Modern Death Knight character customizations

…No ----?

Yet you’re going to expect that a ‘shadowy cabal’ led by vampyr could never be remotely exclusionary in what forms of undead they consider superior?

Yes. An Orc can hold the same beliefs as the Scarlet Crusade which is primarily against the undead. The Scarlet Crusade now allowing an Orc join because they are an Orc is racism.

They were literally a racist sect. Dwarves were tolerated. Elves and gnomes were not. Orcs were considered worse than undead if only because they considered undeath an affliction but orc a nature.

…How did you miss this part of lore?

Or is it just another willful attempt to ignore what’s actually established in favor of some wonky ad hominem?

So what is your point? The San’layn aren’t the Scarlet Crusade. They are a race.

Oh and quit the crap. There were no adhom attacks. Quit whining.

Neither one is a race.

San’layn literally means “The Sanguine/Crimson/Scarlet (Blood-colored) Path/Way.” Sound familiar?

Not all Undead Vampyr, Elves or Vrykul, are part of the San’layn, just as not all humans are part of the Scarlet Crusade.

They’re both sects.

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The San’layn arent a sect. They are a race. Were Darkfallen a sect or a race before they changed it to what it is now?

Chris Metzen could gently hold kellistes hand and calmly explain why she’s wrong, and she’d tell him that he is.


Metzen only just recently came back because the writers that they had were bad. He isnt going to defend them, in fact they apologized for the poor writing.

And the Metzen would gently take Kelliste hand, his voice gruff but gentle in that loving fatherly tone he spoke with, and the tender words from god he spoke were: “My dear. Thrall is an orc.”
The Kelliste gasped in shock and horror, as how could a man get the lore so wrong? Her lips part and the torrent of incoherent sounds that tumbled forth raked against the mind like nails on a chalkboard. “Thrall is not an orc! He has Never been an Orc! In fact-” Her rambling would continue on an on, leaving one to wonder what manner of creature could so utterly fail to form any coherent thought?

Anyway that’s going to be the start of my KellsiteXMetzen debate slashfic…


You guys need help. I would have said “duh”.

Small minds talk about people, big minds talk about ideas. What are you guys doing here? Talking about people. Get bent.

Maybe I don’t want to share my ideas with you anymore because all you say is “Nope. Nuh uh. Can’t happen.” and offer nothing constructive in return.

Don’t see you proposing many ideas either.


Wow, nice reading you got there. I didn’t say propose ideas, I said talk about them.

You don’t even talk about them. You just see opportunities to attack me whenever you can. You posts are worthless clout chasing nonsense to be in the “in crowd” that just bashes on people.

I’ve also proposed quite a bit but your little "anti-kelliste"hate group never reads anything then makes claims that are just bold faced lies.

You have no ideas.

I’m not part of any group. And I don’t post for clout. if I did I’d post more often.

If you actually saw my post history, you’d see very little of it is engaging with you. But over the past year-ish your increase in paranoia has become utterly inane that you engage everyone in bad faith and I am sick and done with it.

It’s not some conspiracy that everyone on the forums is out to get it’s that you act so unlikable.
You’ve had some good and interesting ideas in the past but nowadays you act like a crazy cat lady up an apple tree wearing a tinfoil hat screaming about how everyone is coming to steal your lemons.


You absolutely post for clout lol.

I really dont care if i am unliked, if i wanted to be i would just do what you do. You guys dont like that i dont agree with your absolute nonsense and you think that gives you free reign to post stupid stuff like

You are a bad person through and through.

Because you guys do stupid clout chasing posts like i have linked. Or say stuff that is blatantly wrong like Bolvar is still the Lich King and tell me to go look in game and it very clearly says he isnt.

You guys are wrong, and just bad people. You specifically.

I attack less people than you and you’re calling ME bad?

I think I need to correct myself, you don’t just argue in bad faith, you’re completely delusional.

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Yes, you are a bad person. You came in here and started this whole thing. How delusional can you be dude?

I also dont attack people because you guys would swarm like piranhas smelling blood in the water. I’ve seen your guys little mass flag campaigns fail time and time again. Your side has also threatened violence, stooped so low to create a youtube account acting as me, sent me mail in game, you guys have gotten threads locked and blamed me for it because you are the bad ones and here you are again trying to insult my intelligence while acting like you havent done anything wrong.

So yes, you are a bad person. Prove me wrong.


another direct insult

Maybe look at your actions before blaming others. Being liked by people doing what you are doing isnt a good thing. Just shows the absolute degenerate state this game is and the type of person it attracts.

So I say again, get bent you bully.

If you don’t want me describing your unhinged behaviour as crazy. Don’t act so unhinged.
If you call describing your behaviour as an insult … I don’t know what to say.

And as I said. I’m not on a side. I’ve threatened no violence. No impersonation, certainly not tried to make any contact with you in-game and have not ever condoned any such actions.

Sorry but it’s not some little “Hate Kelliste Club” we’re all in on. it’s that you piss off almost everyone you interact with. And they react to varying degrees of severity to it. Like I said, if you didn’t act so unlikable you wouldn’t have this problem.

