Clearly you failed to read the following as I clearly provided actual warcraft lore based evidence which makes it very clear that Forsaken is actually used as a racial identifier in warcraft as well as it also being an identifier used for a faction.
LORE says I am right about it being a Race and you’re wrong with your abrupt statements which lack obviously lack any evidence to back them up because the actual lore proves that you’re wrong yet again and yet you still respond with responses that are a waste of time and forum space because they only reiterate something which has been shown to be incorrect through lore based evidence. It doesn’t matter how many times try to stuff a square peg in a round hole it doesn’t fit because it the wrong peg and honestly it is like you trying to smash that square peg over and over thinking that at some point it might actually fit in that round hole.
Accept you’re wrong and learn from it then move on maybe by taking some time to go read some of the actual warcraft lore that is derived outside the game.
Okay it’s back to the factual and established lore we go to prove my point…
Darkfallen is a race that is established now as part of the LORE all of which are undead elves whose bodies are all magically resistant to decay as a result of the process in which they are created this is the aspect which identifies them as Darkfallen. This is the identifier that separates what is classified as Darkfallen versus those that aren’t i.e. not all undead elves are Darkfallen however, all Darkfallen are Undead Elves which obtain a magical resistance to the decay which is associated with other undead.
So this means that the only instances currently they we have undead that are part of the Darkfallen race is the following three only:
The Dark Rangers of the Forsaken
The Vampiric San’layn of the Scourge
Death Knights of the Ebon Blade
In terms of some lore which sets this in stone we can use the following that is outlined within the World of Warcraft: Sylvanus Novel
- On Page 184. it mentions that Dark Rangers of the forsaken, Vampiric San’layn of the Scourge and those Death Knights of the Ebon Blade who are risen elves are all instances of the undead race called Darkfallen. (Yes this book says Darkfallen is a race and it further goes on to identify those who are members of this race)
- On Page 192. It explains the distinction and identifies why these previously listed as members of the Darkfallen race and what it is that makes them part of the Darkfallen race. It explains how Dark rangers’ bodies, are like those of death knights’, as in each case they are magically resistant to decay of the undead which is a result of the of the methods used during the process in which they are raised as an undead.
Once again sorry but lore clarifies the fact the Nightfallen as both a faction and a RACE so yet again we have this instance where you are posting statements that have one small aspect that is correct even though you have yet to provide any actual lore to backup your claims. You then go on to make additional statements that are grossly incorrect and try to pass them off as if they are correct all the while providing zero actual evidence to backup what your saying.
Either way this is a case where you quite clearly don’t know the information that has been established as part of the warcraft lore. Instead it is like you’re making bold statements that you provide zero evidence to backup your own glorified assumptions you are proclaiming. I am wondering if it is some type of attempt to make yourself falsely appear like you are some lore knowledge connoisseur to those on the forums who don’t know better.
Now where is the lore that makes me right and your statements incorrect it is clearly outlined in the Warcraft Wiki page for the Nightfallen and provides the various reasons why it is considered a Race there is another separate page that is used to discuss Nightfallen as a faction. So once again the correct answer is Nightfallen is actually both a race and a faction that has been established as part of the actual lore you know the stuff that is actually correct and not a glorified assumption that is based on my own perspective which is what you seem to do quite often. The Lore can’t be argued with as it is the established facts…
I could go on to do this for so many other situations to proof my point and even include further facts that have been established as part of the lore from sources that are external to the actual game such as warcraft novels, books and various other certified sources that equate to it becoming part of the warcraft lore. However, I think I have made my point that I can backup what I am saying with evidence from the actual lore itself you on the other hand are still yet to actually provide any lore to backup the false statements or the abrupt one liners you respond with trying to make it look like you are right and know what you’re talking about when clearly you don’t and aren’t able to backup the incorrect responses that you time and again repeat over and over.