Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

member when they made mechanical units bleed for warriors rogues and ferals?

Pepperidge Farm Remembers

Remember when they made mechanical mobs be able to be poisoned for rogues?

Pepperidge Farm remembers

Hot take all final fantasy games suck except for that one I played one time with that Barrett dude. Believe it was final fantasy vii. Still, the story sucked in that one too and the main character needs to be punched in his face.

Yea, Cloud is trash.

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I agree
but since they already made machine can bleed in phase 2 I think they should work on the same principle to keep messing it up

It’s 100% being removed IDK why this is even a discussion.

Aggrend literally commented on this awhile ago in his “all tanks will be viable p4” post.

How will a shaman tank be a viable raid tank in MC when it can’t land any abilities to actually tank?

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I don’t know about you but I personally envision hydronic fluid, oil, coolant or any other liquid a machine may have as what bleeds when you cut hoses or storage tanks… in other words it is perfectly reasonable for a mechanical unit to bleed.

Now spell immunities also make sense. But everyone has at least 2 spell schools at their disposal so not sure what the fuss is.

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Please don’t list Shaman in that. Nature immune mobs completely wall them. They can live without lava burst, flame shock, fire totems when fighting fire immune, but whether its enhance or elemental, lightning bolt is the only spammable spell. Nature immune means basically not casting spells.

At least druids have a pure physical spec, or can swap to just arcane spells. They can still continue to cast uninterupted. Imagine looking at your lava burst cooldown and going “well, guess I’ll stand still and do nothing for 8 seconds.”

Removing outdated systems is how we ended up with retail and the demand for a version of the outdated game lol.

On the topic though, I don’t think immunities should be removed, but I do think they need to give something to lock tanks, sham tanks, ele shams, and enh shams (and maybe boomkins?) to allow them to bypass the immunities.

Mages have alternative specs that can be played with the same or similar gear, the above specs are either tanks or cannot simply respec to another element.

  • Tank locks should have Shadowflame instead of of Fire based damage
  • Tank Shams should have some form of Elemental Sundering allowing them to bypass immunities
  • Enhance Shamans should be able to use their imbue weapon affects on an off-hand to alter the element of their spell damage
  • Elemental Shaman (Boomkins as well if needed) should be able to acquire a Totem/Relic rune from Hydraxian Waterlords that turns their Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Lava Burst into water/rost variants.

It would be lazy to simply remove immunities, offering in-world ways to break them would be great.

They will choose the lazy route

What buff to paladins lolol. Prot does little to no damage now, ret is laughable. Holy paladins got nothing worth while.

Also did you even pass english in school? Yikes that was difficult to read.

No they should be removed.

There is no benefit to keeping it around besides “muh rp”.

There is a massive benefits for removing them tho.

Bear in mind you are playing a MMO”RP”G
Not “Topping the dps meter”

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Oh I understand that, you still can’t present an actual argument other than “muh rp”.

Shows how weak your stance is.

Also debating this is pointless, you have nothing to back anything up that is a good argument and blizzard is 100% removing the immunities.

Umm, haven’t you ever heard of “fighting fire with fire?!”

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“muh rp” for a classic MMORPG is kinda important :expressionless:

I will say one thing positive though. Recently one of the devs mentioned something about a future version that was “more grounded in vanilla”. That’s a huge step in the right direction, and shows that they know at least generally where to go for the next iteration.

I bet they remove immunities there too.

It’s an archaic system that kind of destroys raiding.

no not noticed it on PTR immunies still there guy there all over brd you have get to molten core from brd