Modern Death Knight character customizations

It would be really nice if Death Knights got the same number of options as Demon Hunters and Evokers, since these are the only three classes that have special selections for their chosen race model. The easiest start could be to add more eye colors, like red and green, to add to the spec fantasy.

The old zombie skin colors as well could be reworked and expanded upon too with the addition of the ‘dark ranger’ skin & eye color that the elf races got.

The class / race of Death Knight seems a little outdated with their customizations compared to the new two hero classes. It would be a really nice refresh to modernize the effects and models of the game’s first hero class.


Death Knights have blue eyes. Its like saying DH should have different eye colors when their eyes are fel green for a reason.

Its very limited for what customization the DK can have. We could get runic tattoos.


We need more options for eyes. C’mon Blizzard is not that hard to do it :joy:


Spec colored Death and Decay!


What I want to know is what would people want the DK lore to change to to be able to have different eye colors because thats the only way we are getting different color anything really.


Bro. This is World of Warcraft, we have furries now. What year are you at? 2009?

Just give us red eyes like in the Blood Spec art :rofl:.


It won’t break any lore really since there are so many Death Knight NPCs in game already with either no glowing eyes at all (ex. Lord Thorval, Thassarian, Whitemane) and even red eyes like the dark rangers (ex. Lady Alistra). The examples I gave are all located in the DK order all, that’s where I noticed that not all have a blue glow.

Also some human DK NPCs have markings like the night elf one, which looks really cool.


Those “furries” are within the lore.

This has been explained about 1000 times already. Each one of those has a face scar and the glowing eyes dont work in game with that.

The only one and he has done literally 0 combat, and shes probably not even a death knight.

All which have been explained as a game limitation or not even a DK.

So, yeah, it will break the lore to where you have to come up with new lore to explain the eye color shift. This has been explained with the Blood Elves. They had Fel Green and gained access to golden due to the Sunwell being cleansed.

So what would the lore reasoning be for this color shifting that doesnt just completely crap all over the initial lore?

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She is a Death Knight trainer in the order hall, so it is canon with in game evidence as well. Also, you should go and look at the Blood spec talent tree art because the character used clearly has red eyes.

Like you said, depending on the magic use the eyes change. So if a Blood Death Knight uses blood magic then their eyes will shift as a result right? None of this is game breaking at all.


Again with the World of Warcraft Lore argument? How do I tell you this…
Lore is the only thing less meaningful than PvP in this game, unfortunately.

PS: I mean, for Blizzard. The company doesn’t care about these thing as much.
That’s why to understand lore you need to BUY books lmao. WoW is the worst in telling its own story in game.


Yea I remember one of the lore characters that was captured by the scarlett crusade had them during the Arthas Lich King DK compain. Would be nice to have.


That would be really cool I agree, maybe new updated versions of the dead skin colors too?

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Yes, she was a DK trainer, that doesnt make you a Death Knight however. We had a Lich as a DK trainer as well.

Ive seen the art for Blood… what about it? I guess Frostwyrms are DK’s if that is the standard. Look at the Frost tree art.

No, thats not what I said and thats not how it works.


Its lore breaking absolutely.

Yes. Whats the problem with wanting a coherent game that makes sense when it comes to lore?

Blizzard does care about lore, with all the books they have written and so on the lore of the game is important to the majority of people.

Koltira. Could have that, skin options like more decay.

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Woah, I think you’re in the wrong game forum bro.
This is not FFXIV :joy:


Appearance is important but let’s make death knight a class people actually want to play first before we get into appearance options. They need a serious rework.


I know DK players dont give a damn about almost anything other than what they want and having an echo chamber with people that also think they way they do.

There is a story here, there is lore, there are books and on and on. The writing now sucks, but that doesnt mean you throw the baby out with the bath water. You just get rid of the dirty water.

Death Knights have blue eyes for a reason, and its not “frost magic”.

Maybe try not playing an MMORPG if you dont want to have a story aspect that the game has to adhere to.


What are u talking about, are u ok?

Not my fault that the story is bad rn. I don’t care about it cause is bad lol.
I play for the gameplay, like the majority of wow players…

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What do you mean what am I talking about? You are doing the thing right now. “Who cares about lore gimmie!” is exactly what you are doing.

It isnt, but again, just because these new writers suck doesnt mean you just ruin everything.

Then why are you playing because people hate the DK gameplay and im pretty sure ive seen you talking about how bad it is.

Dont ruin what other people enjoy now for something you will get sick of in a week.


Sure but my main is blood.
You’re just salty rn :joy:

Salty? No just think people should give a reason to change something thats not “just gimmie”.

Looks like the salty one is you since someone wants there to be a reason for red eyes which isnt reflected anywhere in the lore about DK’s and you just want it now.