Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

If monsters are not immune still gonna deal like 75% less fire damage do to fact all high fire protection mobs. blizzard really hasn’t done nothing

RIP Warlock, then you can even say same as fire mages. so ask yourself what will be doing well same thing you always done put dots up and spam shadowbolt. 1 button rotation cause blizzard loves that meme wants hear warlocks scream and cry some more to these dev are thick two short planks. i mean pick runes by putting items on dart port launch these darts on the dart board pick what ever darts land

cause there all incomplient lazy dont care you may believe that blizzard may change fire immunities we talkin about blizzard here they never do the right thing only care about buffing paladins this season 4 give you same runes never probably use cause dev team dont actually play game enough to actually give a F

all warlock specs gonna deal lowiest of low dps possible cause someone in blizzard dev team thought it was good idea to buff destruction. not touch affliction when its affliction thats gonna probably do more damage then destuction cause destruction dps meters cut in half

no one wants warlock mains in the raid. only bring is curse guess what blizzard made priest so much better then you no point bringing you cause every else out damages you. if they dont there slacking not giving it there all maybe under geared didnt bring consumes. guess what that easy fix they out dps you after getting two peices of gear

remeber this. reason why they wont buff warlock change cause they win in 1v1 duels. watch no one really should care about losers stand outside of orgammer and stormwind having pen messuring contest, cause real pvp is in bgs and world events where you constantly getting jumped by 3-5 people are pve server is has more alliance then horde. so idea of fighting fair not here. they pop potions get all alchemy consumes buffs and enchances world buffs and fight you

then when you lose fight to warlock 1v1 say thats op cause your so flipping lazy cant buff yourself get reckt by someone who does because that we get this crap . you can say am doomer all you want too. but i know blizzard i known blizzard for long time. they dont care

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me fail english that’s unpossible


good :expressionless: god forbid warlocks can’t tank 1 instance. hasn’t all of level 1-59 been enough?

and good, let’s see some frost mages. time for some variety.

Yeah, the fact immunities are still a thing isn’t right. I agree with OP.

Honestly think immunities add to the role playing aspect of the mmoRPG. You’re a random adventurer in classic not the champion of the world that retail has tried to push. You shouldn’t be able to cast a fireball that is strong enough to damage the literal lord of fire. Just sayin.

It’s ok to have classes that are good at some things and not good at others needing to have a warrior, Druid, rogue, or paladin tank for you is ok. Immune mobs add to the immersion and make the game fun.


100% get the issue and they probably should adjust it…it’s just weird to kill a fireball with a fireball :person_shrugging:

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that’s why they hate it so much… they don’t actually want to be playing an RPG :expressionless:

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How to get even more people to quit SOD.

Take away the specs they have fun playing and make them play a different spec so you can RP lmfao.

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your class is more than your current spec :expressionless: designing everything like a spec is its own class is a major red flag for retailification.

I imagine they’re going to adjust it. Aggrend alluded to such.

in what tweet did he allude such a thing :expressionless:

You don’t get to say what people have fun on.

If a person likes to use arcane over fire or fire over frost that’s not up to you to decide.

All so you can RP with fire elementals??

Ya just kill your game more.

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I promise if you look you will find it.

ok, but one disadvantage of arcane is that it doesn’t hurt arcane elementals :expressionless: do you expect all the good with none of the bad?

Melee should do 0 damage in MC and just have permanent broken weapons.

We doing that?

Hunters should do 0 damage.

Melee should just be dying if they get to close to half the mobs in MC.

Let’s RP, blizzard apparently isn’t killing SOD fast enough for you and you decided to help.


so you really wanna do away with the entire system of immunities and resists? you wanna just throw all that out? :expressionless:

Yes, it’s an out dated system that no longer fits in an MMO.


I’m not hating on how people want to play the game. You seem a lot more heated about this than how what I’m saying is getting across. It’s ok to have gameplay that requires certain specs to have to problem solve and say hey how can I make it so that my class can actually help in this situation.

If you want all damage types to be viable everywhere then just play retail and that’s ok. Sod was meant to be a version of classic and classic has its quirks, immunities and resists are two of em.

Classic wow has always been a game of knowledge over just gas packing. The knowledge of hey we need people to not use this damage type, we need these specs running these consumables, we need these world buffs and then the games easy.

It’s ok to need to adjust your playstyle to beat content. If you don’t find that fun then classic wow or any iteration of classic era is not for you and that’s ok.

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SoD was meant to be a casual inclusive experience, what are you even saying?

What’s inclusive about removing whole specs from being played?

Also notice how it’s only casters being thrown under the bus here?

How can melee even hit a fire elemental?

How can hunters?

If we are gonna RP than the RP should make sense and not just exclude a portion of the player base.

If you want old school MMOs then maybe 2024 SOD isn’t for you, I hear EverQuest just launched a new prog server.

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Well the melee question is easy to answer. Look at it from dnd logic. If your weapon is magical it can do damage to the magical elemental. I’d consider weapons that increase stats and have possible on hit effects magical so there ya go.

It’s ok to have a different opinion on this and I’m not attacking you personally.

Having content that requires a different play style to beat is ok is what I’m saying. You can play the spec you want in all other content. Like Viscidus for example the Strat is to have a bunch of people melee included running sources of frost damage. That’s a neat feature.

Having a raid of people required to use something other than fire to take down beings made from fire is also ok. I get it feels caster biased but also all casters have other options they may not be ideal or the top dps for parsing but parsing doesn’t matter beating the content does.

Also I’m not gonna die on the immunities hill. If the dev team thinks they aren’t worth keeping then so be it that’s ok. That being said they have to draw the classic line somewhere and immunities aren’t really that big of a deal.