Mok'nathal and half elves as core races please

oh so your here to troll then.


Mok’nathal for the horde and half elves for the alliance go!

Oh so you lost the argument.

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I didn’t lol, you came back with a non-arguement lol.

Saying rexxar does not have any importance for the horde is silly.

I do appreciate the bumps though.

I see, you’re so ignorant you can’t even understand how playable races work. They’re not built around one character, they’re built around entire societies.

But this isn’t the arguement? You stated the charecters in question didn’t have any big revolvements. I refuted that. Again this is a non-arguement.

But to humor you;

Mok’nathal as mention in the OP has an entire clan baised on it, derived of both ogre and orc society

Half elves came from both human and high elf societies.

Anyways I do appreciate the bumps.

This thread seems very important for you, glad I could help in filling your boring life.
Anyway I’m off to the gym, enjoy your blather.

Lmao yeah sure you are

Such an oddity, you must be a guy that likes building muscle, yet you wouldn’t want the biggest and most muscular race to be playable?


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Void Elves would like to have a word with you, all it took was Alleria initially.

Also, would like to add, isn’t there a settlement of Mok’nathal in Blades Edge in Outland.


Much as I love void elves, yeah… Kinda exactly what happened.


There were also thousands of blood elves unsatisified with the horde and lor’themar.

You’re trying to make a playable race out of five NPCs. Good luck with that.

taking care of oneself is that hard to believe? put down the doritos and mountain dew and go outside mate. gamers are haven’t been tied to the unhealthy lonely life stigma for a while now.

Yes, there is a town of them. Unfortunately they use the orc models because Rexxar or mok’nathal did not have there own models yet.

I mean the guys already mentioned void elves was made by one npc so… yeah.

Taking things out of context. :roll_eyes:

Technically mok’nathal is a clan of ogres, orcs and half ogres.

So it’s not wrong. Rexxar is technically a minority among the clan.

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No, I actually didn’t.

There was no blood elf that was against lor’themars rule until blizz thought alleria was cool enough to make a new race from it.

I mean half ogre/half orcs in this case would had been what rexxar looks like in any case though. So I’m half right half wrong? Still coulda used a new model for them back then lol.

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Aye, mok’nathal for the average player is half orc half ogre, and surely since there was no unique model then its clearly out of date.

Rexxar still stands as the requests goal for most.

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Hard pass on both.


Alliance doesn’t need more races of high elves. They need gnome druids.


We don’t have high elves bruh.

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I think no on the half elves.

I believe the allied races that should be added as appropriate pairings are:

  • Mok’nathal and broken
  • Ogres and vrykul
  • Ankoan/jinyu and gilgoblins
  • Furbolg and hozen

As a neutral race I would like to see tuskarr.

Half elves should be customization for both void elves and humans. Dark ranger skin should be for blood elves. Tauren should get a taunka head option and dwarves should get a frostborn skin option. Forest trolls for trolls as well.

If all of this was done I would consider the factions to be complete in terms of racial options.

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