Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

It’s like grinding for 2 hours then you’re like 1 more fight and I go to an inn and save.

Then that 1 more fight is a Marlboro and he wipes your group with Bad Breath.

My favorite villain is Luca Blight, Suikoden 2, my actual favorite jrpg.



…absolute madlad. I stopped grinding the moment he got Bolt2 because that was plenty to ragdoll Cagnazzo.

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Different monsters, but this is why I put FFV down and never played it again. Ever. In my whole life.

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I nearly did this with FFT.

Thanks Weigraf. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:

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That game for sure needs a steam remaster

FFT is getting one!


Ah, that series. My brother had those games, though he wouldn’t let me play them. Was awesome watching him play Metal Gear Solid later and hearing Psycho Mantis say “So you like Suikoden? You like Castlevania, don’t you?”

They are probably going to do the same thing they did with gnomer. Immunities on trash, but not on bosses imo.

Either way I don’t mind it. Affliction might actually be decent without the debuff limit.

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I believe it when I see it

hehe… he copium blizzard already admited openly yet you still be worse dps out every caster in game thank blizzard for that that mark of chaos + nightfall procs really be hitting huh m8

fire immunities and nature immunities are staying

only classes that gonna be vaible is rogues. cat druids. shadow priest paladin … warriors maybe but rogue atm moment out scale warriors so and frost mages

ppl wont bring affliction warlocks to raiding 8-12% parce max limit this with all consumes everything its like being ret paladin in organial classic

Melee weapons should melt on rag/baron…causing them to be disarmed.

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hey stop that dont want blizzard to come up with good ideas. they actually might do it how out of touch they are with community

of course tactics is number 1 :expressionless: that goes without saying


Ferals should take damage and melt their paws.

Hunter arrows should melt.

They better not mess it up :expressionless: I demand #NoChanges for FFT

The SoD team is on it don’t worry

lol not even close to classic era ret. Ppl will bring locks for summons, curses, and health stones. You’re being way over dramatic.

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I hope it’s based off the psp version.

Remember when armor values were over turned in Gnomer and Warriors/Rogues just had to deal with it for a phase while Locks/Fire Mages dominated the DPS charts?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers.