Sucks because a couple bosses in the raid are definitely very rogue-like.
You’re seriously telling me you couldn’t have incorporated some rogue related stuff in ther somewhere.
oh man, lol. outta nowhere a flying foot to the face. that’d be awesome.
enough talk! Time for action!!!
If we’re getting a monk representation I want it to be a notable pandaren. Taran Zhu is a particularly great pandaren character as is Chen Stormstout… they’re options.
Definitely are rogues, and are classified as rogues as the only closest thing is a rogue, Mathias Shaw despite being “Master of Spies” is a rogue. Rogue is a far more broad class like Warrior, Hunter, Mage etc. than say Paladin, or Demon Hunter.
But, even if they’re not rogues, we currently have Mathias, Garona, Lillian, Edwin and Vanessa.
Even Lillian is a pretty good chunk of the current leveling campaign.
What about Garona Halforcen?
Making monks exclusively panda themed when there were already other races with monks or monk-like NPCs before MoP was a mistake that severely limited monk story presence.
Same thing happened with DHs and will with Evoker.
When the rogue Legion story is all about SI7 and has SI7 members
Wait, who was monk like before panda monks?
There were both human and draenei monks that were explicitly called monks. There was also the blood elf in Magister’s Terrace who wasn’t called a monk but was monk-like, even having a skill called Fists of Fury.
Yall know those paragon / renegade interrupt reactions in Mass Effect 2?
I’m just picturing a purely optional thing like that but every class gets a “Cut the monologue short with a cool class action” thing
I mean, I would have loved a vanguard charge interrupt in Mass Effect and I would also happily take “and then a tipsy dwarf punches the NPC” option too.
Pandaren and Monks have been side-lined since Legion (and even then it was for their own Class Hall story). The memes of Kung Fu Panda really hurt the community and developer perception of both the race and the class.
I’m of the mind that they don’t specifically have to be the Pandaren brand of monks, to be monks.
A good example of this is the Scarlet Crusade, Russian-sounding monk character.
Likely no relations to Pandaren, but the dude is clearly a monk anyway.
He does whirlwind kicks and breaths of fire.
As for OP, I’m leveling a BrM monk for tanking purposes.
That’s the monk representation. It’s me.
He was trained by a wandering Pandaren and is spreading the teaching
I agree. Even with Brewmasters, they existed before MoP (Although EXTREMELY small examples)
But Brewmaster Monks? Entirely Pandaren before MoP as far I’m aware.
Yeah, this guy learned some stuff and took it to his own. I wish the flame kick for BrM was as devastating as his, such a cool image of catching your leg on fire and kicking up a tornado, shame it does so little.
But yeah, more to subject I think people get too hung up on Panda monks and general harmony stuff, they may be the masters of it but every race can take the teachings into their own specialty.
Actually love seeing Draenei roleplayers who have taken their old art of wrestling called like Ji-han or something and they mox it with Pandaren monk training to form more of a stable grappling fighting style.
It’s actually a Star Wars reference as far as I know, and yeah they had some stuff on Argus that basically acknowledged it as canon.
The name itself comes from “Jedi” lol.
But it’s more akin to Draenic Kung-Fu or Sumo wrestling.
It was originally a fan-made RP activity, on Wyrmrest and Moon Guard, but on Argus there were actual Jed’hin NPCs and a daily quest if I recall.
It’s a very cool example of players making lore from their own hands, and Blizzard rolling along with it.
Those silly pandas taught me all their secrets and never once suspected how silly I thought they were.