Molten Core/BRD immunities are still a thing

Keep it for flavor outside of raids.

In raids, everyone should have an opportunity to contribute.

RP in the Blasted Lands.

needing to change your spec doesn’t mean you can’t contribute :expressionless:
for the love of pete, you even have dual spec…

So you agree every single class in the entire game should equally be gimped in MC?

Also, did we really need more topics on this?

well can’t have that :expressionless: they’ll have to rework the whole fight because what if I wanna kill Viscidus as a fire mage? are you discriminating against fire mages??

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No, why would I agree to that?
If you’re a magic user, you gotta take the good with the bad. One of the bads is, gee, my fire spells don’t seem to be very effective against enemies who are giant balls of fire. :expressionless:
Melee don’t have to worry about that as much, but they don’t get all the other magic goodies you have access to either. Welcome to RPGs.

Only if we go full RP with fighting beings made of fire/lava/rock. Not just a way that dumps on casters.

Melee weapons drop to 0 durability after 1 hit.

Ranged weapons disintegrate before they hit, dealing 0 damage.

Proximity based AoE damage. If you’re within 5 yards you die to fire damage.

Metal armor dropped to 0 durability after a few hits. Also causes you to take ramping fire damage as the armor heats up.

Leather and cloth armor, 0 durability after 1 hit. You also take a burst of fire damage as it immolates.

Strat holy water works on fire elementals.

Ice and frost spells do double damage.

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Because there’s no reason for class hate to exist, unless you, the player, want it to exist. Stop being classist.

Ace from One Piece says hello.

You don’t need to agree with it blizzard has already removed immunities in this version so thinking they won’t again is silly

The rock elementals already have increased armor :expressionless:

yes, they already made machines bleed which is unforgivable :expressionless: will they take the further embarrassment of allowing fireballs to damage the lord of fire? we shall see. maybe they will rightfully view it as a bridge too far.

That’s really cool.

Every time melee hits a rock elemental, weapon durability drops by 1. Rocks are hard.

Once your weapon is broken, you can still punch them. -1 durability to your gauntlets per punch.

Once your gauntlets are broken you can still punch them. -99% damage because fists aren’t good against rock, and you also take the same damage back because punching rocks hurts.

Let’s RP this.

If you wanna go down the realism rabbit hole, well, you can’t cast spells cuz magic doesn’t exist :expressionless: Guess I win.

Right, so we go down the other end of the rabbit hole: Don’t make arbitrary rules that screw over specific classes.

Clearly you’ve never tried operating a car with its gas tank punctured.

Magic doesn’t exist for you!

Azeroth is so magical I can barely contain it. I just absolutely feel the magic in everything I do and post.

if they made the red blood effects black I would allow it :expressionless:

I work on Aircraft. We have red hydraulic fluid.


Man you need an RP break.

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Looooook if you can kill Ifrit with fire in the supreme allfather of modern MMOS…

Or bypass elemental immunity in the OG tabletop that has founded RPGs as we know it…

Mages can have a little treat and fireball Ragnaros.

If you can actually present a good argument to break what SOD was made on which is accessibility and inclusion than we can talk about keeping the immunities until then they should be broken just like they were before in SOD.

Also “muh rp” is not a valid argument

how you gonna see frost mages when you dont play SoD?