even if the horde ceased to exist the nations in the alliance would still mantain relations with each other as if they were still in the alliance. for the most part they all like each other
That is fine by me.
I think at this point all races should be reduced to their individual level.
Like Tauren are friendly or neutral with most Alliance but Forsaken and Orcs are hostile.
Just like Booty Bay and Blood Sails Orc players have to grind out levels to get access to those quests/rewards that specific race has.
Vice versa for the Alliance races.
We could add some tension like Night Elves are not that trusting of Humans after BFA and etc…
I would very much like to play that. it adds so much replayability for alts.
The entire point of her getting ahold of Eyir (and thus the ability to create near infinite of them), was that she would place herself in a position where she would no longer even need the Horde. See … the thing about an “Alliance of Convenience” is that once it ceases to be “Convenient” it falls apart; and the idea that Sylvanas (being the MASSIVE control freak that she is) wouldn’t be partial to the prospect of no longer needing the Horde is absurd. Hell, the possibility that she could find herself in a position where she would no longer need the Forsaken could also likely be tempting (depending on the avenue to obtain such a method).
If Sylvanas Windrunner has found a method to thwart her own afterlife that might come at the expense of the Alliance, Horde, and YES perhaps even the Forsaken … she absolutely would pursue such a route (despite the risks).
Thrall is still a legendary figure amongst the new Horde, I don’t think there will need to be much oppressing except of those who remain loyal to the overthrown regime.
I think this is absolutely what it comes down to regarding Sylvanas twisted motivations. She is scared of hell and will do everything to thwart it. She intends to inflict her curse upon as many as possible in order to make them see so to speak. Twist their minds, make them see that undeath is better than real death. A corny “she is becoming like her old master Arthas” thing, Yada yada ya…
And to answer the OP I think once Sylvanas sees that her position of bearing the mantle of Warchief is untenable, she will throw it off like a hot potato and move on to her back up plans. This isn’t game of thrones and the war chief position is not the iron throne. She will find some other path to her goal… maybe she inherits the naga armies? the Twilight cultists? N’zoth willing…
But you only go to hell if you become undead…
If you don’t then you become wisps in the forest for Night Elves or go to the Light like the Draenei and other believers.
I am speaking of Sylvanas perspective. She wants to convince others that she knows what death is, and that she is saving you from it. At least that’s what I am thinking from her actions and comments.
Her perspective is pretty flawed.
Its like you were destined to go to heaven. So I kill you so that you can live forver as a zombie but if you die for whatever reason well then it is eternal hell for your instead.
She is not only stealing the life of the people but dooming their afterlife too.
I never said I agreed with it. I mean, obviously. Look at what I post lmao.
Was just hashing out what I think her motives and intentions are.
Sylvanas is cray cray!
Why are you still Horde then?
Well considering that the vast majority of the horde is more moderate than slyvanas and the fact that when baine was arrested be we could already see that the nightborne and blood elves were outright hinting at plotting and the rest of the racial heroes have been questioning the methods that are being used I’d say that the vast majority of her " support" is burning out quickly. She needs a decisive victory over the alliance and to silence those that are likely to oppose her. Think about it she left saurfang to face the alliance alone, arrested baine after he delivered her weapon to jaina, and now he’s sending the nightborne and blood elf leaders to engage the kul’tiran navy at sea where she knows the Naga will sink both fleets.
She isn’t dumb despite what we may think and I think her plan is to off every horde racial leader while simultaneously crippling the alliance with every move she makes.
I will help reclaim the Horde and bring it to its honorable glory. The Alliance doesn’t seem to be accepting any Darkspears these days, either.
Meh see you in the next expansion when Baine burns down Ironforge and we have to join together to make steaks out of him.
Won’t be happenin’… although… Ironforge… Dwarves… Frostmane Tribe stolen lands…
I will have you know that my dwarf killed so many of them.
Then Baine will have my support for the Purge of Ironforge.
Its interesting too, because its difficult to say if her perception of the Afterlife isn’t flawed either.
She experienced what she experienced, no doubt about that … but I seem to recall two very potent souls (very recently) that were dragged away from a afterlife (or soul repository) they were destined to go to (by a 3rd party). Both Vol’jin and Illidan very recently showed that it is very possible to steal someone’s soul away from its destined location and to another spot of your choosing if you have “the mojo”. Considering the events of Sylvanas’ trip to her “hell” … I do wonder at times if she’s not the victim of a similar process (and that she’s being conned)?
It would really crack the case wouldn’t it? If her hell was in reality visions given her by the Old Gods… would explain quite a bit about her course of action, and what it has lead to… the freeing of N’zoth.
I like my steak medium rear.
And the troll ears deep fried.
chuckles Honey, you gotta try harder than that ta get under the skin of ol’ Spuddy
Just to remember.