Modern Death Knight character customizations

Dark Fallen are the specialized undead elf race that can become Death Knights, Banshees, and *Sanlayn (*Exclusively).

Death Knight specifically affects what they can do in combat.
Banshee specifically affects what they can do in combat.
Sanlayn specifically affects what they can do in combat.

Thank you for conceding that your old lore is outdated, retconned, and thusly incorrect.

Darkfallen are just undead elves, its an umbrella term.

What? Do you know how to read and comprehend what you are reading?

You arent accomplishing what you think you are, so you are either a troll, or one of the most out of touch people in the entire world.


What lore is outdated? The one that San’layn is the race and Darkfallen is the umbrella term for undead elf? How do you figure that?

You’re screaming into the wind.
I’ve already provided you the lore that retconned your intentionally ignorantly wrong retconned lore.



No, you are. Quite literally.

That is the outdated lore.

Again, San’layn was initially a title. All that changes as did the term darkfallen because neither were expanded upon and Sylvanas said that all elves that were undead are darkfallen, and the San’layn became the race of vampiric undead elves.

This isnt hard to understand but you are clearly having issues with it.

you literally invoked “i know you are but what am i”
this is the quality of your arguments when you’re soundly rebuffed and proven completely, factually, objectively 100% wrong.



No, just calling out the truth. You are quite literally going off the rails or just a massive troll and think hiding your profile prevents people from ignoring you.

No they aren’t that is totally incorrect The San’layn are a sect of vampiric darkfallen elves meaning that their race is DarkFallen Elf.

Once again you are wrong…
Some are a position of rank within the San’layn Sect and not a class whatsoever, any of these ranks could be any available class to the Darkfallen. i.e to really make this simple Commanders and Lieutenants are those positions of rank.

Additionally almost all of the rest aren’t classes either they are a TITLE given for members of specific classes…to spell this all out for you in full detail:

  • Deathblade isn’t a class it’s a title given to members of a specific class with in the San’layn sect and you know what class that is Death Knight

  • Tactician is also a title in the sect for a specific class That class being Rogue

  • Bloodbearer is a title within the sect which is for members of a specific class that are stationed at a specific location as well that location is the Temple City of En’kilah in Borean Tundra and their class is Death Knight

  • Archmage is also just a title given to members within the San’layn sect who are a specific class and of course that class is Mage

  • Noble once again is a title for members of a specific class… that being Warlock

So out of all those classes that you were so sure about you actually only managed to list only one that is actually a class…
Blood Knight is that class while Blood Knight is a title that was used by Blood Elves for their Paladins they aren’t paladins nor are they death knights due to their background they are a unique class within the San’layn sect ranks.

This isn’t totally correct either, San’layn from its inception has always been the name of a SECT and the reason it appears in titles is that it is showing they are members of the specific group in the same way that you have something like Knights of the Ebon Blade in a title it is providing the information for their guild, group, cult, or sect affiliations which means your statement is once again incorrect.

It seems you are quick to highlight others members forum posts where you call them out and say their post has incorrect information. However, you have a habit of providing responses with information that makes the whole situation worse because you expand and provide responses that are either totally incorrect, partially correct, and sometimes (rarely though) something that is correct.
When your errors are spelled out you don’t accept that you were wrong instead you spend your time flailing about trying to make yourself look better by responding to things with no value asking a person who has provided the information and details to explain things etc…
You want some Advice accept the fact that like everyone we all make mistakes and can be wrong and stop trying to make yourself look better by replying to posts and provide nothing of value to them…

Yes they are. Darkfallen just means undead. Undead isnt a race, its a state of being.

No im not now go away.

Iirc, technically San’layn is a sect within a race, though I suppose that gets to the semantics of whether one’s race changes the moment they change alliances, leaders, or popular guiding creeds or otherwise start going more nationalistic (High Elf → Blood Elf). Generally, though, their race would be categorized as the Darkfallen (which are at that point at least as phenotypically, genetically, and culturally distinct as High Elves are from Night Elves, even if they have pretty recent memory of being High Elves [just as, say, only a couple of generations of nobility prior would have had memories of being “Night Elves”]). Alternatively, they can be called the Vampyr (a condition that has entirely shifted their means of having progeny, needs as individuals, etc.)… or simply High Elves with vampirism.

