Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

Also how you gonna see frost mages when the only spec for mages is a combined FFB build. You don’t even see fire mages.

Big shout out to the 5 arcane mages still logging raids so I’m not the actual bottom of the logs as a boomie.

FF7 had immunities too :expressionless: You calling FF7 wrong?

as a warlock tank main who main tanks for my guild, not being able to main tank 1 raid instance would be a deal-breaker for the class for me. I have a druid tank alt in my back pocket, though.

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Im gonna agree here. MC retaining fire immunities makes Warlock tanks 100% nonviable and cripples Shaman tanks.

Dont forget that BWL mobs have massive Fire AND Shadow Resistances depending on the type.

On a related note, i forsee Broodlord being untankable for Rogues without a moderate-sized miracle. A single MS getting through on Leather is gonna be a oneshot. Bigger health pool be damned, MS was nearly a oneshot into non-tank Plate + shield for DPS Wars and deleted Rogues that managed to pull threat.

I think warlock tanks could probably limp along with a shadow build, but they need some spammable threat spell to make it be more viable or competitive. I never liked the focus on fire for warlock tanking in the first place, tbh.

With Searing Pain existing and already have a threat modifier, it made sense to lean on Fire more than Shadow.

Warlock tanks will have such a low threat cap that i doubt people would want to use them when Druids/Warriors/Paladins exist.

Ff10 was the best FF.

7 is overrated

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Blasphemy :expressionless:

FF7 story was trash.

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It’s a cool story with memorable characters :expressionless:

7 isnt even in my top 3 and im still gonna call cap on this.

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You’re literally just a failed experiment with someone else’s memory.

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You can boil every game down like that. Not even just FF.

youre a murderhobo killing leftovers on a dead planet.

Enjoy Dark Souls 3. Or Bloodborne. Or Elden Ring.

Like I said it’s the most overrated final fantasy game

Nah, thatd be anything from 13 onward. 12 was pretty meh also.

1-10 were all solid entries. Even 8 had its moments of brilliance.

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Don’t even get me started on final fantasy 8.

Imagine being the main character and you go back in time and cause everything to happen

see why people want affliction spec be buffed little cause like when we get these runes all fire focus’d they might be good come Naxx but molten core. its gonna suck. its gonna suck so bad

specially when when get in higher teirs of molten core? hope your sporting some fire protection pots. and fire resistance gear cause watch isnt much shows how much blizzards dont care

also forgot to mention that shamans are really screwed in 60 +2 not only do they have deal with fire immunes they have to deal nature immunes come phase 4 part 2-3 poor boomkins

hope you like spamming star moonfire this is no cap this actually game play there still immunes high resist monsters

tanking is not happening

If we talking best FF games it would be FF10, FF Tactics, FF 6.

Replace 10 with 4 and youve got my top 3.

FF4 #1 (was so good it got a sequel)
FF3 #2
FF5 #3
FF6 #4
FF10 #5
FF9 #6
FF1 #7

Everything else is off my radar. 8 was only good for triple triad, 2 was garbage, 7 was honestly just decent but ruined by its fan base, and nothing after 10 is even a FF game anymore.