Not sure if it counts as representation, but in the final part of the main campaign, where the Alliance and Horde reinforcements arrive and start training the Earthen, they have a ‘Monk training.’ There is also a quest (in the same situation) where you can choose to arm the Earthen or leave them as martial artists.
They messed up monk lore by tying it exclusively to the Chinese / Pandaren culture while developing zero monk characters that aren’t panda or are serious
One of the big issues I have with the class as it lacks a single cool / badass character like how Thrall, Jaina , Anduin, Furion etc are for their respective classes
I played BG3 for a while and they made monks feel so badass over there , tied to a military based race with one of the main characters being a monk who’s mind was so powerful that he could protect everyone around him from any mind control spells
Really sad that they tied monk class and class lore in wow to a joke race that outside of their expansion have done nothing relevant in the franchise
Monks should have been like the Protoss zealots from Stracraft , soldiers who are so well trained they can go in battle with no armor and wreck havoc and be immune to manipulation
I wish to form clan/ Cult that rivals twilight hammer or those pathetic “Primalist”
into organization know as Iron Fist
Hear me out, We Slain gods, we defeat Champion of light and void, death itself many times over as well the elements them self…
But mortal still cling to worship these so call “Lords and gods” why should worship something that wish to make slave of us all Like burning legion, Fire elementals… We even Seen Light make slave of us as well the void.
It why We must curl our hand into a Fist of Iron.
Like Iron horde before us We grow stronger Overthrow false deity weak and piety kings Why should we worship old gods, Wild gods? when we can slay them?
we believe every mortal should be free and lord of his/her worth Strong will rule and weak shall be cull not of magic or blade but of Fist!
Iron Fist believe no god or false king Only Mortals of Might.
Given that Pandaria is just literally a stone’s throw away it would not surprise me at all to find out that the pandas had been to dorn already and just didn’t feel like telling anyone.
Uhh worgen have never been well represented even in cata. I suppse you can make the case that mechagnomes got a patch and a dungeon at least. Monks did get a full expansion but they havent had really any representation since so it would be fair to include at least one boss or character who is a monk.
DKs were also the face in Shadowlands. I mean we spent most of it reporting to Darion and Bolvar. But I agree that specialized classes have had their time. As zen as the Earthen are, we may still get Monks. Now that Xal’atath has failed with Void energy, maybe she will sojourn to Pandaria and try to resurrect and bottle the Sha of Anger and unleash Sha powers on Khaz Algar… unlikely… but ya never know when Blizz is just drunk enough to spin the Lore.