Mok'nathal and half elves as core races please

You do. Void elves have full high elf customization already.

I think allied races were a bad idea. They should just add customizations to present races or new races without an onerous grind intended to bloat participation metrics.

lol no.

If it quack like a duck, look like a duck, it’s still a duck. They are not high elves. They can RP as them, but they are not high elves.

Also half elves can stand on their own and have their own appearance and model.

You’re missing the point (big surprise!): the race was already there, there were already hundreds or even thousands of blood elves in existence. There aren’t thousands of half ogres/elves; in fact there aren’t even a dozen of either.

Allied Races were a very good idea.

I do agree that they should not have been tied to rep in any way though. They always should have only been tied to story.

“crack squad”.

That’s my entire race.

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The idea that putting in multiple new races of high elves is going to save the alliance is a sham and a gigantic waste of development resources. Roleplay a high elf or half elf. Write fanfic. Develop your own lore to fill the gigantic gaps.

The entire purpose of allied races was to bloat up participation numbers during the coming content drought at the end of Legion. And to make sure this happened, players had to not only in many cases level up a throwaway character to earn rep and whatever other requirements on, they had to do this during a time in Legion when leveling had been bloated from 30 hours to 120 hours with the implementation of level scaling.

People who used to level new characters because it was their end game quit over this. Lots of leveling options were removed. And a fair number of people who managed to level up that throwaway character they never intended to play gave up. They couldn’t level the new character to max. The ordeal killed their interest in playing that character and they abandoned it.

Even now, a new player will look at the new character screen and see those allied races that they can’t roll. And if they go to the trouble of finding out why, do you think they’re going to level up that throwaway character to meet the requirements, or are they just going to say, “Screw this game, I’m going to find a different game where they want me to play.”

And they’ll find that game.

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when did you even get this message at all in this thread? LMFAO I’m requesting it because I like the idea of half elves and mok’nathals lol.

I dunno about you, but they seem to be ok with “wasting dev resources” with making a 2nd human model.

No, I want to play as a half elf.

That wouldn’t be lore lol, that would be what they would call “head canon”

They made a race that was created with less then 20 people, a crack squad as you will. They could make a race with just the numbers of a clan or descendents of 2 other races.

You are insisting on adding another race of high elves to the current demands by high elf fans. That will make 3 races of high elves.

They are creating a new human model? Or are you referring to Kul Tirans, which were created 4 or 5 years ago?

Custom brand new race for every player! What could go wrong?

Again, your custom race needs to have an entire team of writers assigned to it for an extended period of time. Or two, if that “Mok’nathol” thing you shoehorned in later was serious rather than simply a distraction to make it sound like this was anything but just another high elf thread.

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I don’t believe that allied races are necessarily associated with the grind but more so you going out and recruiting them into the faction proper via a questline. This would be to add races in the middle of an expansion.

Core races IMO despite having exile’s reach need to come with their own unique starting zone/scenario to help introduce them. Basically more work involved.

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I always thought, right from the start, that it was a blatant manipulation. I only unlocked some recently after I got tired of leveling and wanted to skip those first 10 levels, even though I already had the requirements for most.

  1. Level a throwaway character 110 levels in 120 hours;
  2. Do all the required quests and get all the required reps;
  3. Unlock the race and roll that character;
  4. Level 110 levels another 120 hours to unlock heritage armor.

You can’t see how that was manipulative? They discovered a demographic that had to play all races. And they were also targeting players who had to have all the mogs.

Not really, Half elves can stand on there own without high elf help.


Troll post 1/10

Mok’nathal. If your going to try to troll people get the spelling right lol. And they are both not custom, they have precedent in lore and already have corrisponding stories. They can have Rexxar introduce new mok’nathal even.

Welcome to GD, 90% of the discussions are high elf threads some of them in disguise.

The last half elf thread you started didn’t even mention Mok’nathol. This is just something you shoehorned in to make yourself sound reasonable.

Cruel as ever Cruelzubub. Gnome demon hunters when?

The purpose of their implementation was that sure.

Allied races purpose otherwise was to expand the roster of races in a cheap and efficient method.

Take away the poor implementation and, like I said, make them only story based unlocks and all of that falls away.

We have instead cultures and stories of races being extended and expanded.

Plus its a helluva lot less expensive in time and energy to add the races people want when blizzard doesn’t have to make 1-3 zones per race and a full fledged main city to go along with it.


It brought me back to the game after 7 years away so…

To each their own?

You mean like every other MMO out there?

There are races I can’t play on the other MMO’s I have simply because they’re behind paywalls. (think the only one I can think of that doesnt is GW2 and some of its character customization options are still locked behind a little purchase to change your character after making them)

Kinda prefer WoW’s design on it to that.


This is the main difference between AR’s and Core races.

AR’s can be brought in easily and without much effort.

Core races have a main city (usually) and a few zones or at least one zone dedicated to their people. (Not to mention coming with whatever Expansion they were released in from the get go. Their joining being covered in lead up lore.)

Regardless this isn’t the case now either way.

The amount of time spent has been immensely reduced and I don’t think you’ll find too many people unhappy bout that. lol

If new AR’s are introduced as just story addons without stupid rep gates then really whats the issue?

Lets say thats true.

Is that bad?

Going from unreasonable to reasonable is a good thing in most peoples books.

Let him request what he wants.

I for one wouldn’t be unhappy for either AR being released.

I imagine when Blizzard expands DH’s like they did for DK’s.

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Mok’nathal was always on the books for me, the only reason I included them this time is because I noticed there was no active threads on it that is current, and I kinda cooled my head from the VE customization debacle.

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I just suggested this duo in another thread haha.

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People that actually take care of themselves don’t flex it on the WoW forums dude.

Humans are animals. What do you think humans are?

What if instead of all half elves being of Thalassian decent, the race can instead consist of all different variations; Half-Kaldorei, Half-Shal’dorei, Half-Sin’dorei, Half-Ren’dorei, Half-Quel’dorei maybe even some half San’layn

While I really like these, I think they’d be too similar to the original races.

I’m more of the opinion they should add Ogres for example as an allied race, and have Mok’nathal be a customization option for example same half elves being options for night/blood elves. I also think this should’ve been for mechagnomes, Lightforged, HM tauren, Mag’har orcs, Kul’tiran humans etc etc.