Mods, close this thread pls, got derailed and spammed by memes

Well, they can’t just assassinate her, she has support of the people. They obviously not going to start full pledged civil war.

Basically only way to do that is for to Sylvanas herself do something extra bad for everyone and expose her later. That’s probably why we handed her xal’athath, otherwise rebels have nothing on her :stuck_out_tongue:

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Or, yah know … she wont die for a warchief spot she never wanted (but will absolutely exploit); and will bail on it and the Horde the moment she feels she can no longer use us? Seriously, why is it so hard to believe that the woman who has a LONG history of using people as tools in the pursuit of her own selfish goals (then discarding them when they are of no longer of use) … is still doing exactly that with this war (and that tree)?


I mean, unless she’ll find a way for better afterlife or complete immortality where greedy raids wouldn’t be able to find her - she needs horde to survive and horde pretty much fine with her as chief

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Glory glory hallelujah,
Glory glory hallelujah,
Glory glory hallelujah!
This. script. melts. my. brain.


I think its quite simple, cdev will continue to ride this “Everything that is bad is Sylvanas fault and Sylvanas fault alone” train. Just like they did with Garrosh.


We slaughter the naga away from N’zoth’s tomb so Xal’athath might be the key to his rise.

Because it’s more accurate to say that she uses the Horde to defend and advance the Horde’s interests. Yes, she uses us, but Anduin uses the Alliance too. I’d rather die for a plan I know Sylvanas believes in and will follow through on, rather than wasting my own death so Anduin can change the plan at the very end because of his feefees.

What I am referring to specifically: Sylvanas’s use of Horde soldier deaths to push an advantage during the Battle of Lordaeron. She follows through with her plan to the very end, and while it’s not a resounding success, she does her hardest that the Horde might live to fight another day, taking out Alliance in the process.

Anduin, meanwhile, uses an entire army as bait to draw the defenses of Dazar’alor away and wreck their capital. The battle is a success: he destroys their fleet, slaughters a city of mostly civilians, and kills their king…then purposefully fails to end the war quickly when he has the chance, wasting that army that gave their lives that the war might end quickly.

Yes, that suicide army of Anduin’s was volunteers, and Sylvanas generally doesn’t care whether her pawns know they’ll be sacrificed. But I would sure as hell prefer dying to defend the Horde and see it live on rather than dying for…nothing because my privileged-from-birth boy-king has the backbone of a wet noodle.


Lol I love how Blizzard is doubling down on the Horde as a whole is evil in the same breath that trying to convince us that they are not.

9D chess moves right here.

By that same logic the Horde would have supported Sha Garrosh if he was not a racist trying to keep his Horde pure.

What is up with all these Horde posters making things up and passing it on as fact?


Completely sympathize re Andy Boy, but…Does she?

While Sylvie might be more tactically ruthless than home boy, she’s still playing for team “true purpose,” and I’ll eat my toy box if that has much overlap with Horde interests.


he would have more forces in his disposal… and there would be no civil war… And garrosh would be best warchief horde ever had?

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Old God serving Horde? sure.
They served demons before so why not old gods too?

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What kind of toys?


well, he wouldn’t be so paranoidal without Vol’jin as enemy and Blood elfs trying to join alliance :stuck_out_tongue:

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Back stabbing is part of Blood Elf culture!

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Hordeposter MO. Do you forget where you are?


Nathanos genuinely believes what they’re doing will benefit the entire Horde and he is in on the plan. Whether that’s a misguided belief or the trust is well placed still remains to be seen.


Y’know, the Empire also said “Rebel scum.” Do you REALLY wanna compare Team Sylvanas to them? Cause they were unequivocally the bad guys in that canon.


i don’t mind being bad guy. Killing is fun, killing innocent twice as fun. Killing simple farmers in pre-cata forsaken quests extra fun.


ow the edge


P’shaw. That’s baby’s first butter knife up there. Where’s the glee in the sociopathy? Where’s the cackling nihilism? He talks about killing and doesn’t even include a description, let alone consider torments worse than mere extinction.

2/10, no evil horse heads awarded.