Mods, close this thread pls, got derailed and spammed by memes

He says that when the High King deigns to release him. What a two faced liar. Who could follow rebellions based on such a rebel scum?

When Saurfang pleads to his Alliance Human Dungeon master, he speaks of “his” Horde.

But when Saurfang incites rebellion amongst the Horde, he says… other things.

Luckily I have the foresight of watching Saurfang beg Anduin to give him … “his” Horde back.

Woe to the characters that listen to Saurfang’s treasonous words - if the High King is not there to keep him honest.

I do. You just don’t care and put no effort into your side of the argument. I’m just too stupid to realize when I’m being taken for a ride. That’s why you’re so insufferable, Allerya. You aren’t some genius who’s disliked because everyone is secretly jealous of your amazing argument-winning skills. You’re so purposefully dense, manipulative, and prideful that no one enjoys your presence except as something to mock.


Time to deliver a pizza ball.

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Honestly how is arguing that a few people died in Dazaralor any point to argue over?

Did it happen? probably. Was it tragic? Sure probably for the races and characters it involved but besides that what is the purpose of such an argument in the grander scheme of things?

Is Vozul saying the Alliance should not have attacked when we have multiple incursions with Zandalari in Kultiras attacking the city? The entire Horde invasion base is from Zandalar.
Like what is the point of it?

Is it for moral validity of some other argument? Establish facts?
Her initial statement was “ANDIUN SLAUGHTERS CIVILIANS!”

I mean come on. Really? Thats arguing in good faith Spuddy?

You are projecting a lot of things I never claimed lol.

To be honest I have ignored most of the discussions you guys be having because I was replying to Cursewords. I agree that Dazaralor is not really comparable to Teldrassil even if what we would consider war crimes were committed there.

I mean I have gotten in vicious argument/discussion with Allerya but I don’t necessarily hate them or think their presence is only enjoyable for mockery. I honestly don’t really hate any one on these forums. Okay, maybe just a little.


male human aggro noises

Idk about precisely.

The South had many evil policies beyond slavery. I am glad we saw the Confederacy ended before more of the South’s evil took hold. But if you read my first post in this thread, I agree with you, mostly. On a personal level. It was a good thing seeing rebels fail - in the case of the US Civil War.

Sherman’s March was justice against those rebels. Hopefully Sylvanas brings that same justice to the Rebel Scum she deals with.

Sheman’s march might have been fun to watch at the time.

Can I go?

There it is, the _human paladin_™, I knew you had it in you

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If you bother to read beyond a few sentences of people’s posts, you would know the thrust of my broader argument was my concern not that he slaughtered civilians, but that he did not press the advantage and end the war quickly with a decisive, devastating battle.

Your initial complaint was with my phrasing of his slaughter of civilians, which I elaborated upon and amended, giving concession to portions of your argument for the sake of mutual understanding, which you rejected through your callousness and impatience.

You’re welcome to read it again if you forgot anything.

I’m probably going to regret going so hard on this thread in the morning, but for right now Allerya and their arguing style is exactly why SF threads descend into such frustrating idiocy for all parties involved. No willingness to actually engage with opinions, arrogance for ****ing days, ad hominem when it’s convenient, then whining about it when it’s not.

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I mean, idk what is much more evil than slavery… and when you speak of “economic incentives” slavery was the very very big one because it was the source of their wealth and power.

I loathe violence so I can’t go there. But yes, confederates and slave owners got what they deserved.

Sure, but don’t hate the player hate the game baby!

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Andiun wants to fight a war without actually fighting it.
Every 5 minutes he is constantly choking back tears why the Horde is forcing him to kill Horde.

If he was proactive like Varian Dazaralor would either be a crater or completely conquered.

I said Sheman on purpose that time :sob:

I think it would have been cool to see the hypothetical Sheman I helped create in this thread with Vozul fight against the South. Boy howdy, the South losing a battle to Sheman would have been historical.

It could be like Wonder Woman in WWI. Maybe in a CoT Dungeon. Crowomyn can be our guide!

I’ve heard there are places that don’t conform to such a paradigm.

I’ve also heard that the Japanese emperor inherits some of his alleles from the sun.


Well, I heard that you settled down, that you found a girl and you’re married now.


Well you, araignée douce, can take your little birds and use their plucked beaks to shave that thing you call a beard <3

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… I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited

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<3 The date’s June 15


Slowly crawls out of my cave

…Is she gone?