” until you instead see “”.

If you see “”, play the game as normal and report back on if you receive any disconnects, including when pressing the “Log Out” button while in-game.

Attaching a WinMTR output (Instructions: will also help enormously (I know, I know, but it’s still useful). When running a WinMTR test, use server

Note: If you disconnect from the server for any reason, either by disconnecting in-game, pressing “Exit Game” while in-game, or by pressing “Change Realm” or “Back” at the character select screen, this test will need to be re-run. Pressing “Log Out” while in-game will not void this test.

Long-term tests (over the course of multiple days) are enormously helpful here!

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Myself and my guildmates are also all suffering from this issue on Moon Guard. It is baffling and infuriating.


Thank you. I get DC’d at least 8 times per day. Can be in Mythics, Raid and dungeons. Even standing in a major city. Started around when the Diablo Goblin event became a thing, and although they say they are not “aware” of the issue, it’s causing a disruption in timing keys and players are getting frustrated. It’s definitely not an internet provider issue, as most of my guild on MG is having the same issue with completely different internet providers in different states. It IS an issue.

That could be why I’m having so many DCs, since even though I play on Moonguard, I’m in the Netherlands. It didn’t happen for a period of 24hrs straight a day after the D4 event stopped, but it has since picked up. Either it’s every 2 minutes or it’s once every couple of hours. All my characters are affected, too.

Anything us Mac Users can do?

My Mac M1 runs just as good as my Windows Gaming Laptop and My Mac is Cat 5e to switch and Cat 5e to Comcast Business Modem.

Same results I get DC’d no matter if its a guild’d or Introvert toon…

Heya Clairvaux,

I don’t have a Mac setup with WoW to test, but the same instructions should work by substituting Terminal for Command Prompt, and substituting the netstat command with this one:

netstat -n | grep " 137.221" | grep “.3724” | grep “ESTABLISHED”

Obviously, attaching a WinMTR will be significantly harder on Mac, but the test should still be valid without - just provides better diagnostic info.

On my Dwarf Death Knight (On Moon Guard) She has no guild. The Death Knight quest where you take the eye of Acherus to go analyze the town below? Once the eye lands, it disconnects you 100% of the time.

So if you want to figure out what’s causing the disconnects, probably figure out why THAT is causing the disconnect.

Here is video evidence: Remove the space after the // and before the com.

https:// i.gyazo. com/901670e2f31bccd1e48e377a244a447b.mp4


Considering this can be replicated again, and again, and again: And you can otherwise stay logged in for hours: You can stop with pretending like this is some kind of weird connection issue on the player’s end of things. It’s something in game that’s causing the disconnect to happen. It’s not us.

This is a known bug with that specific quest “Death Comes From On High” in the Death Knight starting area. It will be fixed in a future patch.

That repeatable disconnect is not the same kind of random disconnect that other users in this thread are reporting across Moon Guard, so it is not related unfortunately. The other random disconnections across Moon Guard have been more difficult to nail down at root cause for.

Thank you for your input though, Berana.


Mac users can run PingPlotter which is similar to WinMTR. PingPlotter is available on Windows and Mac.

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Linux user here. I was wondering if this was a wine issue but looks like it’s not. Symptoms of my disconnecting include: about 50% of interactions with objects and NPCs broken, chat broken, hard disconnect usually occurring on some kind of loading screen.

Can’t provide a WinMTR obviously, but can still do netstat to see what IP is open (if anyone else is on Arch or an Arch-based system, install net-tools to be able to use it).

Connected to on 2nd attempt. Playng for about an hour and no symptoms of disconnects.

Returning player, and began notcing this issue the same evening after reinstalling the game and logging into Moon Guard.

First hit with not even being able to load the character data; Just a load bar at the top of the character selection screen without any characters present. With disconnections to title screen with the Reconnect button. Had not be able to get back onto the server that same evening.

Forward to Yesterday, character data had finally appearing, but often still getting disconnected on multiple characters, none are in guilds, and in various places around the world, even in near-empty areas such as Azuremyst Starting zone.

No addons installed.

I’ve started experiencing this issue over this weekend. Across MoP timewalking, Aberrus raids, standing in town, and today I’m hitting spots where the game even fails to log in to moon guard on launch.

I can remember it happening on guilded characters, can’t remember (but cannot exclude) it happening on unguilded ones.

Been like three weeks of the constant disconnects. Be nice if we could sort it out.


On Linux, you can use mtr to show the connection results!

Even though different symptoms, this does sound like the same issue.

The issue is that the receiving end ( is not ACKing (and possibly not listening), no matter how any retransmits occur. From testing, setting the max retransmits to a high number on my own Windows PC showed the same behavior as described (Linux, by default, will retransmit 15 times as opposed to Windows’ default 5).

My other disconnects (Also on Moon Guard)

Have always been triggered by something happening. Mousing over a mob at the wrong time: Usually trying to click on something on my UI seems to do it the most. Loading a certain area and trying to move too early while things are loading. Trying to click on another player.

I don’t really know if they’re so unrelated. A certain action happens, and bam: Disconnected with the same error.

I did delete my cache folder today and I haven’t been disconnected since (And I was experiencing several disconnects every day.) I expereinced 4 today alone before my boyfriend suggested I delete the cache folder.