Archmage, Nobles, etc., would be more akin to titles, just as Archmage, Prince, Marshall, etc., are among humans and non-vampiric elves. Just as you wouldn’t expect an Archmage not to be a magic-user of the arcane tradition in some sense or a Marshall to be incapable of joining the battle himself and commanding from near the front, there are associations, but calling them classes despite their being shared skillsets under different names seems a bit of a stretch.

The “Nobles” shown, for instance, generally having similarities to warlocks in terms of their toolkit/magical arts for reasons that shouldn’t be too elusive if/when considering how warlock pacts in the broader lore work with cursed bloodlines and/or artifacts or demonic forces (note that even the Scourge’s access to powers of undeath was sourced through the Burning Legion), but technically there’s nothing forcing class characteristics onto that title beyond their being of greater nobility than others, just as a Tactician need only one who can be relied on to come up with strategies, etc.

  • Though a Tactician will in turn tend towards skillsets that can rapidly gather, parse, and capitalize upon information without having to be in the thick of things, their appearing akin to Rogues is likely just to play off of existing/broader class taxonomy. If the game had any established “watches all the places simultaneously through magical mirrors” trope, then you’d as likely have seen things like that.
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Darkfallen are not a race. Its a state of being.

No it doesn’t…what is the FORSAKEN? oh yeah it’s a RACE of UNDEAD HUMANS…
SO UNDEAD ELVES are defined as a RACE called DARKFALLEN
This is fully documented in the LORE in addition it was documented in game so you really need to stop you’re just making it worse for yourself…

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Yes, it does. Darkfallen are just undead elves, its a state of being, not a race. Saying Darkfallen San’layn is the same as saying mammal human.

Its not just undead humans.

Just like your “Pelagos is the new LK” thing that isnt documented anywhere?

Darkfallen is not a race.

Seriously this is what you come back with…a reference to something that I stated as being something speculated tin foil hat stuff and try to say that I was implying it factual lore…Nope never did that but you just keep making yourself look more foolish each time you do this.

Once again you failed to provided a shred of credible evidence to support your statments about Darkfallen not being a race…
However, I on the other hand did actually state that there is a passage in one of Chronicles about Darkfallen and it actually has something in a paragraph like 'the race of Darkfallen’ and that one fact makes my point based from actual lore can you provide a shred of lore to backup what you have said…cause you still haven’t done it once…

I have called you out several times to provide lore to back up your statements and you have failed every single time. While I have provided various points of evidence from established lore throughout and yet you fail to actually counter any of it with evidence to backup your perspectives…
For example you just come back with responses like Its not just undead humans
Well sure Forsaken are undead humans but their race as documented throughout so much of the warcraft lore is Forsaken… To Further make the point hammer home…
Night Elves, Blood Elves, Void Elves and High Elves are all elves but they are each their own lore defined elven race in the same way that Forsaken and Darkfallen are races of undead…

So once again I have spelt this out through established lore and you on the other hand have tried say your fanfiction tin foil hat BS one line responses with zero context to back it up is correct…Sorry provide the evidence and lore to backup what you say because you haven’t done this at any point…
Don’t come back with stupid one liners with zero evidence or facts because your are once again proving my point that you haven’t got a clue and are just making stuff up yourself.
You also feel it’s okay to pick through other peoples theorycrafting that uses actual lore even though they have provided all the lore that backs up elements of what is being said while on the other hand coming out with statements and provide zero evidence to back it up and it’s time you did.

Provide the Lore along with the detailed and evidence that supports your replies cause as yet you have yet to do this whatsoever…

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Becoming Darkfallen (and especially, in subset, Vampyr) changes their genetic material, their physical bodies, their way of life, how they view themselves (to the point they soon consider themselves utterly foreign —a different species— to typical elves), and even whether and how they can reproduce. They cannot have children with non-Darkfallen elves and their physical needs and wants are different to the point of near-incompatibility.

Change “elves” to any type of lizard and you’d have an obviously different species, let alone the more nebulous concept of race. The latter, in any more fantastic setting, tends often instead towards a group of people with inherited or inheritable cultural traits and/or factors that would, in their context, cause one to form or act per those cultural traits.

In any sci-fi, if a group of a certain people were mutated to the point of being incompatible and unable to have children with other races, and of highly concentrated identity due to their unique and significant needs (e.g., drink blood or wither away)… they’d almost certainly be considered a new race, at least after some time has passed to create obvious cultural identifiers.

