Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

Its always the same night elf warrior defending this garbo. Obvious troll is obvious.

No shot you think 4 is better than 10??

4 is the same generic story.

It’s a crime to have 10 that low, and you don’t even have Tactics???

List is bad.

gotta put my 2 cents in here.

simply put , very high resists and immunities kill 5 + classes entirely given that its both nature and fire.

some tank classes will not function at all with theses immunities.

making it so that 5+ classes/specs can not function is bad design no matter what you think about the fantasy of it or not.

being non functional is annoying and feels bad for everyone involved and shouldnt be the case .

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Remove Tidus from 10 entirely and you can have it at the top. But Tidus ruins the whole story. The game is only on my radar at all because 10 arguably has the single best combat system of any ff game, bar none.

And I have a personal distaste of tactics anything. For example, I hate Fire Emblem.


10 was pretty good

14 is the literal GOAT of any story telling in video games

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Tidus is thrown from his world into this mess where he falls in loves and fights for Yuna then the truth is out that Yuna is going to need to die to save Spira so they fight against it then you realize Tidus is just a dream of the Fayth so Tidus will die when you beat the game.

They just can’t be happy, also your dad is sin.

It has a banger story, arguably the best mini game.

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Reported for trolling. Don’t speak of FF8 ever again.

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Bro 8 had the worst story.

70% filler, 15% teleporting around the map to talk to the next npc, 15% actually good content.

I liked FFX except for Tidus (Meg Ryan).

Would have been one of my top FFs if he just weren’t in it.

EDIT: the combat was exquisite though.

Isekai nonsense.

I mean it was the best final fantasy story wise

there is a lot of filler and teleporting but def not 70% filler man. how far did you get? I’ll give you it starts off as a bit of a slog

a lot of what seems like filler is necessary for setting up the high points of the story to be more impactful. Shadowbringers was so good and Endwalker was good too

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It literally has the worst version of a game ever

Is it opposite day cause I find myself aggreeing with people that dislike me.

I think my favorite story and characters come from FF6.

Best villain, hands down.

Some characters more fleshed out than others, but most of them very memorable.

It’s formulaic. About 70% of that formula is filler. Remove it and the story is just straight up better because it wastes much less of your time.

That is because they are based on the two best Final Fantasies ever made: 3 (Shadowbringers) and 4 (Endwalker).


4 was the story those now-generic ones are based off of. And 4 did it better than they did.

4 was pretty solid in that it was the first one that introduced a real story.

Also 8 year old me cried when the twins turned themselves to stone.

Not because I was emotionally moved, but because I had just finished grinding Palom up enough to get Flare.