And if you can’t take a joke, albeit one at your expense, that is clearly meant in a 1,000% not serious fashion. I dunno what to tell you other than you probably wanna get of the internet and not engage people as there are going to be people that do it in far more offensive manners than I do.

Being a bully means I would have to actively engage and harass you. And I try to have as minimal contact with you as possible.

Yeah I’m harsher now than back when I had first started engaging here. But that’s cuz as I said I have gotten sick of your scheiße.

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Then dont attack people and be surprised the snap back.

you are

bet there is

if i dissagree with bad ideas and you get pissed then that is your own problem.

like i care

you lot snap at each other constantly lol, Its also not my fault you cant be a decent human being.

where is the joke? what you put was just an insult, no punch line or anything, just a perfect example of an insult

im not the problem here, your poor attempt at gaslighting is laughable. You ARE the problem.

you do.

but you want to talk about me to other people. just like you did here. the more you keep on the more its clear you are trying to justify your own poor behavior and its pretty sick.

more of you just trying to justify you being a bad person lol. It keeps piling on the more you try to make yourself look good

Actually that is incorrect and I have explained what it actually is and provided actual lore references to back it up but to clear this up once and for all I will provide some lore for clarity.

Forsaken - is actually something that is both a Race and a Faction. It is important to understand timelines and what transpired over the warcraft lore timelines; as it initially started as a Race and then later it was then also used for a Faction. However, it never stopped being a race and it remains as one even now. The term Forsaken was initially used as means by various Humans to identify and differentiate those Undead who clearly were very different to those from the Scourge as they clearly remembered who they were before becoming undead. Additionally it was also very clear that these Undead had a level of self identity and free will which is something that the Scourge clearly didn’t have . Hence, the basis that originally the term Forsaken started as a Race.
It only later became a Faction through the events that lead up to the creation/formation of Undercity which became a beacon that meant that it became a home to a variety of undead racial types due to the foundations that was laid out as part of the formation of Undercity it became a safe haven for not just those Undead Humans from Tirisfal Glade but others for all over Azeroth.

Okay clearly you acknowledge that Forsaken is a Faction in World of Warcraft. However, it seems that it’s the point that it is actually also a Race as well, I posted this in another thread but as it’s relevant I will reiterate it to resolve this and make it very clear that Forsaken is both actually a Race and a Faction in World of Warcraft so here is two examples that provide the evidence that Forsaken is a Race:

  • In chapter 10 of the Warcraft Novel Stormrage it has passages that refer directly to a race of undead called the Forsaken - Note this book clearly states Race called Forsaken
  • In the World of Warcraft: Ultimate Visual Guide which is an official Warcraft timeline book of events, locations, and characters that have made up the game since its release making this book a solid LORE reference point. On page 17 of this book they have the Warcraft Race known as Forsaken Undead depicted and it’s captioned as this directly. - So once again we have the a lore book saying Forsaken is a Race.

San’layn is as you mentioned actually a Sect that even has identifiable ranks much like any military group and it does have as you mentioned a variety of races both living and undead within its ranks.
However while San’layn isn’t a race the same ins’t true for Darkfallen as this is actually a term that was initially used as a racial identifier in much the same way that the term Forsaken was used. It initially was used as a racial label for a group of specific Undead Blood Elves however, in much of the same way that Forsaken evolved to become a faction as well, it is clear that Darkfallen is evolving as well so that while it is a race it is becoming a faction as well as undead elves from other elven races begin to identify themselves as part of this new elven faction.
We have seen this situation like this happen previously for elves and it even has an almost identical background in how it initially was a race that over time evolved to become a faction as well and this is the Nightfallen. Just like Darkfallen was used to initially indentify a specific group of Undead Blood Elves. So we have a race established in lore called the Nightfallen who outcast nightborne elves that have been cut off from the nourishment of the Nightwell due to being exiled from Suramar City and have begun to wither into a state of withdrawal. Additionally we have seen the establishment of a faction called NightFallen as the the common name used for the Dusk Lily Rebels.
What I am pointing out here is that we do have actual lore that backups this concept that these actually start out initially as a term used to identify a specific racial group that are different and unique so much so that they essentially are a different race to others.

So just to summarize each of the following are both a Race and a Faction and it outlined as such in the lore of Warcraft.

  1. Forsaken
  2. Darkfallen
  3. Nightfallen

Hopefully that clears this up once and for all for everyone as it’s the LORE

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Forsaken is a faction

Darkfallen were the San’layn until the term was changed and San’layn took its place. So if Darkfallen was a racial identifier then San’layn is now.

Darkfallen isnt a faction, it means undead elf and these elves are a part of different factions. Some in the alliance, some horde and elsewhere.

Just stop, this is a problem. They arent identifying themselves as an undead elf, they either are or they arent.

The Nightfallen are a faction. They were no longer a part of the elves they broke away from even though they are the same race. Nightfallen isnt a race either. Nightborne is the race.

Using the lore improperly isnt in your favor. You just spent 10 paragraphs butchering the lore even further getting things wrong entirely to try to further your point.