If an undead elf was still strolling around elven cities, getting along with everyone, but occasionally needing a blood bag, sure, they’d just be an elf with a peculiar mutution. When they have nothing in common with other elves beyond their vestigial fleshbags (themselves highly changed), though…

Not just humans. Elves, likely even dwarves, gnomes, etc., though that far up into NE Lordaeron it’d be mostly humans and elves who were killed, raised, and then incidentally lost (failed to be subsumed into the Scourge).

Apart from that, though…

Whether the Forsaken are a separate race or not is a bit ambiguous, too, only because it’s not a collective identity born of their context so much as a political-cultural reaction to their part (formerly) within the Scourge.

As with the “Blood Elves”, not all undead —even those freed from the Lich King’s control— joined that group and the Forsaken did not densely nor thoroughly differ from those other, shall we say… Free Undead.

  • Literally mutating yourself and your children from supping on Fel magic, especially if to the point of having different physical needs and consequent societal ones? Sure, that’d be a new race. Saying “---- the Alliance” and deciding to focus on a more autocratic nationalism to protect your own people and eventually rebuild your nation does not make a new race. Similarly, saying “We’re all [Free Undead] and our former people don’t want us back, so let’s make our own pseudo-nation” is a bit more arguable, but at least not immediately of a different race from any other [Free Undead].

Means the elf is undead. Thats it.

Duh. And night elves are different from Blood Elves and both can be Darkfallen. So 2 different races somehow become the same race despite being different just because someone used necromancy? Come on you have got to be kidding me.

This isnt sci-fi. But we can make it so humans can no longer have children with other humans, does that make those humans another species? No. The Undead cant even have offspring with each other because they are just unable to produce offspring.

Also, if you are going by physical changes equates to a new species or race, then the San’layn fall under that because they are vampiric and other Darkfallen arent.

They also arent a sect. If they were a sect then any undead could join them, but the same quest that calls them a sect, also says “what kind of creature is a san’layn”. Even the explanation doesnt actually describe a sect. If it is a sect then anyone should be able to join them. Are they a philosophical group or a political group? Do they have different beliefs than those of the larger group?

The answer is no. They ARE different. They have a curse where they hunger for blood making them different from a sect.

Not to mention the quest where they are said to be a sect was written by the people that couldnt put their name on a tax form properly. They have no consistency, no communication with each other and they cant even follow their own lore that they themselves have written. I mean they changed the arbiter in the game compared to what they said would happen if the arbiter would go down in the art book for Shadowlands.

So no, the San’layn arent a sect and the Darkfallen are not a race.

Again, Blood Elves are not a distinct race from High Elves any more than Separatists or Royalists would be innately racially distinct from Loyalists or Republicans even if they were at war and divided over geographical lines. They’re a group of High Elves, a sect, but not one so distinct as to be called its own race.

Wait, so Darkfallen are elves merely with a bad case of being dead but somehow not only do you miss the point that I said either Vampyr or Darkfallen could be considered a separate threshold —in terms of life- and culture-defining physical characteristics— by which to classify the Sanlayn but you call vampirism race-defining… while undeath is somehow not?

Try joining the Scarlet Crusade as an orc and see how that goes for you. Why would a prideful sect started by vampiric undead not likewise favor a certain characteristic or make it a condition of inclusion? Still, not all Azerothian undead vampyrs are San’layn (followers of The Crimson/Sanguine Path), just as not all High Elves are Blood Elves nor are all undead Forsaken. San’layn is not just a description of physical characteristics.

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Undeath is a general state of being with specific types (Vampyr, Ghouls, Zombies, Darkfallen, Death Knight, Forsaken, the list goes on) that can sometimes overlap in the case of Forsaken Death Knights. There is no “race of undead”, an undead’s race would be what they were in life (example – an undead Troll )These specific types all call themselves different things – such as in the case of the San’layn, who were a special type of Vampyr specifically raised by none other than Arthas himself.

San’layn are, as a type of undead, Darkfallen vampyr with additional powers granted to them by Arthas. They call themselves San’layn because that is their culture, a tarnished version of their living culture mixed in with the Scourge’s. They are a specific group of Darkfallen vampyr, an organization, what have you.

They arent a sect.

Thats not a sect, and we have a word for that, racism.