Holding Teldrassil would have killed far more Horde with an unruly hostage population known for its guerrilla tactics and connection with nature. A hostage population whose morale hasn’t been broken (because Malfurion was not killed) would have split off, melded into the forests of Teldrassil, and likely formed a sizable enough resistance force to bring costly havoc upon the heads of any amount of Horde attempting to hold the tree.
This is an entirely different plan change from “oh yeah I’m making these sacrifices worthless because I want to prolong this war and ensure far more people die in this because uhhh…mourning. Yeah.”
i think the point fizzer was trying to make is that it was an overreaction to a nelf dying instead of a well thought plan, no amount of rationalizing will take this away this plus…really, what you are saying its even worse, if i understand correctly you are implying her original plan was flawled from the begging and you begun this war just to die in doves.
The same way garrosh was dethroned: raid the capital and beat them. In this case, SoO 2.0 in 8.3 with her as a boss.
Maintaining the moral high ground fits with the political purpose of the war from Anduins point of view. He doesn’t want to wipe out the Horde, only its leadership. Don’t even think there is any guarantee “pushing the advantage” by reinvading Zandalar with full force would be anything other than cruel destruction of the Zandalari civilization. How does that win the war against the Horde exactly? The objective was completed; their fleet was destroyed and they were weakened to the point of not being able to provide as much military assistance to the Horde as had been needed.
Her original plan was to kill Malfurion, which would have likely crushed the night elven morale (according to her thought process anyway).
The point of my original post (which Fizzer responded to) was that Sylvanas’s plans may not always work (thanks Saurfang for pulling an Anduin and failing to kill one of the least-liked characters in the game you dingdong), at least she does not deliberately sabotage them and spit in the faces of each and every soldier who died to make it happen
My rage is the fact that Anduin personally stepped on the lives and deaths of each and every one of those soldiers who gave their lives knowingly and willingly to end the war. The details are chump change compared to this key concept.
debatable, i dont think so and in elegy its implied the capture of teldrassil wont have caused a schism on the alliance in fact if he wouldve died the elves would been furious and she would have to deal with the cenarion circle.
sylvanas didnt had the idiotball, anduin and saurfang were playing with it, this entire expansion is sylvanas playing 10d chess with everyone cuz she was infused with knowledge from the writing team so no surprises there, also she DOES sabotages the plans if it benefits her selfish reasons.
dont forget jaina called of the attack on dazar alor because you guys were sad.
just how are you going to hold teldrassil hostage with Malf alive? It’s place where he would be most powerful, he would take it back in no time
read my post again, i was assuming sylvanas was successful on killing him i never said she could hold if it she didnt.
Do you have a specific example?
We as the players do not have that kind of power over the story. Besides, most Horde players who were upset was because of Rastakhan’s death, and that had been planned from the moment he was introduced.
If you’re speaking purely of in-game feelings, those do not matter. Why should how the Horde feels matter to you when you sent a suicide army out into the swamp to die and rot so that you might spare the world thousands of more deaths over the course of an unnecessarily drawn-out war? And then you waste the damned army by choice?
so we agree it was stupid then?
one of the horde plans? burning the tree, that wasnt part of saurfang strategy, shes not making this war for the horde after all, if you are talking about her own plans all of them are for her gain, and she hardly botches those, only when getting sidetracked by her feelings, example, not killing her sisters.
I suppose they could come up with a cover story.
We’re going around in circles.
Honestly i dont think the plan would have worked even if malf was dead he would just be a martyr and tyrande would be even more pissed. They would end up with a hit bed if rebellion with a rallying point of malf. It is kind if like how burning the tree just made them mad sadly not genocide mad like they should be but mad.
When I think of a Government facing a foul and evil rebellion that must be quashed - I think of the US Civil War. Those rebels were truly scum fighting for the destruction of their nation.
I see many Americans today enjoy building statues to commemorate those traitors and waving the flag of failed treason. They have the right to worship such failures. But Sheman’s March through the South is one of my favorite moments in US history. That is what I call justice.
Rebellions are not always the good rebels vs the evil establishment. May Sylvanas deal with the rebel scum in the same manner as Sherman. She has shown a penchant for burning.
I wish you didn’t type what you just typed.
One is not free of villainy or scummy actions by virtue of simply being a rebel.
You make an example of Star Wars, where the Rebels are clearly just and right. But Rebels can be scum. There are examples of that too.
Okay, but like, that’s not really what I was saying. I wasn’t comparing Saurfang’s rebellion to the Star Wars Rebellion, I was pointing out a similarity between OP’s speech and the Empire’s speech. You then went off on some tangent about the US Civil War - a pretty damn confusing one too.
Or he would have become the martyr and they all follow Tyrande like they have for ten thousand years for vengeance.
All roads in War of Thornes led to the burning.
Dude, this new Netflix reboot of both She-ra and He-man is a little weird. Why they chose to do a crossover so literally is beyond me.
If Sylvanas supporters start getting to wear black robes and wield red laserswords and psychic zapping powers then I’ll know I made the right choice.
I vote we turn this from yet another Sylvanas arguement thread into a Star Wars-Warcraft crossover RP thread instead.
“Die, rebel scum!” Vozul shrieks, flinging a spaceship I-beam directly through Grandblade’s chest, killing him instantly. She does a little Sith dance. I don’t know any Star Wars lore so this is as far as the joke gets. Uhh, sand.
Sylvanas slinks from behind a stack of crates, her gray bosom bursting forth and filling the majority of the room’s space. Vozul is flung back into a pile of space rubble by the expulsion of armored, ashen flesh. “Champion,” she whispers, lips pursing plushly. “You’ve done well.” Nathanos dutifully rolls her body a little closer to Vozul, their breaths mingling between them. The Warchief of the Horde presses a hand to the orc’s bone mask, lids fluttering closed–
Nevermind. RP thread cancelled.