Mogu Allied Race Moguthread 😃

Why should the Mogu be an Allied Race?

Because I said so. And Mogu ladies are cute.

Wouldn’t the Pandaren hate them?

There’s a new awesome Mogu clan called the Rajani. They are BFFs with the Pandaren.

Which faction should they join?

I don’t care. Probably Horde because the Zandalari and the Mogu are ancient allies or something. But I really don’t care.

Which Classes should they have?

Well, Warriors are a good start. Mage too since they are Titanforged. Shaman, cuz Thunder King. Rogue as well. Monks?

What about Racials?

Who cares?

What about the skeleton? That seems to be important for some reason!

The Mogu use the Draenei skeleton and animations. It’s fine!


Imma need someone to fact check this one. Anyone got a line to Taran Zhu?

In all seriousness, I don’t think Monks would fit considering that Pandaren practiced and created their style of martial arts to counter their enemies yeah? The Mogu being one of the biggest enemies?

Or am I mistaken here?

Aside from that, GO TEAM MOGU! As with all Allied Races, the more the better :smiley:


If our playable Mogu are the Rajani, they are working with the Pandaren, so they could probably learn from their Pandaren allies.

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Er, my post was more or less on if the Pandaren feel buddy buddy with these mogu or not XD I know about them, its an exciting idea!


*glances at zandalari monks*

But that aside, when you’re purging heretics from Rezan’s temple in the Zuldazar quests, one of the mogu leaders you kill uses monk abilities, so they do seem to have them to some degree.

As an addendum to this, before people go ‘theres no more mogu ladies we killed them all!’ I actually did one of the mogu assaults in the Vale on the PTR and I saw a few mogu women, so theres still some around.


Look at this cute lady! Totally alive.


If they’re “BFFS” with the Pandaren as a whole reason would stand to make them neutral


The Shado-pan seemed to be allied with the Alliance in Zuldazar.

I would agree.

But I don’t know if Blizzard would.

They’ve expressed displeasure in the past with the concept of a neutral race.

Though that may have been changed.


Wasnt that just ghostcrawler who isnt even at Blizz anymore?

Shado-pan are most CERTAINLY not allied with the Alliance and to suggest they are is nonsensical.

They rarely EVER leave their continent, and if they do it’s to deal with a possible threat to their homeland. If it is a threatening Mogu presence, they are going to take care of it.

They would never, EVER choose a side. Take it from someone who loves the Shado-pan and has a mog based on them.

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Yes. But Ghostcrawler’s statement is the latest thing we’ve heard about in-Blizzard opinions about neutral Races. The fact that they’ve never ever ever added another neutral race afterwards doesn’t help.

But maybe since the War is over it might be thematically appropriate to add a new neutral race. Who knows?

Yet the world quest in Zuldazar is exclusively available to the Alliance.

Doesn’t matter if it’s exclusive to Alliance. They still are not allied with the Alliance by any means. If there’s a threat to their homeland, they’re going to take care of it. They are by no means allied with us.


Only if they are Horde, and only if they can be warlocks.

I’d normally be against this, but the new lore in 8.3 seems fine to me.

MoP lore>everything to come after MoP, imo. So the more MoP lore, the better.


Mogu are all about continuing the work of the titans. Would be super weird if they could be warlocks. I get they had super evil creepy magics but they didnt use fel.

Has there ever been a Mogu Warlock?

I don’t know. The MoP Mogu were very evil but they loved Titan stuff and Warlocking is kinda the opposite of Titan stuff. Titans are creatures of Order, with Arcane blood. Warlocks use Fel. Chaos Magic.

Warlocks are typically social/cultural pariahs, and we see a lot of them use dark magic in MoP, it wouldn’t be a stretch for a post-legion survivor to turn to the fel.

So, you could argue either way, really.

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Sure, but they probably also wouldnt be part of the good Rajani faction that are actually working with us.

They use a lot of soul magic and stuff like that, so I could see them being squeezed into the warlock fold because of that.

But hey, I’m down for playable Mogu. The big problem was needing a friendly faction who doesn’t want to murder us, and 8.3 has provided.